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JWCS Wildlife College 2024 Registration has started! “In a year, I will be able to do something for wildlife .”

[JWCS] Wildlife College 2024 Registration has started! “In a year, I will be able to do something for wildlife.”

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Press release: June 3, 2024
Wildlife College 2024 registration has started! “In a year, I will be able to do something for wildlife.”
*A comprehensive one-year program with webinars, fieldwork, and practical activities for events at the zoo. *
Wildlife College Annual Program
“Wildlife” is sponsored by the non-profit organization Wildlife Conservation Society (JWCS).
College” has been held intermittently since 2002 with the aim of increasing the number of people involved in wildlife conservation.

Since 2022, lectures have been held online, and we have been holding fieldwork visits to conservation sites, observation sessions, and research presentations as opportunities for face-to-face learning. This year’s theme was conservation activities through fishing, agriculture, and tourism, in response to feedback from students who said they wanted to be involved in conservation activities as a career. The instructor will also give a long talk about how he came to his current activities.

What I want to convey through “College” is that activities to protect wildlife are part of community development and are connected to everyday consumption activities. We will learn about various approaches and show that students have a wide range of career choices, and that there are things that the general public can do through work, life, and community activities.

(Webinar application)
General tuition fee: 1,000 yen each session
It is possible to take the course only once. We will guide you through each session below.
Bulk application for the year (all 8 webinars)
Free for students Application form for students (all 8 webinars per year)
First semester webinar application deadline: July 31st 20:00

For more information:

Contact us Specified non-profit organization Wildlife Conservation Theory Study Group

Wildlife College 2024 First Half Webinar
Wildlife College 2024 Second Half Webinar, Fieldwork
Wildlife College 2024 Practical Activities Online Symposium
*About details about this release*

*Download press release materials*