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Kirin Kirin Group “Integrated Report 2024” released

Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.
Kirin Group “Integrated Report 2024” released
~Communicate the progress of CSV management in an easy-to-understand manner by strengthening the story in line with the value creation model~
Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd. (President and COO Kenji Minakata) will publish the PDF version of “Integrated Report 2024”
( on May 31, 2024 ( Published on Friday).
In the long-term management plan “Kirin Group Vision 2027 (KV2027)” announced in 2019, the Kirin Group aims to “create value in fields ranging from food to medicine and become a leading CSV company in the world.” Kirin Group’s 2022-2024 Medium-Term Management Plan
(hereinafter referred to as the 2022 Medium-term Plan) aims to 1. increase profits in the food field, 2. strengthen the global foundation of the medical field, and 3. scale the health science field. We are building our strategy around three things: expansion. In “Integrated Report 2024,” we describe how our group is working toward value creation in the fields of “food,” “medicine,” and “health science,” leveraging the strengths of fermentation and biotechnology cultivated in our original beer business. We will explain this based on our value creation model*. In particular, this year, we have strengthened the narrative by integrating financial and non-financial information in order to more clearly communicate that our group will steadily implement the strategies set forth in the 2022 Medium-Term Management Plan and realize value creation. I have created a PDF version. Through the publication of this report, we aim to deepen our dialogue with stakeholders and further improve our corporate value. Through manufacturing that focuses on nature and people, the Kirin Group spreads new joy in “food and health” and contributes to the realization of a spiritually enriching society.
*The Kirin Group aims to solve social issues through its business activities and create economic value as well as social value. The Kirin Group’s value creation model is a sustainable system that amplifies these two values ​​through a cycle of reinvesting the economic value obtained into organizational capabilities.
[Overview of Kirin Group “Integrated Report 2024”]
1. Main contents (partial excerpt)
■Top message
・CEO message
・COO message
■Kirin Group Overview
・Introduction to the Kirin Group’s business overview, history, CSV management, etc., which has expanded its business fields into “food,” “medicine,” and “health science” based on fermentation and
・Message from the officer in charge of CSV strategy
・CFO message
■Value creation story based on value creation model
・Kirin Group’s four organizational capabilities are the foundation for creating innovation (diverse human resources and a culture of taking on challenges;
technological capabilities that create value, customer-oriented marketing capabilities, and ICT that accelerates value creation) BUSINESS
・Businesses in the fields of “food,” “medicine,” and “health science” that utilize social issues as growth opportunities and leverage synergies.
・Financial goals/Non-financial goals
・Examples of creating value that is returned to society (health, environment, community, responsibility as an alcoholic beverage manufacturer)
■Special feature
・An example of business activities based on the value creation model (Kirin Brewery “TAPPY”)
・Message from the executive officer in charge of health science strategy ・Kirin Group Human Rights Policy
・Outside director interview
■Corporate governance
■Business company strategy and review
■Disclosure based on TCFD/TNFD framework
■Data collection
2. Publication date and form of publication
■PDF version: Pre-released simultaneously in Japan and England on Friday, May 31, 2024
■Web version: Scheduled to be released simultaneously in Japanese and English around the end of June 2024

・Start release of “Kirin Group 2022-2024 Medium-Term Management Plan” More details about this release: