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JAL JAL selected as “DX Stock 2024” for second consecutive year

JAL selected as “DX Stock 2024” for second consecutive year
June 3, 2024
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JAL has been selected as a “DX Stock (*1) 2024” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the Information-technology Promotion Agency. This selection was the result of high praise for our efforts to deepen existing business models and create new business models in the maintenance field. This is the second consecutive year that JAL has been selected as a DX stock. [Evaluation for selection (evaluation committee comments)]
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[JAL initiatives that led to selection]
1. “Deepening existing business models”: Digital transformation of aircraft maintenance
JAL Engineering Co., Ltd., which is primarily responsible for aircraft maintenance for the JAL Group, pursues the philosophy of “Zero Zero 100” (*2), so instead of performing maintenance after an aircraft malfunction occurs, JAL Engineering Co., Ltd. We aim to do the maintenance in advance. To achieve this goal, we are currently working on the following three initiatives in cooperation with partner companies that have cutting-edge digital technology.
(1) Development of an aircraft failure prediction algorithm using hypothesis testing analysis technology based on maintenance knowledge (*3) and data-driven analysis technology using AI (*4)
(2) Development of a diagnostic support tool for inspection images of aircraft engine internal conditions using medical AI technology Press release dated December 20, 2022: “JAL and Cresco develop an “aircraft engine internal inspection tool” that utilizes image recognition technology using medical AI” URL: /202212/007126.html
(3) Development of an application for optimizing flight maintenance plans using quantum computing technology
Press release dated July 31, 2023: “A first in the Japanese aviation industry, JAL and A-Star Quantum utilize quantum computing technology to optimize aircraft maintenance plans” URL: /ja/release/202307/007538.html
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2. “Creating a new business model”: Air mobility business
Combining the JAL Group’s safe operation know-how and advanced technology, we are promoting the next-generation air mobility business of drones and flying cars while collaborating with other companies and coordinating with national policies. Anticipating that various types of air mobility such as drones and flying cars will be operated by various operators in the future, we have created the Operation Support Platform (AMOP(*5)) as a social infrastructure to manage their safe operation. We aim to build a platform and monetize it as a platform operator. To realize AMOP, we entered into a capital and business alliance with KDDI Smart Drone Co., Ltd. in December 2023 in the drone business. Additionally, in November 2023, Amami and Setouchi Town are accelerating their efforts, including establishing a drone operating company, Amami Island Drone Co., Ltd., jointly with Setouchi Town. In the flying car business, the first goal is to achieve operation at the Osaka/Kansai Expo in 2025. In the future, we aim to expand our air network, including our airline business, and realize “Air MaaS (Mobility as a Service),” which seamlessly connects various types of air mobility.
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Going forward, JAL will continue to utilize digital technology to create safe and secure travel for customers and new customer experience value, as well as take on the challenge of solving social issues and reform through digital transformation. (*1) “DX Brands” are the names of companies that are working together with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and, starting in 2020, with the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) to fundamentally change business models based on digital technology. We select companies that are engaged in “digital transformation (DX)” that will lead to new growth and strengthened competitiveness as “DX Stocks.” (*2) In order to provide safer and more secure travel, we will reduce the number of problems faced by customers to zero, reduce the number of problems faced by internal personnel involved in aircraft maintenance to zero, and ultimately achieve a 100% on-time departure rate. A concept that expresses “the world’s highest quality aircraft operations.” (*3) An analysis method that creates a hypothesis of a scenario leading to a failure based on the knowledge of a mechanic, verifies it with related past data, and finds characteristic quantities that predict failure. (*4) An analysis method that automatically finds features that indicate signs of failure from a huge amount of data and detects signs of failure based on this. (*5) AMOP not only provides flight management systems, but also provides consulting services for solving regional issues using air mobility, introducing and providing communications, insurance, aircraft, etc., and human resource development for pilots. The idea is to provide a package of various services for safe and secure business operations. that’s all
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