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estoma Co., Ltd. ESG Trend Report Introduction to Sustainability Promotion Business 2024 edition released by estoma for free

[estoma Co., Ltd.] [ESG Trend Report] Introduction to Sustainability Promotion Business 2024 edition released by estoma for free

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Press release: May 15, 2024
[ESG Trend Report] Estoma releases the 2024 edition of Sustainability Promotion Work for free
*Providing a report summarizing ESG disclosure trends and basic knowledge for new sustainability managers*
“estoma” (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Ito), which operates the world’s first ESG information integrated management cloud Soichiro (hereinafter referred to as estoma) has published an ESG trend report, “Introduction to Sustainability Promotion Operations,” which allows those newly in charge of sustainability promotion operations to catch up on the overall picture of sustainability promotion operations in a short time.
The 2024 edition has been released.
* ■ Background and overview *
At estoma, our mission is to make correct sustainability information disclosure take root in society, and we publish the latest trends regarding sustainability and ESG every month.

It’s already been a month since the start of the new fiscal year, and many companies have added new members and are working on
sustainability initiatives with new systems. However, in the rapidly changing field of sustainability, information from one year ago is often outdated. Many new employees may find it difficult to understand the overall picture due to the overwhelming amount of information.

This white paper looks back at the history of sustainability promotion, from how it became important to the latest trends, and provides an overview of the sustainability promotion work that is currently required.

Please feel free to use this site if you would like to review the overall picture of sustainability promotion work.
* ■ About reports *
In this report, based on estoma’s experience in supporting
sustainability information disclosure operations, we organize and explain the points that corporate managers who are just starting to learn about sustainability tend to have trouble with.
In “1. Significance of Sustainability Promotion Operations,” you will be able to understand the essential background behind the need for sustainability initiatives by explaining the impact that
sustainability has on corporate value.
In “2. What is sustainability promotion work?”, we will explain the information disclosure framework, including the latest trends, to help you understand the overall picture and priorities of sustainability promotion work, which tends to be talked about only about information disclosure. can.
* ■ Report available for free *
estoma makes these reports available free of charge in order to create an environment where many sustainability managers can gain correct knowledge and promote ESG disclosure. We hope that listed companies, investors, and the general public who are interested in ESG will be able to understand the latest trends and use this information to formulate future strategies.
This report can be downloaded from the estoma website. If you are interested, please download it from the homepage.
View details * ■ Related white papers*
– * [October 2023 Edition] Disclosure trends regarding ESG disclosure*
– * [ESG Trend Report] estoma releases research report on ESG trends in 2023*
– * [CSRD Response Report] Summary report of EU Sustainability Reporting Directive published*

– *CDP2023 presentation results analysis report released*

* [estome study session] “Introduction to sustainability promotion work (for newly appointed sustainers)” will be held! *
Monday, May 27, 2024 16:00-17:00
@We will be holding an estoma study session online to explain the overall picture of the latest sustainability promotion work. ■ Study session overview
* Date and time * Monday, May 27, 2024 16:00-17:00
* Venue * Online (URL will be shared by the management office after application is completed)
*Program* 16:00 ~ 16:05 estoma Company Information
16:05 ~ 16:45 Explanation of sustainability promotion work
16:45 ~ 17:00 Answers to preliminary questions and Q&A
■ Speakers
estoma Co., Ltd. Representative Director Soichiro Ito
Former KDDI Group Executive Officer and CTO. Engaged in the
construction and development of influencer marketing systems. In January 2022, he founded estoma to realize a sustainable society and began learning about ESG information disclosure himself. At estoma, he is in charge of development and consultant for ESG information integrated management cloud estoma.
Click here to apply for the study session

About estoma
estoma Co., Ltd. is a social venture company founded with the desire to “protect the rich global environment and humanity until 2100.” The world’s first ESG information integrated management cloud, estoma, handles all ESG disclosure initiatives, including “ESG learning,” “ESG disclosure framework compliance,” “external evaluation agency compliance,” “supplier management,” “ESG data collection/analysis, and CO2 accounting.” You can manage your information. Responding to all needs regarding ESG information disclosure,
By supporting efficient and effective disclosure, we aim to help all companies address ESG and realize an earth-friendly business structure.
■ Contact information
Company name: estoma Co., Ltd.
Company address: 1-11-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Pacific Century Place 13F
Year of establishment: January 2022
Service URL
Person in charge: Soichiro Ito
*About details about this release*

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