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Home » TYPICA’s coffee expert team has started working together towards the distribution SX of green coffee beans.

TYPICA’s coffee expert team has started working together towards the distribution SX of green coffee beans.

TYPICA Holdings Co., Ltd.
TYPICA’s coffee expert team has started working together towards the distribution SX of green coffee beans.
TYPICA’s coffee expert team, which was launched prior to the online platform update, will provide support for companies’ SX of green coffee bean procurement through limited partner programs and other means.
TYPICA, which operates a direct trade platform for green coffee beans that connects coffee producers and roasters around the world, will soon update its online platform to a new model. In line with this, we have started a “Coffee Expert Team,” which is made up of diverse human resources with extensive experience in the coffee industry and some management members. As a green procurement support team that promotes SX (sustainability transformation) through DX of green coffee bean procurement for roasters of all sizes, beverage manufacturers, cafe chains, trading companies, etc., we lead limited partner programs.
[Image 1:×288.jpg] TYPICA is a global venture company founded in 2019 with the theme of “creating a new international coffee market” that will revolutionize the coffee industry from the private sector. Currently, we operate in 75 countries and regions in five locations around the world: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Netherlands, and the United States. We now have a network of more than 110,000 producers and 5,500 roasters, and coffee from producers in 57 countries and regions is distributed through our platform.
Traditionally, the trading price of green coffee beans has been determined based on international prices in the futures market. Therefore, when regions that focus on mass-produced products, such as Brazil and Vietnam, are expected to have a good harvest, trading prices fall. This means a decline in the income of small and medium-sized producers, of whom there are estimated to be around 12 million worldwide. In some cases, we are often forced to sell at a price below the cost of production. Furthermore, because international prices fluctuate wildly due to speculation flowing into the futures market, approximately 5.5 million coffee producers are said to remain in poverty.
Due to these structural problems, many producers consider coffee to be a high-risk crop that is not profitable, and the number of cases of people leaving coffee production is increasing. Combined with climate change and labor shortages, there are concerns that high-quality Arabica coffee, which accounts for 60% of all coffee production, will be halved by 2050.
TYPICA’s online platform, which aims to fundamentally revolutionize the coffee industry, enables price determination without relying on the futures market through direct trade with producers. This will not only make it possible for buyers of green coffee beans around the world to stably procure green coffee beans at an appropriate price according to quality and production costs without being influenced by international prices, but also to enable small-scale production. It also leads to the improvement and stabilization of people’s incomes, which is directly linked to the sustainability of coffee.
Background of the establishment of Coffee Expert Team
Starting with an update to a new model scheduled to be launched soon, a special community program will begin for companies that are leading the sustainable development of the coffee industry.
This program is a partner program that is limited to coffee roasters, beverage manufacturers, cafe chains, and trading companies around the world that can take full advantage of the value of the new model. Realizing TYPICA’s vision of “enhancing the sustainability of delicious coffee” with a rich content that allows you to utilize various functions to dramatically increase the stability,
expandability, and profitability of partner companies’ green coffee bean procurement. We will play a central role in creating a global community for the world.
The recently launched Coffee Expert Team is a specialized team assembled to promote the mainstreaming of direct trade with all customers who share TYPICA’s vision, from micro roasters to large, world-famous corporations. In the limited program that will begin soon, we will work together with our customers to provide detailed support so that participating partner companies can find their ideal green coffee beans, and together we will promote DX and SX in green coffee bean procurement. Masu.
TYPICA’s coffee expert team is comprised of diverse human resources with extensive knowledge of coffee and coffee sourcing, as well as some management members.
Strategic Partner Shota Matsushita (Tokyo Office)
[Image 2:×800.jpg] Graduated from Ritsumeikan University in 2008 and joined Ishimitsu Shoji Co., Ltd., a trading company specializing in beverages and foods.
After joining the company, he worked on quality control of green coffee beans for 4 years.
