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Home » Overcoming the crisis in logistics sustainability | “Seminar to thoroughly clarify center fees in the retail i ndustry – The optimal center fee in an era of soaring prices” will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Overcoming the crisis in logistics sustainability | “Seminar to thoroughly clarify center fees in the retail i ndustry – The optimal center fee in an era of soaring prices” will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Overcoming the crisis in logistics sustainability | “Retail industry center fee thorough elucidation seminar”
~The optimal center fee in an era of soaring prices~” will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

*View in browser* *Funai Souken Logistics, a logistics consulting company*
Press release: May 31, 2024
Overcoming the crisis in logistics sustainability | “Retail industry center fee thorough elucidation seminar”
~The optimal center fee in an era of soaring prices~” will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
Japan’s largest logistics consulting firm
Funai Souken Logi Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka,
Representative: Naoyuki Hashimoto, hereinafter referred to as “Funai Souken Logi”) will be open for retail business on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, from 13:30 to 15:00.
A seminar aimed at section managers and above and those working in retail business planning departments: “Seminar to thoroughly clarify center fees in the retail industry.”
~The optimal center fee in an era of soaring prices~” will be held online. Click here for seminar details≫

Ideas for optimizing and maintaining center fees

*Recommended for the following companies/persons*
– Logistics staff at retail businesses that have adopted the center fee system
– About retail logistics costs* I want to organize my thinking, but I don’t know where to start* I’m going to start reviewing center fees* I’m already working on revising the center fee, but *it hasn’t led to the results I expected*
I don’t know how the 2024 problem will affect my company’s logistics. I’m worried about the sustainability of my company’s logistics.

Last year in 2023, due to various external factors * “price rise” * It was probably a year of change for Japan, which had been suffering from deflation for a long time. On the other hand, if we look at the rate of increase in wages and consumption,*
There are situations in which the economy is not necessarily able to keep up with the rise in prices*. Among our consulting support, we offer “*
It was also a year in which I often heard people say that the increase in profits due to price increases is compensating for the drop in consumption*.

In some ways, these price increases have significantly distorted the traditional system. This has supported many retail businesses for many years*
How to consider logistics costs using the “center fee method”* is. Now, due to the rapid rise in prices, the balance between the quantity of products passing through distribution centers and the distribution costs paid is distorted, the cost of goods is rising, the content of logistics operations changes according to the market, and the payment is made at a fixed rate. *
There is a distortion in the balance of logistics costs*.

Also, *looks a little further into the future*
Let’s turn to. In addition to immediate price increases, industry structure changes due to the meltdown of business formats such as drug stores becoming supermarkets, consumption trends due to population decline, rising personnel costs for workers at distribution centers, and the 2024 logistics problem. Such,*
The sustainability of logistics, which is the lifeline of the retail industry, is at risk*.

In this seminar, we will organize the external environment and structure surrounding the center fee system adopted by many retail businesses, and*
I would like to share with you my thoughts on the optimal center fee going forward*.
Click here for seminar details≫

Ideas for optimizing and maintaining center fees
Course content
◆First course
*What is happening to retail logistics due to rising prices* The recent rise in prices has strained the logistics structure that has supported the retail industry for many years. In this course, we will explain how such adverse effects are affecting the retail industry and outsourcing companies.

◆Second course
* Retail distribution center operating cost structure*
We will dismantle what kind of cost structure a distribution center is based on and how it is connected to the final “rate” output.

◆Third course
*Focus on center fee optimization*
As the boundaries between business formats in the retail industry are disappearing, such as drug stores becoming supermarkets and
supermarkets expanding into convenience stores, the logistics industry is also undergoing structural changes such as the 2024 problem and rising costs, including labor and fuel costs. I would like to explain how you should think about center fees going forward.
Click here for seminar details≫

Ideas for optimizing and maintaining center fees

Event overview
Date: June 5, 2024 (Wednesday) 13:30-15:00
*Reception starts from 13:15
Click here for seminar details≫

Ideas for optimizing and maintaining center fees
Company introduction
Funai Souken Logistics Co., Ltd. is one of Japan’s largest
comprehensive logistics consulting companies that builds advanced logistics systems, including planning logistics strategies, improving warehouse sites, and reducing logistics costs. We also operate the Logistics Leadership Salon, an information exchange community where logistics managers and personnel from shipper companies
(manufacturing, wholesale, and retail) gather.
* Company Profile *
Company name: Funai Soken Logi Co., Ltd.
Osaka Head Office: Funai Soken Osaka Head Office Building, 4-4-10 Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka 541-0041
Tokyo Head Office: 2-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028
Tokyo Midtown Yaesu Yaesu Central Tower 35th floor
Representative: Representative Director Naoyuki Hashimoto
Established: May 10, 2000
Capital: 98 million yen
TEL: 03-4223-3163
MAIL: **
WEB: * *

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