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Eknes Co., Ltd. Handwritten letter service “Eknes” and sales data platform “Infobox” form a business a lliance

[Eknes Co., Ltd.] Handwritten letter service “Eknes” and sales data platform “Infobox” form a business alliance

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Press release: June 4, 2024
Handwritten letter service “Eknes” and sales data platform “Infobox” form a business alliance
*Realizes the flow from list creation to DM sending all at once*

■Aim and background of this business alliance
Sales methods are diversifying, such as tele-appointments and email marketing. Among them, building analog contact points such as the DM approach is one of the most effective methods to reach high-layer customers in a pinpoint manner. However, regarding list creation and DM writing, Securing resources is a challenge for many companies.
By linking “Robot Letter” and “infobox”, we will be able to handle everything from creating recipient lists to sending DMs.
It is now possible to perform everything from writing to sending on behalf of the author using the system.
When creating DM content, use the person data and feature tags in the infobox to You can include more specific suggestions. For DM writing, enclosing and shipping, please contact
Robot Letter will do this for you, resulting in a significant reduction in man-hours.
The two companies will continue to strengthen their collaborative functions.

■Comments from both companies
-Ekness Co., Ltd. Representative Director and CEO: Yasuyuki Hirai Up until now, even if you had taken the trouble to write a letter by hand, there were issues with the quality of the list, and the reality was that you were not able to pinpoint the people you wanted to approach.
Through our partnership with Infobox, we want to aim for “list quality” x “handwritten letters”
We are confident that by sending high-quality handwritten letters to the clients we approach, we can achieve more efficient sales activities than before.
I believe that Japan’s marketing activities can still be made more efficient, so I hope this will help.
– Infobox Co., Ltd. Representative Director and CEO Kaito Hiranuma Sales operations are diversifying as not only customer needs but also the services provided become more complex. What is important is to identify areas that need to be made more efficient and areas that require more attention from people.
It’s about cutting it apart. Through this business partnership with Eknes, we will be able to use infobox to
Considering who to approach and creating proposal details that are tailored to each company, which inevitably requires a lot of man-hours.
“Robot Letter” has made it possible to streamline the process of sending DMs, which is a common process.
We will continue to leverage the strengths of both companies and strive to deliver the best sales experience to our customers.

■Holding a seminar jointly sponsored by both companies
From 12:00 on June 20th, we will be holding a joint seminar on top approach methods that leverage the strengths of both companies’ collaboration.
Email? phone? letter?
How to approach top management based on success stories
Date and time
Thursday, June 20, 2024 12:00-12:45
Event format
Online (zoom)
Participation fee free
Please see the URL below for details.

■About Infobox Co., Ltd.
Our vision is “Towards an ALL-WINNER world.”
A startup that creates a better purchasing environment. We develop, operate, and sell the sales data platform “infobox,” which enables market research, company list creation, and decision-maker approaches all at once.
◎Issues that infobox solves
[Inconsistency in timing between buyers and sellers]
There is no way to understand the purchasing timing, needs, and key person information of buyers, so
This increases sales man-hours and reduces time for making essential proposals. [Sellers’ competitiveness is hurting buyers’ purchasing experience] By allowing sellers to manage customer data in a closed manner at each company, from the perspective of buyers, all companies can
You get a sales call asking the same question, or you don’t know which product is better.
This creates a negative purchasing experience.
infobox product site URL:

■Company overview
Company name Eknes Co., Ltd.
Representative Representative Director CEO Yasuyuki Hirai
Founding date: March 23, 2018
Address: 36-4-3 2F, Kamikawabata-cho, Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture 916-0037 Business details Operation of Robot Letter

Company name Infobox Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director and CEO Kaito Hiranuma Founding date: July 13, 2018
Capital: 717,409,900 yen (including capital reserves)
Address: Nt Building 1F, 1-9-12 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047 Business content Development, operation, and sales of infobox URL

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