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Home » Oricon Co., Ltd. 2024 Highly Satisfied “Children’s Programming Class” Ranking | ProgLab ranked 1st overall for the first time (Oricon Customer Satisfaction (R) Survey)

Oricon Co., Ltd. 2024 Highly Satisfied “Children’s Programming Class” Ranking | ProgLab ranked 1st overall for the first time (Oricon Customer Satisfaction (R) Survey)

Oricon Co., Ltd.
2024 Ranking of “Children’s Programming Classes” with High
Satisfaction Rate | [ProgLab] Ranks 1st Overall for the First Time (Oricon Customer Satisfaction (R) Survey)
~ Ranked 1st in 6 evaluation items including “teacher” and
“curriculum/materials” ~
Oricon ME Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Hisashi Koike; abbreviation: Oricon) conducts customer
satisfaction surveys from a third-party perspective targeting actual service users. A satisfaction survey will be conducted and the results will be announced on the “Oricon Customer Satisfaction (R)” official website ( at 14:00 on Monday, June 3, 2024. did. The ranking results are as follows.
[Image 1:×993.png ]
Children’s programming class image (Illustration from AC)
《TOPICS》“Children’s programming class” Second announcement since 2023 [ProgLab] ranked 1st overall for the first time in 6 evaluation categories including “teacher” and “curriculum/materials.” [Human Academy Junior] ranked 1st in the “Apps/Games” category by content [Programming education HALLO] ranks first in the “girls” category for children [Robodan] ranks first in the “Classroom Environment” and “Higher Grade” categories by school age
[Image 2:×494.png ]
Overall ranking (2024 Oricon Customer Satisfaction(R) Survey Children’s Programming Class)
Based on preliminary surveys and interviews with companies, we set evaluation items suitable for the service and asked customers about their satisfaction with each item. The results are compiled and rankings are announced for companies that meet the specified number of respondents.
-Ranking composition-
■Evaluation items (9 items in total): “Membership procedure,” “Easy to attend,” “Classroom environment,” “Teacher,” and “Ease of taking classes.”
“Curriculum/materials” “Quality of lessons” “Appropriate tuition fees” “Support system”
■“Lower grades” and “upper grades” by school age
■By child: “Boys” and “Girls”
■By content: “Apps/Games” and “Robots”
“Children’s Programming Class”
[ProgLab] ranked 1st overall for the first time, 1st place in 6 evaluation items including “teacher” and “curriculum/materials” A total of 1,197 parents from all over Japan responded who had sent their preschool child (4 years old or older) or elementary school child to school at least once a month for 3 months or more in the past 4 years. “Children’s programming class” ranking compiled based on survey results. This is the second announcement, and this time, [ProgLab (Mimamorume Co., Ltd. Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture)], a robot programming class for children jointly developed by Hanshin Electric Railway and Yomi TV Group, was selected as a highly acclaimed company from the last time. * This time, we met the required number of participants and became the first person to rank in, and our first overall 1st place. (*Companies with high reputation: companies with a total score of 60.0 points or more with more than half of the required number of respondents) Rankings based on a total of 9 evaluation items include “ease of access,” “teacher,” and “ease of taking classes.” Ranked 1st in 6 categories:
“Curriculum/Materials,” “Quality of Classes,” and “Appropriate Tuition Fees.” In particular, the score for “teacher”, which evaluated things such as “teacher’s communication skills” and “ease of understanding of explanations,” was 81.6, and the score for “ease of access,” which evaluated “location and accessibility,” was 81.0. In addition, the school scored 79.7 points in “Curriculum/Materials.” In addition, in the category rankings, we were ranked first in both the “lower grade” school age category and the first-time child category “boys.” ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ~ [ProgLab] Parents’ reviews ~ “How things work, robots that can be moved and played, etc. The materials are interesting and motivating for the children, making learning very enjoyable.There are teachers who are close to the children and have fun together, and there are enough staff to support them, creating a warm atmosphere. (Female in her 30s)” “My child has been under the care of a trusted teacher for many years. She enjoys going to school (Female in her 40s)” “There is no homework, so the child can develop his/her interests freely. Absenteeism, etc. When something happens, it’s easy to make a transfer (there are plenty of transfer dates, and you can easily change it on the app) (Female in her 40s)” ――――――――――
[Image 3:×574.png ]
Overall ranking with previous ranking (2024 Oricon Customer
Satisfaction (R) Survey Children’s Programming Class)
[Image 4:×716.png] Ranking by evaluation item (2024 Oricon Customer Satisfaction (R) Survey Children’s Programming Class)
[Human Academy Junior] ranked 1st in the “Apps/Games” category by content In second place overall was Human Academy Junior (Human Academy Co., Ltd. Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo), a programming school developed by Human Group, which is known for human resources education, as a children’s education business. In terms of rankings by category, we were ranked first in the “Apps/Games” category, which was announced for the first time. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ~ [Human Academy Junior] Parents’ reviews ~ “Games that children will enjoy I was interested because the subject matter was robots (male in my 30s), “The teacher responds according to the child’s personality (female in her 30s),” and “I liked the richness of the curriculum (20s). woman)”