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Home » Survey report Survey of 550 security guards What is the No. 1 reason why middle-aged people do not continue wo rking? |Procas security investigation

Survey report Survey of 550 security guards What is the No. 1 reason why middle-aged people do not continue wo rking? |Procas security investigation

Survey report [Survey of 550 security guards] What is the No. 1 reason why middle-aged people do not continue working? |Procas security investigation

*View in browser* *CBT Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 4, 2024
[Survey of 550 security guards] What is the No. 1 reason why middle-aged people do not continue working? |Procas security investigation
*“Procas Security” supports the digitalization of air traffic control operations such as shift communication with crew members and confirmation of work duties*
CBT Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazuaki Wakamura), which develops systems such as “Procas Security,” conducted an awareness survey among 550 people in their 20s to 60s with experience working in the security industry. The survey was conducted through internet research. from this result,*
It has become clear that the continuation of security work is related to the “improvement of the working environment” at the security company to which I work.

*Investigation background*
Starting from this fiscal year, caps on overtime work will be applied to workers, and the “2024 problem” will become a reality, with problems such as decreased income, staff shortages due to job separation and difficulty in securing human resources, and an aging workforce.
Even in the security industry, as it is expected that it will be even more difficult to acquire human resources, DX is gradually
progressing, including digitalization of operations and security using AI technology and drones. Therefore, in order to discover points for future reforms and revisions, we conducted a survey of people with experience working in the security industry regarding their reasons for becoming security guards and their reasons for continuing to work as security guards.

* About “Procas Security”
procas security
Procas Security is a cloud control system that covers everything from upper and lower management in the security industry to invoicing. [Procas Security]
-What you can do with Procas Security-
1. * Staffing *
– Easy-to-read and easy-to-use operation screen makes it easy and smooth to arrange each project
2. *Top and bottom report (attendance)*
– Reducing the burden on air traffic control staff as they are notified by the press of a button
– Team members can confirm the day before and wake up and depart on the day using their mobile devices, minimizing the need for conversations, emails, etc.
3. * Crew management *
– Check a list of basic information such as age and height, skill information of the team members such as whether they hold qualifications, and past project results etc.
4. *Payroll management*
– Supports various payment methods such as monthly payment method – You can check operating results in real time, and manage paid holidays and year-end adjustments.
5. *Invoice creation function*
– Issuing invoices based on the member’s performance
– Realize safe and secure transactions based on trails

About CBT
We develop systems and provide solutions to demonstrate the best performance for people in the industry, which Japan is proud of as “professionals who create things and things”.
Our mission is to contribute to the development of customers and the industry by making full use of wisdom, creativity, and technology.

* 【Company Profile】*
Name: CBT Co., Ltd.
Representative: Kazuaki Wakamura, Representative Director
Head office location: Tsukiji Square Building 8F, 3-11-6 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Established: March 16, 2020
Business details: System development business, Procan sales business, Procas sales business
Capital: 359.26 million yen (including capital reserve)
Corporate site:
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