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Seahorse Mikawa Notice of player departure (#1 Taiji Nakamura)

Seahorse Mikawa
Notice of player departure (#1 Taiji Nakamura)
[Image 1:×1080.jpg] Thank you for your continued support of Seahorse Mikawa.
We would like to inform you that #1 player Taiji Nakamura will be leaving the team due to the expiration of his contract.
#1 Taiji Nakamura
[Image 2:×500.jpg] ▷Profile/Stats: ■ #1 Comment from Taiji Nakamura
Thank you to all the Seahorse Mikawa fans for the past two seasons. The two years I spent in Mikawa was the start of a new challenge in Japan after I finished playing in South Korea’s KBL. There was a time when it was not possible to cheer loudly due to the new coronavirus infection. The loud cheers after the ban was lifted encouraged the play. In particular, this year’s home games were filled to capacity and I felt the power of Seien. I really liked Wing Arena Kariya, which was dyed in blue.
The 2023-24 season will feature a new system and will feature in the championship for the first time in a while. I was able to advance to the championship stage for the first time in my individual career. Being able to feel the atmosphere and intensity of a team competing in the championship was something not all players get to experience, so it was a very valuable experience.
I will use what I have learned and experienced over the past two years in the next step.
I would like to thank the wonderful coaches, staff, teammates, front office, fans, and everyone involved.
■ Photo gallery
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