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Best-selling monthly money magazine “Diamond ZAi”

Diamond Co., Ltd.
-Notice of appointment of new editor-in-chief – Best-selling monthly money magazine “Diamond ZAi”
We would like to announce that Kumiko Kumagai has been appointed as the new editor-in-chief of the monthly money magazine “Diamond ZAi” published by Diamond Co., Ltd. (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo), effective June 1, 2024. Masu.
[Image 1:×140.jpg] ◆Greetings from the new editor-in-chief The new NISA will begin in 2024, and personal asset management has become increasingly popular. Even though the pension you receive is decreasing, we are living in an era of 100-year lifespans. In addition, rising prices, which have just begun, are also a threat. We live in an era where everyone has to face money honestly and think for themselves. “Diamond ZAi” deals with a wide range of money-related genres, including not only “stocks” but also “investment trusts,” “savings,” “tax savings,” and “money planning for retirement and life.” We aim to create an
easy-to-understand magazine that people who want to think about money or start investing can pick up for the first time. We also want to continue to be a reliable money magazine that provides information that even experienced users can satisfy without bias. ◆Kumiko Kumagai Biography
[Image 2:×1036.png ]
Graduated from Rikkyo University in 1999. Participated in Diamond ZAi since its launch in 2000. Joined Diamond Company in 2006. Deputy editor since 2015. In addition to “Diamond ZAi,” there is also a separate volume “Diamond Stocks” Data Book, which contains extremely spicy diagnoses of popular stocks, which has become a regular feature of Diamond ZAi, and “Diamond money!”, a money magazine for seniors. (integration with Zai) etc. He is also responsible for books such as “50 traps and 50 truths about investment trusts created by Zai, the best-selling monthly money magazine” and “Introduction to the new NISA created by Zai, the best-selling monthly money magazine.” Certified analyst by the Japan Securities Analysts Association. ◆“Diamond ZAi” first published in March 2000. Circulation: 180,000 copies. A monthly magazine that boasts the No. 1 market share among money magazines. (*) We keep an eye out for a variety of financial information, including stocks, investment trusts, FX, and real estate investment, and introduce a wealth of money information in an easy-to-understand and fun magazine. Released on the 21st of every month.
[Image 3:×794.jpg] *“No. 1 in sales in Money magazine [monthly]” (accumulation period: March 2023 to February 2024, alphabetical order) Kinokuniya Bookstore Monthly magazine No. 1 in commerce, management, economics genre Kumazawa Shoten Monthly Magazine: Business, 1st place in
stock/investment management genre TSUTAYA Monthly magazine: Business, 1st place in stock/investment management genre (research from March 2023 to February 2024) Miraiya Shoten Monthly magazine: Business, 1st place in stock/investment management genre *In the release
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