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Home » Keio Innovation Initiative (KII) KII invests in Corvato Health, which develops AI that supports diagnosis of heart disease

Keio Innovation Initiative (KII) KII invests in Corvato Health, which develops AI that supports diagnosis of heart disease

Keio Innovation Initiative (KII)
KII invests in Colbat Health, which develops AI that supports diagnosis of heart disease
KII invests in Colbat Health, which develops AI that supports diagnosis of heart disease
Keio Innovation Initiative (KII) has invested in Colbat Health, which develops AI for diagnostic support. With this capital increase, Colbat Health will raise a total of over 45 million yen, and will accelerate full-scale introduction into domestic and overseas markets, mainly in Asia.
Keio Innovation Initiative (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Kotaro Yamagishi; hereinafter referred to as KII) is a fund managed by our company that has partnered with Colbat Health Co., Ltd.
(Headquarters: Tokyo), a team selected for the Keio Startup Incubation Program (KSIP). Shibuya Ward, Representative Director Ryuichiro Yagi, invested in Colbat Health). Including procurement from five individual investors, the total amount raised by Corvato Health is over 45 million yen.
◆Promote preventive medical care and reduce social security costs by introducing diagnostic support AI
Corvato Health is developing an electrocardiogram diagnostic support AI based on the research results of two cardiovascular physicians. Although electrocardiogram testing is widely used as a screening method for cardiovascular disease, it is difficult to interpret the image accurately and it is difficult to intervene when the disease has not yet developed or is mild, so it is often discovered when the disease has worsened or has serious complications. It is a common disease. As a result, it is a very threatening disease, being the number one cause of death in the world and the second cause of death in Japan. The AI ​​developed by Corvato Health dramatically improves diagnostic accuracy due to its expertise in cardiovascular medicine, overwhelming amount of data, and groundbreaking AI development technology. The spread of this diagnostic support AI will allow for early detection and early treatment of asymptomatic heart disease that is difficult to detect, dramatically reducing the number of patients who develop serious symptoms and serious complications, and improving the health and medical care of the nation. We will continue to contribute to the economy.
■Company overview
Company name: Korbato Health Co., Ltd.
Address: Shibuya Dogenzaka Tokyu Building 2F-C, 1-10-8 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director Ryuichiro Yagi
Established: February 2023
Business content: Development and provision of heart disease diagnosis AI U R L:
[Image:×563.jpg] ◆About Keio Innovation Initiative (KII)
KII was established in December 2015 primarily to support startups that utilize Keio University’s research results. In addition, from January 2020, with the mission of “until the research, the invention, and the innovation change society,” we will focus on making lead investments from the seed and early stages to develop society through digital technology. We have supported the social implementation of research and the resolution of social issues for all
academia-originated startups that work on innovation and solving problems in medicine and health.
In October 2023, we will establish the university VC’s first impact fund, “KII No. 3 Impact Fund,” aiming to “realize a society where all people can achieve a healthy and happy life (a society where everyone can be active throughout their lives).” At the same time, by making impact investments in academia startups, we aim to create positive and measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial returns.
-Overview of KII-
Trade name: Keio Innovation Initiative, Inc.
Business content: Development of university-based technology venture companies, management of venture capital funds
Capital: 100 million yen (including capital reserve of 50 million yen) Representative: Representative Director and President Kotaro Yamagishi URL:
The information contained in this release is current as of the date of announcement.
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