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Miraiz strengthens start-up support by hiring first Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR)

Miraise LLC
Miraiz strengthens start-up support by hiring first
Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR)
Venture capital company MIRAISE (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Shinichi Iwata, hereinafter referred to as Miraise) will be hiring Mr. Michiyasu Matsui as a visiting entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as EIR, Entrepreneur In Residence*1) from May 2024. We would like to inform you that we have joined Miraiz. By hiring
Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIR), Miraiz will further strengthen its support system for the entrepreneurs in which it invests.
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Entrepreneurship support and team strengthening using EIR
By welcoming experienced global and startup professionals to our team as EIRs, Miraiz will strengthen the following:
We improve the accuracy of feedback to investee businesses based on specialized fields and global knowledge.
Improving the quality of mentoring for entrepreneurs
We will strengthen sourcing and due diligence
Miraiz was founded in 2018 by an engineer with experience in starting a business, and since its founding, we have built a peer learning system that is close to entrepreneurs. Specifically, we have MIRAISE HOUR, which incorporates the latest technology, Virtual Co-working Day, MIRAISE CLASS, a study group for entrepreneurs, and the 4C Entrepreneur Community. Through the adoption of EIR, we will further create opportunities for peer learning for entrepreneurs and strengthen our support system.
What is EIR?
EIR is an abbreviation for “Entrepreneur in Residence,” and it refers to a person aiming to start a business who works for a VC, business company, etc. for a certain period of time and aims to start a business while leveraging the network of the organization to which they belong (*1). EIR is considered to be a useful opportunity for individuals aiming to start a business, as they can consult with capitalists on business design before starting a business, and during the EIR activity period, they can concentrate on preparations for starting a business. *1: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Startup From the guidance for Profile of Michiyasu Matsui After graduating from university, he worked at Gojo & Company and Loco Partners before joining Google Japan. Engaged in a wide range of marketing and sales activities in the B2C industry. Independent in October 2023. For about seven years, I have been involved in global business in Japan, and I have long felt that a foreign friend of mine has had to overcome an inefficient and opaque process when working in Japan. We are confident that these issues can be solved through the power of technology, and are currently preparing a business. My hobbies are exploring nature and watching sports. Born in Aichi Prefecture. Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Policy Studies.
Comments on the appointment
■MIRAISE EIR / Michiyasu Matsui
I am very happy to have the opportunity to support entrepreneurs as an EIR, leveraging my experience in business development and digital marketing at startups and major technology companies. In societies where the population is decreasing, not just in Japan, we believe that labor shortages will naturally increase the diversity of the labor market. Leveraging technology is essential for people from diverse backgrounds to make the most of their talents. However, at present, we are not fully utilizing this potential, and I feel that there is a gap between what it should be and what it should be. At Miraiz, I will continue to verify businesses through our extensive network both domestically and internationally, and will do my best to use my experience to contribute to the success of entrepreneurs’ businesses. ■MIRAISE Representative Partner & CEO / Shinichi Iwata
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Many major overseas venture capital firms have introduced an EIR system. The same goes for ATOMICO, a European VC with which I previously worked as a partner, and during my time there I worked with EIR. EIRs work with venture capitalists to support VC operations while preparing to start a business. Working with EIRs allows me to bring in the perspective of active entrepreneurs when evaluating investment deals. I also had the opportunity to hear from people on a daily basis what a “good VC” is for entrepreneurs. On the other hand, as an EIR, understanding the VC’s way of thinking is a strength when raising funds. It will also help you earn income during the period when you quit your job and prepare to start your own business. I have known Mr. Matsui since my university days when he supported my investment work as an intern at ATOMICO. By participating as an EIR, we can officially support his startup as a VC. I also have high hopes that he will be able to utilize his perspective as an entrepreneur in support and sourcing of Mireis’ investees.
■Recruiting associates
Mirei’s is currently recruiting associates. If you are interested, please contact us.■You can download this press release (PDF) here.

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