In 2012, he was seconded and stationed at a local subsidiary in China, Sekimitsu Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and built a green coffee distribution business model. Returned to Japan in 2015 and spent the next four years in Japan in charge of sales of green coffee beans to domestic customers. During that time, he also worked on purchasing and product development work with producing countries such as Asia and Brazil. Since 2019, he has been in charge of new sales and marketing of coffee products after roasting.
At TYPICA, as a sourcing DX strategic partner, I am in charge of communication with large and medium-sized customers. J.C.Q.A. certified coffee appraiser.
Strategic Partner Ryota Shinagawa (New York Office)
[Image 3:×800.jpg] Graduated from the University of Tokyo in 2013 and joined Marubeni Corporation, a general trading company.
After joining the company, he has been consistently engaged in trading of green coffee beans for 10 years, and is responsible for all operations related to trading, including purchasing, sales, logistics optimization, inventory management, market analysis, and quality control. In 2017, he was seconded and stationed at Iguazu Coffee, a local subsidiary in Brazil, where he was involved in the production and sales of instant coffee, as well as collecting and disseminating information on the green coffee market in Brazil. From 2019, he was stationed at Marubeni Vietnam Company as a manager for two years, supervising the local coffee team and also participating in the launch of an instant coffee manufacturing factory as a new business. After returning to work in 2021, he will be involved in coffee trading again as deputy manager. At TYPICA, as a sourcing DX strategic partner, I am in charge of communication with medium and large customers.
Strategic Partner Kazuto Nagai (Tokyo Office)
[Image 4:×800.jpg] In 2007, he joined Camel Coffee, which operates Kaldi Coffee Farm. Has been in the coffee department for 13 years.
After joining the company, he was engaged in coffee production management, supply and demand adjustment, and supplier management at the company’s own factory. Since 2010, he has been in charge of purchasing green coffee beans and quality control. Since 2014, he has been in charge of coffee sales support and education at the company’s stores. In 2017, he resumed purchasing green coffee beans and managing quality, and the following year he was appointed as department manager. He is also involved in the development of new products, such as a coffee series that connects production areas and consumers. After that, he gained experience in product development and coffee machine sales at a major discount store. At TYPICA, as a coffee expert, he is in charge of quality control and communication with medium and large customers.
Origin Partner Takayoshi Yamagiwa (Amsterdam Office)
[Image 5:×800.jpg] After graduating from Virginia State Institute of Technology in the United States, he received a master’s degree and a doctoral degree from the same graduate school. Q Arabica grader appraiser. After receiving orders for various research and research work from the World Bank, United Nations Development Program, WHO, etc., he served as a director of ITOCHU Corporation’s local coffee subsidiaries in El Salvador and Guatemala, where he was responsible for company management advice, Central American coffee purchasing, quality control, etc. After that, he served as a board member of El Salvador’s state-run bank, providing advice on loans and technical cooperation to small and medium-sized enterprises related to coffee production. Furthermore, he worked for four years at the Inter-American
Development Bank’s El Salvador Office, where he was involved in the formulation of coffee climate change loan projects.
Since moving to the Netherlands in 2020 and becoming independent, he has been working as a consultant for coffee producers. At TYPICA, he is engaged in work related to producer network development and GHG emission calculations.
Social Impact Officer Shizuka Funayama
[Image 6:×800.jpg] After graduating from Waseda University, he worked at a trading company specializing in ODA, and then was stationed in Nigeria for about a year to work at an overseas diplomatic mission.
After that, after earning a master’s degree at the University of Oxford in the UK, he joined an international NGO that provides humanitarian aid. He gained experience in business management and business formation, and during his one and a half year stint in Kenya, he was also responsible for managing the office as the local manager of a refugee support project using Japanese government funds and United Nations funds.
After that, he became independent and participated in multiple startups in roles related to government-funded projects, while also expanding his responsibilities to include public relations, marketing, and general affairs.
At TYPICA, as an executive officer, he is involved in strengthening the sustainable procurement field and promoting government
collaboration projects.
In recent years, private companies have also been required to have a positive impact on society. The nonprofit world where I spent many years, civil society, which has been called the third sector, is truly connected to the first sector, which is government, and the second sector, which is the world of for-profit corporations that make up most of the world. I feel that there is an opportunity for fusion. On the other hand, while many companies are being asked to take on new social responsibilities such as sustainable procurement and
decarbonization, it appears that the world is still unable to provide clear guidelines. Through TYPICA’s new model, we look forward to working with everyone involved in the coffee industry to explore and embody the type of company that will be needed in the future, so that companies and individuals can move towards a better future in harmony. I am.
Representative Director CQO (Chief Quality Officer) Ayane Yamada
[Image 7:×800.jpg] He began his career as a roaster in 2012 by becoming the person in charge of starting up one of the largest roasteries in Kansai. In 2014, he participated in the management of coffee startup HOOP as a founding member and launched Japan’s first shared roaster.
In 2017, aiming for a new form of direct trade, he visited Cuba, the coffee producing region. Founded TYPICA in 2019, currently based in Amsterdam and traveling to coffee producing regions around the world. In 2020, he became a director of TYPICA Co., Ltd.
In 2023, he was selected as one of the 2023 TOP20 Japanese
Entrepreneurs by Forbes JAPAN.
With the release of this new model, we are very excited to be able to take a new step towards realizing TYPICA’s vision. The new model has added features that will transform the procurement of green coffee beans. Our team of coffee experts acts as a bridge between buyers and coffee producers, leveraging their experience and expertise to create win-win success stories for both parties. The results of this model are not only linked to business success, but also to increasing the sustainability of coffee. I am confident that this model, developed with a team of coffee experts, will become the industry standard in the future.
Representative Director and CEO Masashi Goto
[Image 8:×800.jpg] Started his own business in 2003 at the age of 19. Started social innovation business in 2009. Selected as a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum, which hosts the 2012 Davos Conference. While stationed in San Francisco in 2013, he encountered a new coffee culture, and after returning to Japan, he participated in the launch of a coffee startup. Since 2014, he has been a part-time lecturer at Kwansei Gakuin University, where he is currently teaching the “Introduction to SDGs Practice.” In 2019, it was approved by Climate Reality Leader, a global initiative to tackle climate change sponsored by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. In 2020, he established TYPICA Co., Ltd. as a challenge to increase the sustainability of coffee and the world and became its representative director. 2021 TYPICA won the Good Design Award BEST 100 and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s special award Good Focus Award. In 2023, he was selected as one of the 2023 TOP20 Japanese Entrepreneurs by Forbes JAPAN. In the same year, he received the Small and Medium Enterprise Minister’s Award at the Japan Venture Awards.
Since TYPICA was founded, we are excited to take on a new challenge by fully utilizing our aspirations, experience, knowledge, and networks that have been nurtured by over 110,000 producers and roasters in 75 countries and regions. The coffee industry faces uncertain and unpredictable issues such as declining yields and fluctuations in quality due to soaring prices, labor shortages, and climate change, as well as unstable and fluctuating exchange rates and futures prices. There are many cases where people are forced to trade coffee. However, if we look at these problems from a different perspective, we can see them as full of opportunities to innovate into a more permanent and progressive industrial structure. The Coffee Expert Team, each of whom has been active in the coffee industry and social impact field for many years, truly pursues the dynamism of global online platforms and the potential of communities that share aspirations, and creates more economical and stable solutions. We have renewed our determination to take on the role of innovating a distribution structure that enables the realization of coffee transactions. We sincerely look forward to your participation.
Starting today, TYPICA’s coffee expert team will combine their knowledge and experience to work closely with customers around the world, including micro-roasters, major roasters, beverage
manufacturers, cafe chains, trading companies, and others who aspire to the sustainability of delicious coffee. Together, we will promote a revolution in the distribution of green coffee beans.
We plan to expand the number of Coffee Expert Team members globally in the future.
More details about this release: