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Home » “Solo traveling” is popular among women who want to enjoy their time alone in their own way. A project team was formed to introduce new products that fit people in their 30s to 50s.

“Solo traveling” is popular among women who want to enjoy their time alone in their own way. A project team was formed to introduce new products that fit people in their 30s to 50s.

“Solo traveling” is popular among women who want to enjoy their time alone in their own way. A project team was formed to introduce new products that fit people in their 30s to 50s.
From June 10th (Monday) to June 14th (Friday), popular courses for “single customers” will be broadcast on TV.
Club Tourism Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Koto-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Hiroshi Sakai, hereinafter referred to as Club Tourism) started selling “Solo Travel” in 1997, and plans to release more than 1,300 courses for domestic solo travel in 2023. , set new record high sales. This was a 133% increase compared to FY2022, which was the highest ever.
Factors contributing to the strong performance include a wider range of participating age groups after the coronavirus pandemic, a wide variety of products, and a growing trend of seeing “solo travel” as a positive.
[Image 1:×407.png ]
■Reason for the popularity of “solo travel” in club tourism
We receive high praise for the fact that it is a group tour in which everyone participates on their own, making it a free and easy trip where everyone can participate at their own convenience, and that the excitement of the trip can be shared with other participants. There are approximately 500 courses available at any given time, with various themes such as art, flowers, visiting temples and shrines, special accommodations, and women-only tours, so you can find the trip that suits you, and many people join us multiple times a year. ■After the coronavirus pandemic, the number of customers in their 30s to 50s has increased
One of the challenges of traveling alone is that the hurdles for first-time participation are high. Many people hesitate to take the first step because their anxiety about whether they can enjoy it on their own is as great as their expectations. There are many cases in which people who were interested but hesitant to participate have participated in our “solo trips” for the first time during a time when it was difficult to invite friends to travel due to the coronavirus pandemic, and have since become repeat customers. In addition to the traditional customers in their 60s and 70s, the number of customers in their 30s to 50s has also increased.
■Release of a new product that includes one table per person for lunch, with the customer group in their 30s to 50s in mind.
Customers in their 30s to 50s have different expectations for solo travel, and tend to place more emphasis on quality alone time. Therefore, starting in July of this year, in response to the voice of people who wanted to enjoy a leisurely meal by themselves, we created a new course where each person could enjoy an elegant French course lunch at one table, and the restaurant quickly filled up. The response was such that we started selling additional copies.
■ Formation of a project team of female planners of the same generation Customers in their 30s to 50s are especially sensitive to trends and use social media, so we have formed a project team of female employees of the same generation to plan products from the same perspective, and carefully select meals and spots that will satisfy them. I am planning to do so. We offer short one-night, two-day courses that condense women’s “likes” into the itinerary so that they can enjoy their “alone time” to the fullest, as well as weekend courses for the working generation. I am.
■TV Tokyo’s “Halftime Tours” broadcasts popular tours for “single people” From June 10th (Monday) to June 14th (Friday), in addition to “Solo Travel”, we will be broadcasting popular tours for “Solo Travelers” who often participate alone.
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(Example) Scheduled to be broadcast on June 10th
-Women-only solo trip- “Hakone Lalique Museum, French Lunch on the Orient Express, Heavenly Shrine “Hakone Motomiya””
(Course number: FX594-988)
 Travel fee: 27,900 yen
Departure setting: July to September
In addition to viewing art at art museums and visiting power spots in Hakone, you can also visit the Hakone Lalique Museum.
For the French course lunch on board the Orient Express, “one table will be prepared for each person.”
In addition, in order to make the journey more relaxing, we have decided to provide two seats per person on the bus.
Packed with what women love, based on the concept of “cherishing your own space” This is a one-day tour that you can easily participate in.
[Image 3:×567.jpg] Orient Express interior
■An example of a tour: “Solo trip” recommended for active people in their 30s to 50s
– Solo trip for women only – “Senjojiki curl in the morning and a 3-hour stay in Kamikochi, a scenic mountain resort for 2 days” (Course number: F4422-988)
 Travel fee: 55,000 yen
Departure setting: July to October
All dates are limited to Saturday departures. Even those who are new to mini-hiking are welcome to participate.
 It is a content that will please women, such as Gosenjaku Hotel Kamikochi’s original cake.
-Women-only solo trip- “10 Kyoto power spots for 2 days, including dragon ceiling paintings associated with the Year of the Dragon” (Course number: F4587-988)
 Travel fee: 69,900 to 73,900 yen
Departure setting: June to December
 All dates are limited to auspicious day departures. One of the unique charms of tours is that you can visit locations that are difficult to reach on your own.
 We also take you to Kurama Temple and Kifune Shrine by bus. Our Kyoto bus guide will guide you,
It’s a content that you can fully enjoy while on the move or at temples and shrines.
– Recommended solo travel page for customers in their 30s to 50s –
More details about this release: