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Home » Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture Listening to children’s voices to realize a “children’s nurturing society”

Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture Listening to children’s voices to realize a “children’s nurturing society”

[Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture] Listening to children’s voices to realize a “children’s nurturing society”

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Press release: June 3, 2024
[Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture] Listening to children’s voices to realize a “children’s nurturing society”
*~Ichihara Children’s Middle School Workshop held~*
1 Ichihara Children’s Center Workshop
⑴Date and time: July 13, 2020 (Saturday) 10:00-12:00
⑵Venue Ichihara City Civic Center Large Conference Room (1-1-1 Sosha, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture)
⑶Contents Based on the opinions in the “Questionnaire on Children’s Rights” below,
What is necessary to make Ichihara a better town and the troubles around us. Children think about solutions themselves using a game format. ⑷Target/Number of people recruited: Approximately 20 5th and 6th grade elementary school students and junior high school students in Ichihara City
(If there are many applications, there will be a lottery)
⑸Application period/method Apply by June 17th (Monday) using the dedicated form on the city website.
Ichihara Children’s Middle School Workshop will be held! (Ichihara City website) 2. Questionnaire about children’s rights
(1) Survey target: Elementary, junior high, and high school students (approximately 22,000 people in total)
⑵ Survey method 1. Web questionnaire via “Children/Youth Idea Box” About children and youth idea box (Ichihara City website) *The survey form is scheduled to be released in mid-June.
2. Survey through dialogue at after-school children’s clubs (planned for 100 people in 5 locations)
(3) Survey items: “Children’s rights are protected”, “What do I want to convey to adults”, etc.
⑷Period (planned) Mid to late June 2020
3 History so far
In agreement with the purpose of the “Children’s Middle School Declaration” advocated by the Children and Families Agency, on January 16, 2020, we declared our appointment as “Children’s Middle School Supporter” and announced the “Children’s Middle School Action.” So far, in addition to setting up a “Children and Youth Idea Box,” we have made efforts such as waiving childcare fees for the second child and beyond (from April 2020), and expanding subsidies for children’s medical expenses up to the age of 18. I am.

* In addition to this, Ichihara City is implementing various measures for the child-rearing generation. * *About details about this release*

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