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Capterra Survey on work costs 1. 40% of office workers currently wish to work remotely or hybrid

[Capterra] [Survey on work costs 1.] 40% of office workers currently wish to work remotely or hybrid

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Press release: May 15, 2024
[Survey on work costs 1.] 40% of office workers currently prefer remote or hybrid work
*SaaS review platform Capterra recently conducted an attitude survey of 2,716 employees from 11 countries (245 from Japan) and compiled a summary of how employees think about working in the office, comparing it to the global average. *
This article is based on the article “What are the conditions for attractive office work? The actual situation in Japan, the country with the least desire for full remote work” published on the Capterra site.
This is an excerpt from
Go to the Capterra site to read the full study.
♦️Currently, Japan’s full attendance rate is 71%, much higher than the world average of 43%.
According to the results of this survey, the most common working style in Japan is “full attendance” at 71%, which is a very high percentage compared to the average of 43% in 11 countries around the world. On the other hand, only 1% of people work completely remotely, which is extremely low compared to the global average of 14%. Hybrid work is 22% in Japan, and the average for 11 countries around the world is 37%, indicating that the work style centered on coming to the office is still the mainstream in Japan.

* Key points of this article: *
1. 40% of office workers currently prefer remote or hybrid work 2. The reason remote work is preferred around the world is “improved work-life balance”
3. The number one benefit that leads to office work is “meal allowance” 1. 40% of office workers currently wish to work remotely or hybrid When we asked people who currently work in an office every day and people who work hybrid jobs about their preferred work style, we found that about 40% of people who currently work in an office would like to work remotely or hybridly. .
Captera “Work Cost Survey”: Preferred working arrangements of employees working in Japan
* Q. “If you could choose any work style, which one would you choose?” * Note: Only the responses of those surveyed who currently work in an office or hybrid work are listed. Totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

* Employees currently working in the office *
– Those who wish to come to work completely (60%)
– Desiring fully remote work (14%)
– Hybrid preference (26%)
*Employees currently working in hybrid*
– Those who wish to come to work completely (6%)
– Fully remote work preferred (30%)
– Hybrid preference (65%)
2. The reason why remote work is preferred around the world is “improved work-life balance”
When we asked people who wanted to go remote or hybrid for their reasons, the top three reasons were the same both in Japan and around the world. However, 44% of respondents around the world chose “Improve work-life balance,” indicating that more importance is being placed on the balance between work and private life.
Captera “Cost of Work Study”: Main reasons why employees want to work remotely * Q. “What is the main reason you want to work remotely, even if only partially?” *
Note: Questions were asked among those surveyed who responded that they would like to work remotely or hybridly. Only the top 3 items with the highest number of responses are excerpted and published. – Time saving Japan (27%), average of 11 countries around the world (19%) – Stress reduction Japan (25%), average of 11 countries around the world (13%)
– Improved work-life balance Japan (23%), average of 11 countries around the world (44%)
3. The number one benefit that leads to office work is “meal allowance” Next, we asked what companies can do to make employees want to work in the office. As a result, meal allowances and discounts, such as company meal services, were most cited.
Captera “Survey on the costs required for work”: Benefits that make office work more attractive
* Q. “If a company offered the following welfare programs and treatment to employees who work in the office, do you think they would be more likely to want to work in the office?” *
Note: Questions were asked among those surveyed who answered that they currently work in an office or hybrid work. Only the top three items according to the percentage of respondents who selected “I want to come to work more” are listed. Due to multiple answers, the total does not add up to 100%.
– Free meals or meal allowances (67%)
– Flexibility in working hours (59%)
– Allowance for commuters (57%)
* summary*
The survey found that 71% of people in Japan currently work fully in an office, which is very high compared to international standards, and that 40% of them actually prefer to work remotely or hybridly. . Each company has a different environment, so the first step in creating a comfortable work environment is to ask employees what their wishes are.

♦︎Capterra 2024 “Cost Survey for Work”:
What are the conditions for attractive office work? The actual situation in Japan, the country with the least desire for full remote control

Capterra’s “2024 Cost of Work Survey” was conducted by 2,716 respondents in March 2024.
(USA n=250, Canada n=250, Brazil n=244, Mexico n=245, UK n=248, France n=244, Italy n=250, Germany n=246, Spain n=246, Australia n=248 , Japan n=245)
was conducted online. The purpose of the survey is to determine the costs borne by employees when working remotely and in the office. The subjects were selected on the condition that they were employed by companies in each country, whether regular or non-regular.

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