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Home » Research results verifying the validity of the English version of CSES, a coaching session evaluation scale, presented at the “Annual Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare Conference”

Research results verifying the validity of the English version of CSES, a coaching session evaluation scale, presented at the “Annual Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare Conference”

The results of a study that verified the validity of the coaching session evaluation scale “English version CSES” were published in “Annual Coaching in Leadership &
Presented at “Healthcare Conference”

*View in browser* *Coach A Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 3, 2024
The results of a study that verified the validity of the coaching session evaluation scale “English version CSES” were published in “Annual Coaching in Leadership &
Presented at “Healthcare Conference”
*How Can We Evaluate Coaching Sessions?*
At Coaching Research Institute, our research and development division, Coach A uses its extensive experience and research results over many years to develop coaching for organizational development. We conduct activities and research to decipher this from a scientific

As one of the results of its activities, the Institute of Coaching was held in Boston from May 3rd to 4th, 2024 (US Eastern Time).
“Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare Conference” is an annual general meeting held by Coaching (hereinafter referred to as IOC).
In our research “How Can We Evaluate Coaching Sessions? Validation of the Session
Evaluation Scale and Its Relationship with Coaching
We gave a poster presentation on “How to Evaluate Coaching Sessions? Verification of Session Evaluation Scales and Relationship with Coaching Effectiveness”.
* | Published research content*
Recently, interest in business coaching has increased and the market size has expanded rapidly, so it is important to clarify and evaluate how the coaching process works in order to provide more effective coaching. It has become. However, many of the current evaluation methods are based on results.

Focusing on this issue, we developed CSES (Coaching System) as a measure that can evaluate the process of a coaching session and also allows both the coach and the coachee (the person receiving the coaching) to evaluate the session.
We developed the Japanese version of the Session Evaluation Scale in 2023. CSES evaluates the quality of coaching based on the International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) core competencies* based on the coach’s skills, attitude, and approach, and aims to improve the quality of coaching sessions by using this evaluation.

We recently announced “How Can We Evaluate Coaching Sessions? Validation of the Session”
Evaluation Scale and Its Relationship with Coaching Effectiveness” The purpose of this study was to verify the validity of the English version of CSES with a view to global use of CSES, and clarified the following three points.
The English version of CSES allows the coach and the coachee, who are both parties to the coaching session, to evaluate the session using the same evaluation criteria.
Incorporating the English version of the CSES will greatly contribute to exploring ways to improve sessions based on the perspectives of both coaches and coachees.
By incorporating the English version of CSES, the evaluation of coaching sessions itself will ultimately improve.
The development results of the Japanese version of CSES were announced by Associate Professor Katsura Fuji of the University of Tsukuba at the 87th Annual Conference of the Japanese Psychological Association held from September 15th to 17th, 2023.
(University of Tsukuba Faculty of Human Sciences/University of Tsukuba Research Center for the Development of Psychological Support for Working People), we are presenting this as “Research on Coaching Process Evaluation Scales”.

* * What are the International Coaching Federation (ICF) core competencies * The International Coaching Federation is the world’s largest non-profit coaching organization.
The Federation (Federation) has compiled the behavioral
characteristics of a good coach and consists of four elements: “setting the foundation,” “building relationships together,” “effective communication,” and “facilitating learning and growth.” * | Presenter *
* Nao Fukubayashi *
Coach A Co., Ltd.
coaching institute
Research & Development Group Project Leader
Graduated from International Christian University and enrolled in the doctoral course at the University of Tsukuba. After gaining experience in business process consulting, etc., he was involved in project outcome measurement, development of assessment tools, and service content development at Coach A. With an endless spirit of inquiry, he is working to strengthen the academic foundation of Coach A’s services.
* | About the American Institute of Coaching (IOC) *
The Institute of Coaching (IOC) was established in 2009 as a nonprofit coaching research institute affiliated with McLean Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School. Since its establishment, we have strived to disseminate coaching practices and theories based on research and scientific evidence through research presentations, learning opportunities, and conferences, with the aim of increasing the value and credibility of the coaching field.
* | About “Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare Conference” * “Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare Conference”
is an annual conference held by the IOC every year. World-class scientists and coaching researchers will be on stage to explore with participants ways to further evolve coaching and stimulate innovation in self, others, and organizations.

[Our past exhibition results]
□ Held from April 27th to 29th, 2023

□ Held from September 23rd to 25th, 2021

* | About Coach A Co., Ltd.*
Coach A is an executive coaching firm that realizes organizational change. Focusing on relationships between people, we use an approach called Systemic Coaching (TM) to promote organizational development through dialogue that supports the transformation of the entire organization.

Since our founding in 1997 (formerly Coach Twenty One), we have contributed to the spread and expansion of coaching in Japan as a pioneer. Approximately 80% of our clients are large companies listed on the prime market. We also focus on developing coach talent, and have produced over 10,000 coaches to date.
In 2008, we established a research department called the Coaching Institute, and have been the first in the world to provide
evidence-based coaching services. Based on analytical data from a wealth of coaching results, we are engaged in academic research on coaching and research aimed at visualizing results.

In addition to Tokyo, we have offices in New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Bangkok, and provide coaching not only to overseas bases of Japanese companies but also to local overseas companies. Coach, a pioneering global coach training institution
We are working to further expand our global network, including making U a subsidiary in 2019.

*About details about this release*

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