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Home » The adoption rate of digital tools was 58.3%, increasing for the second consecutive year.With the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, the challenges faced by restaurant managers have shifted from sales and customer satisfaction to optimization of

The adoption rate of digital tools was 58.3%, increasing for the second consecutive year.With the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, the challenges faced by restaurant managers have shifted from sales and customer satisfaction to optimization of

Recruit Co., Ltd.
The adoption rate of digital tools was 58.3%, increasing for the second consecutive year.With the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, the challenges faced by restaurant managers have shifted from sales and customer satisfaction to optimization of operations and costs.
Cashless payment ratio at restaurants is the highest ever at 43.4% Survey of restaurant managers’ interest in DX and implementation status (March 2024 survey)
[Image 1:×41.png] “Hot Pepper Gourmet” (, a gourmet
information site operated by Recruit Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President and Representative Director: Yoshihiro Kitamura), and “Hot Pepper,” a research and research organization on the restaurant market. Gourmet Restaurant Research Institute ( will survey 1,029 restaurant managers across the country in March 2024 to assess their interest in introducing digital tools, their implementation status, and their implementation. We conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the subsequent effects, and we would like to announce the results. -Summary-In restaurant management, the adoption rate of digital tools has increased continuously to 58.3%. New record high
・The adoption rate of any digital tool was 58.3%, a slight increase from the previous survey (57.7%). The top three installed systems are “cashless payment (in-store operations management),” “creating your own homepage/utilizing local business registration services
(reservations and customer attraction management),” and “POS register (sales and expense management).”
・Current management issues are “increasing sales” (48.0%) in 1st place, “reducing/optimizing food costs” (31.9%) in 2nd place, and “lack of labor” (22.5%) in 3rd place. Compared to last time, the largest increase was in “reducing/optimizing food costs” (+3.2 points from last time).
・The top three most effective combinations of digital tools and target issues were “Customer attraction and sales promotion tools” x “Increased sales” (56.4%), “Self-ordering, smartphone ordering” x “Resolving labor shortages” (50.0%) ), “Handy” x
“Reduction/Optimization of Labor Costs” (48.5%).
・The cashless payment ratio at restaurants has been increasing over the years since the beginning of 2020, when the new coronavirus infection was confirmed, and reached a record high of 43.3% as of January 2024.
Utilizing digital tools in areas that can be controlled, such as improving business efficiency through in-store operation management, will become more important in solving management issues.
The restaurant market has been steadily recovering from the
coronavirus pandemic, although it has not been perfect. I believe that by quickly improving management issues during this period, we will get closer to creating our ideal store.
The number one management issue remains the same as last time, “increasing sales,” but looking at the growth rate over the years, “reducing/optimizing food costs” is followed by “lack of human resources,” making it an important management issue. is increasing. Although changes in the external environment such as soaring food costs are difficult to control, we are making progress toward resolving management issues by introducing tools that support controllable in-store operations such as cashless payment,
self-ordering, and smartphone ordering. can.
From this survey, I felt that they are trying to improve business efficiency through in-store operation management and take measures where possible to increase sales and solve management issues such as labor shortages. We believe that this is why the rate of adoption and consideration of digital tools remains high.
However, the effective combination of digital tools and subject areas resulted in diverse results. We believe that clarifying the management issues that need to be solved for each store is a shortcut to introducing meaningful digital tools.
[Image 2:×157.jpg] Head of Food and Beverage Product Management Unit, Product
Headquarters, Recruit Co., Ltd.
“Hot Pepper Gourmet” Producer
Tatsuya Kubota
Survey overview
Survey method: Internet survey
Survey target: Restaurant managers aged 20 and over in 47 prefectures nationwide (Macromill Registered Monitor Co., Ltd.)
Survey implementation period: March 8, 2024 (Friday) to March 12, 2024 (Tuesday) For details, please see the PDF from the link below. ▼About recruitment
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