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Home » Send Group Co., Ltd. Launches “My Muse”, a web media that helps women live more freely and enrichingly

Send Group Co., Ltd. Launches “My Muse”, a web media that helps women live more freely and enrichingly

Send Group Co., Ltd.
Launched web media “My Muse” to help women live more freely and enrichingly “My Muse” is a medium that helps women realize that all women are beautiful and can shine by releasing their individuality.
Send Group Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Representative Director: Junichi Shinagawa) publishes interview articles with women who live their own lives and modern women who are often forced to make choices depending on their life stage, such as “mommy” or “marriage,” as well as articles on mental and physical health. We have released “My Muse” (, a web media that contains content that satisfies the needs and brings richness to daily life.
The editor in charge is Sonomi Takeo, who has been involved in various genres such as women’s fashion magazines as well as travel and practical magazines, and has previously served as editor-in-chief of video media MINE and deputy editor-in-chief of GLITTER.
[Image 1:×604.jpg] What is My Muse?
We define a woman as an independent woman who lives her life based on her own choices and does not rely on others to control her life. What is independence (autonomy)?
・Have unwavering beliefs and principles, enjoy what you like, and choose your own way of life and style.
・While having the flexibility to respond flexibly to changes in the times, they are able to sometimes make bold choices without limiting themselves and without fear of failure.
-Live for your own life, not to be loved by someone else
Every woman is a “Muse”, a unique and special existence. You can create your own value, and you are free to make choices.
“My Muse” was created to support the independence (autonomy) of such women. Here are some tips for women to live more freely and richly. We don’t give you the correct answer. I just want you to find it for yourself. I hope you will be able to know yourself and live your life with focus on yourself.
The keywords are “Awaking”, “Educate” and “Transform”.
To know yourself and be able to live your life with focus.
My Muse 3 beliefs
01. Functions as a “hub” media rather than a mass media
Hub means “connection,” and it functions as a middle ground that connects people, and instead of delivering vast amounts of information to the masses, it selectively delivers valuable ideas and information. We will send out content for people who find the value standards of “My Muse” to be “comfortable.”
02. Rather than delivering the correct answer, create a place where you can gain awareness to find the “correct answer within yourself.” Rather than following someone else’s path or following the same path as those around you, it is important to choose the path that you think is correct.
I believe that it is important for life to find the standard of the correct answer while carefully facing one’s own feelings. To that end, I’m thinking about creating content that has “white space” that provides an opportunity to think.

03. It is a medium that aims for “enlightenment” rather than empowerment. Empowerment includes the meaning of encouragement and support for expanding one’s self in society, such as “creating opportunities for women to advance into society and for women to play an active role,” but “enlightenment” refers to There is a nuance that it plays a role in promoting the evolution of consciousness and mind by stepping out of the normal definition of things and regaining one’s original self. It’s similar in that it brings out possibilities, but I think it’s more of a role that brings out creativity.
[Image 2:×950.jpg] About content categories
Interview  Pick up women who are my Muse
Why do women who are living their own lives and taking on challenges shine so brightly? We interview people about what they value, their way of life, and their values.
Wellness  What is true wellness? An opportunity to think about We provide information to restore your mind and body, focusing on essential things, things, and people that are different from superficial things and trends.
Career  The way you work is the way you live. Use it as an opportunity to look at your career.
A close-up look at the “work styles” unique to women, such as the changing awareness of careers at each life stage. Now that there are an increasing number of different ways of working, how should we be ourselves? There is no right answer, and looking at the way you work gives you an opportunity to think about the way you should be and live your life.
Culture  Information on movies, books, art, etc. that embodies the ideals of My Muse
Introducing My Muse-like culture that stimulates the five senses. Or pick up an artist.
Others A wide variety of special features such as serial projects and columns In addition to the above, we also publish content, serials, columns, and information about the global environment that is relevant to everyone.
There is also information on travel, accommodation, and extraordinary experiences.
My Muse, which values ​​“experiences” and “encounters and connections with people,” delivers carefully selected content.

Main content
・Documentary article that focuses on women who have a sense of style in their way of life
Based on the main theme of infinite possibilities, we target women who live their lives based on their own choices without being bound by common sense or frameworks. We interview carefully selected people and explore their charms that even they themselves may not be aware of. The first is Yoga Instructor Sae Leek Christina Mirei.
[Image 3:×609.jpg] ・Exploring “real” wellness where both the mind and body shine from within She aims to become a woman who is not bound by trends and can “see the real thing.”
We deliver things and things that soothe women’s minds and bodies, such as things that satisfy the five senses such as beauty, health, and fragrance, along with stories.
[Limited content]
– Limited to My Muse, a function that allows you to have a ZOOM meeting with the interviewer or meet face-to-face for consultation. ・As a member benefit, the editorial department will send you a newsletter once a week.
・Collaboration with companies and media that support women’s independence With My Muse as a hub, we are considering using it as an infinite platform for members to connect with each other, and we plan to implement it gradually.
Comment from editor-in-chief Sonomi Takeo
[Image 4:×307.png ]
Sonomi Takeo Profile
Experienced as a magazine editor at a major publishing company since graduating. In addition to women’s fashion magazines such as “CLASSY.” and “Ray,” she is involved in a variety of genres, including travel and practical magazines such as “Hawaii Style” and “Shufu no Tomo.”
After working at a publishing company for 12 years, he became independent in 2016. In addition to being the editor-in-chief of the video media “MINE”, his activities include launching a web media and directing an apparel e-commerce site.
Served as deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “GLITTER”, which was republished in 2021.
Moved to Awaji Island in May 2023.
We are promoting a way of life where you can live freely and do what you want, anytime and anywhere.
Free yourself from the invisible cage of “common sense”
Ask “What is really important?”
My name is Sonomi Takeo and I am the editor-in-chief of “My Muse”. For many years, I have been involved in media targeting women, such as fashion magazines and wellness media. What I felt was that everyone felt at ease knowing that they were all together. That’s not a bad thing in itself, but do you feel “essential happiness” by living with values ​​born from such “other-centered” values? I’ve been wondering about this for the past few years.
At the same time, in a time when information is overflowing and the number of media being disseminated by individuals is increasing, what is the meaning of starting a new media? I was thinking about that too. However, I have come to the conclusion that media has value precisely because of the vast amount of information and content we live in today.
I believe our role is to serve as a “hub” (= connection), identifying what is valuable and connecting readers with the things and people they originally need or desire.
In short, what is needed in the future is not “mass media” but “hub media.” I feel that in order for women to discover “essential happiness,” the first thing they need to do is to be able to use their own criteria to decide what makes them happy and how to achieve it. This is also the kind of media I want to reach out to the person I was five years ago.
The person I was 5 years ago was feeling uneasy even though I had gotten what I wanted, vague anxiety about the future, and a sense of impatience about health and beauty. I was there. I also thought, “I always have to work hard at something.”
“I wish there was a media that could guide me five years ago.” I started this medium based on my original experience of thinking like this. We hope that by featuring women who “discover their true selves and live a full and joyful life” in this medium, it will be an
opportunity for them to discover their true nature.
Yes, we do not help women become independent, but we simply help them remember the potential of women who have the power to become independent. It’s okay for everyone to be different, and it’s important to live your life with your own style and values. I believe that this is an independent and mature woman.
We don’t give you the correct answer. I just want you to find it for yourself. With these thoughts in mind, we would like to disseminate unique information. My Muse Editor-in-Chief Sonomi Takeo
[Company Profile] Main business content: WEB marketing business, business co-creation business, media business, in-house product business, etc. Company name: Send Group Co., Ltd. Location: 3-17-10 Hirao, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture Representative: Representative Director Junichi Shinagawa URL: [Contact information] – Press/media inquiries – MyMuse Editorial Department e-mail: More details about this release: