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Home » FP Partner Co., Ltd. We invited Shinjiro Atae to give a lecture on LGBTQ+ on the theme of “living as yourself.”

FP Partner Co., Ltd. We invited Shinjiro Atae to give a lecture on LGBTQ+ on the theme of “living as yourself.”

FP Partner Co., Ltd.
We invited Shinjiro Atae to give a lecture on LGBTQ+ on the theme of “living as yourself.”
FP Partner Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, President and Representative Director: Tsutomu Kuroki, Securities code: 7388, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), which operates the free FP consultation service “Money Doctor,” announced on Monday, May 27, 2024. ), we invited Shinjiro Ate to give a lecture on LGBTQ+ with the aim of promoting understanding of diversity and sexual minorities. Atae also realized the importance of “living in your own way”
[Image 1:×3094.jpg] [Group photo with our employees commemorating the lecture]
As an insurance agency, our management philosophy is to “continue to protect our customers’ precious lives with insurance.” In order to realize our management philosophy, we believe that it is important not only for people to become financially wealthy, but also for people to “live happily in their own way.” This has also become a social issue in recent years. As a first step toward creating a fair and inclusive (DEI) workplace environment at our company, we held a lecture by Shinjiro Atae, who announced in July 2023 that he is LGBTQ+. This lecture reflects the thoughts of Kuroki, our company’s representative, “I want our employees to have an opportunity to think about diversifying their values.”
On the day, our employees acted as facilitators and held a Q&A-style discussion with Mr. Atae, which was attended by approximately 2,500 employees, both in-person and online. All the participants looked intently at Atae as she openly talked about her childhood struggles, the difficulties she faced in revealing her identity to those around her, her relationship with her family, and the difference in awareness of LGBTQ+ people between Japan and the United States. I could often see them taking notes while nodding their heads.
Kuroki was impressed by Mr. Ate’s words, “I strongly felt that it is important to live your own life because you only live once.” After the lecture, Kuroki said, “I hope that everyone will be able to think flexibly rather than rigidly.” I want to change,” he said.
Because we are a company that provides financial planning services to people, we will continue to provide even more heartfelt services to our customers, keeping in mind the diversification of values.
[Image 2:×2737.jpg] [From Mr. Atae’s lecture] I came out with the determination that I would no longer be able to live in Japan. There seems to have been a strong belief that “nothing will change unless someone does something about it.”
Employee impressions
・It was wonderful to see Atae-san shining brightly now that she was able to accept herself. I’m impressed by how lively and confident she is, and I’m okay with being myself! It gave me courage. (Female in her 30s)
・When a friend came out to me, I was a little confused by the reaction. However, as a result of Mr. Atae’s lecture, my understanding of LGBTQ+ has improved, and I feel that if someone comes out in the future, I will be able to accept it naturally. (Male in his 30s) ・After hearing about the situation in the United States, I felt that Japan is lagging behind in understanding LGBTQ+ people, but thanks to people like Atae who have the courage to come out, there are more people who understand than before. I think so. I hope that it will become commonplace in a few years. (Male in his 30s)
・This was my first opportunity to hear directly from LGBTQ+ people. I didn’t have any prejudices from the beginning, but after learning about the suffering and conflicts faced by those affected, I felt that there was much more that I and society could do. This lecture may be just one opportunity, but I would like to think about what I can do to create a world where everyone can live equally. (Female in her 40s) Lecture summary
[Image 3:×2700.jpg] ・Date: Monday, May 27, 2024
・Venue: Event hall in Tokyo
・Lecture theme: “Live as yourself”
・Purpose of the lecture: Improving the work environment by promoting understanding of LGBTQ+ people
・Speaker: Shinjiro Atae

Shinjiro Atae Profile
Born in 1988, from Kyoto Prefecture.
Debuted in September 2005 as a member of AAA (Triple A), a Japanese mixed performance group.
In November 2016, the group held its first dome tour (Tokyo and Osaka) (to be held 5 times by 2021).
In February 2019, he held his first solo live arena performance “SHINJIRO ATAE 30th Anniversary Live THIS IS WHO I AM”.
At the end of 2020, AAA’s activities as a group were temporarily suspended. March 2021 – Announced the launch of “446 – DOUBLE FOUR SIX -” (pronunciation: double four six), a brand that broadly expresses one’s lifestyle, including apparel, beauty and health foods, miscellaneous goods, and accessories. Also active as a brand producer.
In September 2021, the national arena tour “SHINJIRO ATAE ARENA TOUR -THIS IS WHERE WE PROMISE-” will be held.
At the end of 2021, artist activities will be suspended.
In July 2023, he resumed his artist activities and announced that he is LGBTQ+. In June 2024, the first live & talk event after resuming activities, “SHINJIRO ATAE LIVE TOUR & TALK SHOW 2024 – THIS IS WHERE WE BELONG -” will be held.
About FP Partner Co., Ltd.
【Company Profile】
Company name: FP Partner Co., Ltd.
Head office location: Koraku Kokusai Building 5F, 1-5-3 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Representative: Tsutomu Kuroki, Representative Director and President Business content: Insurance agency, financial product intermediary business, financial planning business related to financial products Established: December 2009
HP: “FP Partner”
“Money Doctor”
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