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Asahi Kasei selected as a “DX Brand” for 4th consecutive year

Asahi Kasei Corporation
Asahi Kasei selected as a “DX Brand” for 4th consecutive year ……
Asahi Kasei Corporation (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Koshiro Kudo, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is a digital Selected as a 2024 Formation Stock (hereinafter referred to as DX Stock). This is the fourth consecutive year that we have been selected from 2021.
In our medium-term management plan 2024 ~Be a Trailblazer~, our group has set “digital transformation (DX)” as one of the key themes we are working on to strengthen our business foundation, and we are working on various aspects such as development, manufacturing, and marketing. We have been progressing with DX. In this selection, the company was highly evaluated for improving its competitive advantage through digital technology, taking on the challenge of business transformation, and reforming its organizational culture through human resource development.
Comments from Noriaki Harada, Senior Executive Officer and Head of Digital Co-Creation Headquarters
[Image 1:×1280.jpg] Our group is accelerating the promotion of DX in order to make maximum use of the diverse intangible assets that are the source of growth. We are very happy to have been selected as a DX stock again this year due to these efforts. In the future, in addition to evolving and deepening DX, we will move to a stage where we can demonstrate our true value. We will hone our strengths in diversity and innovation, as well as intangible assets such as scientific capabilities, and continue to approach the realization of the digital normal with a style of “all participation, field leadership, and co-creation.” Masu. While maximizing the power of digital, we aim to connect across
organizations, companies, countries, and cultures, increase corporate value, and contribute to society.
Initiatives from 2023 onwards
Improving productivity and business innovation by utilizing generative AI
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Our company issued generative AI usage guidelines for employees in May 2023, allowing them to use generative AI for work as soon as possible. Furthermore, we are actively promoting its use by implementing system implementation and human resource development centered on the dedicated organization “Generative AI/Language Analysis Unit.” In one department, the paper audit response process will be made more efficient using generative AI, increasing response accuracy and expected to save about 1,820 hours per year. In addition, we are implementing the system in a variety of other businesses and departments, including passing on skills in the engineering department and customer proposals in the housing business.
Utilizing materials informatics (MI) beyond organizational boundaries
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We are promoting its use not only in the materials field but also in the healthcare field.In the development of the virus removal filter “PlanovaTM S20N”, we discovered the optimal manufacturing process conditions by applying MI, resulting in a throughput that is more than twice that of conventional products. We succeeded in significantly improving performance.
In addition, we aim to develop innovative products that cannot be achieved by individual companies, such as “co-creative MI,” which uses secure computation to collaborate and analyze data with other companies while keeping each other’s data secret. We are working on initiatives that go beyond the walls of the world.
From fiscal 2024, we will accelerate the creation of new value through DX throughout the group as part of the “digital normal period” in which all employees will work with a digital mindset.
Click here for more information on our DX initiatives.
Materials and videos of the 2023 DX strategy briefing session
About our digital transformation
About DX stocks
DX stocks are created by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the Information-technology Promotion Agency, which select companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange to create internal mechanisms to promote DX that will lead to increased corporate value. This is to select companies that have built a strong track record of digital utilization.

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