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“Awareness survey regarding children’s cell phone/smartphone debut” asked 100 men and women in their 20s to 80s nationwide

“Awareness survey regarding children’s cell phone/smartphone debut” asked 100 men and women in their 20s to 80s nationwide

*View in browser* *ALL CONNECT Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 4, 2024
“Awareness survey regarding children’s cell phone/smartphone debut” asked 100 men and women in their 20s to 80s nationwide
ALL CONNECT Mobile Co., Ltd., a member of the All Connect Group that handles communication infrastructure services such as communication lines and smartphones,
Mobile, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shozo Senmoto), a smartphone-related information media operated by Mobareco, conducted a survey regarding children’s awareness of mobile phones and their debut with smartphones.

As a result, we were able to find out when the child’s cell
phone/smartphone was purchased, the model, and the plan he/she is currently contracted for. Please feel free to use it as a source for reporting.
* [Survey overview] *
Survey method Freeeasy (using web survey tool)
Survey period May 2024
Target number of people: Parents with children in 1st grade of elementary school to 1st grade of junior high school
100 men and women in their 20s to 80s

* -Awareness survey on children’s cell phone/smartphone debut Topics-* ●Currently, about half of the respondents answered that they let their children carry their own cell phones/smartphones, the most common result.
● When asked when they purchased their children’s cell
phones/smartphones, 22.12% of respondents answered “first year of junior high school”, indicating that most children purchase their children’s mobile phones/smartphones between the upper grades of elementary school and middle school.
● When we asked children what cell phones/smartphones they have, about half of them answered “Android.”
● Regarding carriers and low-cost SIMs, approximately 30% of respondents answered “Docomo,” followed by “au” and “Rakuten Mobile.”
● Regarding smartphone share plans and family discounts, 46% of respondents answered that they are currently using them. When asked how they learned about it, the most common reasons were “comparison sites” and “official career sites.”
● Regarding student discounts for smartphones, the largest number of respondents (39%) answered that they use them.
When asked what they should be careful about when giving their child a smartphone, about 30% of respondents answered, “I want to be careful about billing services.”
* Q1: Does your child currently have a cell phone/smartphone? * * Survey items* * Survey results*
*Has* *50.0%*
* Haven’t had it yet* * 39.42%*
*I’m just thinking about it* *7.69%*
*If it is GPS, I have it* *2.88%*
Half of the parents of children between the first grade of elementary school and the first grade of junior high school said that they let their children carry cellphones/smartphones.

39.42% of the respondents answered, “I don’t have one yet,” 7.69% said, “I’m thinking about it right now,” and 2.88% said, “I would have a GPS.”
* Q2: When should you buy your child’s cell phone/smartphone? When did you buy it again? *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
*Before entering elementary school* *2.88%*
*1st grade* *6.73%*
* 2nd grade elementary school students * * 3.85%*
* 3rd grade elementary school* * 2.88%*
* 4th grade elementary school* * 10.58%*
*5th grade* *12.5%*
*6th grade elementary school* *11.54%*
* 1st grade of junior high school* * 22.12%*
* After 8th grade* * 15.38%*
*I have no plans to purchase* *11.54%*
When asked when they purchased their children’s cell
phones/smartphones, 22.12% of respondents answered “first year of junior high school”, followed by “second year of junior high school” and “fifth year of elementary school”. became.

It seems that many people purchase it between the upper grades of elementary school and junior high school students.
* Q3: This is a question for those who already have their children with cell phones/smartphones. Please tell me why you brought a cell phone/smartphone. *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
* Because I’m worried* * 30.9%*
* Friends, surrounding environment * * 38.3%*
* Because it is easy to contact* * 30.9%*
When we asked people who already gave their children cell
phones/smartphones the reason for giving them one, 38.3% of them answered “friends/surrounding environment.”

Next, the same number of people answered “Because I’m worried” and “Because it’s easy to get in touch.”
* Q4: This is a question for those who have not yet given their children cell phones/smartphones. Are there any concerns or reasons for considering bringing a cell phone/smartphone? *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
*I feel it’s still early* *43.2%*
* Concerned about SNS bullying* * 18.9%*
* I’m worried that the plan fee is high* * 12.2%*
* Worried about game addiction, video addiction, etc.* * 25.7%* When we asked those who have not yet given their children cell phones/smartphones about their concerns and reasons for considering it, the most common response was, “I feel like it’s still too fast.”

In addition, many people were worried about how to use and rely on SNS. * Q5: This is a question for those who have already given their children cell phones/smartphones. Which cell phone/smartphone do you have? *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
*iPhone* *37.3%*
*Android* *45.8%*
*Kids smartphone/kids mobile phone* *16.9%*
When we asked people who already gave their children cell
phones/smartphones which cell phone/smartphone they were giving their children, about half of them answered “Android.”

The next most popular choice was the iPhone, indicating that most people give their children smartphones.

* Q6: This is a question for those who have already given their children smartphones. Which career plan are you using? *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
*Docomo* *29.9%*
*au* *14.9%*
*Softbank* *7.5%*
*ahamo* *6.0%*
*Rakuten Mobile* *14.9%*
*Ymobile* *9.0%*
*UQ Mobile* *7.5%*
* Others* * 10.4%*
When we asked people who already gave their children smartphones which carrier and low-cost SIM they use, about 30% of them answered “Docomo.”

Many people said “au” and “Rakuten Mobile” next, and some seemed to be using cheap SIM cards or carrier plans.
* Q7: Do you know about smartphone share plans and family discounts? Or do you use it? *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
*Currently using* *46.0%*
*Aware but not using* *36.0%*
*I don’t know of its existence* *18.0%*
When it comes to smartphone sharing plans and family discounts, 46% of respondents said they were currently using them.

We found that the ratio of those who use it to those who do not use it is approximately 5:5, including those who do not know about its existence.
*Q8: This is a question for those who answered that they are currently using a share plan or family discount. Please tell us how you learned about share plans and family discounts. *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
*Comparison site* *19.5%*
* Information media site * * 15.6% *
*Career official website* *19.5%*
*Home electronics retailers* *9.1%*
*SNS* *5.2%*
*Carrier stores* *16.9%*
*Taught to me by family/acquaintances* *14.3%*
When we asked those who currently use share plans and family discounts how they learned about share plans and family discounts, the same number of respondents answered “comparison sites” and “official carrier sites”. have become.

There are also many people who found out about us through information media sites and carrier stores.
* Q9: Did you use the student discount on your child’s
mobile/smartphone plan? If you do not have a cell phone/smartphone, do you want to use it in the future? *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
*Using* *39.0%*
*Not used* *25.0%*
* I would like to use it in the future* * 28.0%*
*Not planning to use* *8.0%*
When it comes to student discounts for smartphones, 39% of respondents answered that they are using them, and 28% said they would like to use them in the future.

More than 60% of people answered that they are currently using it or considering it.

* Q10: Is there anything you should be careful about when giving your child a smartphone? *
* Survey items* * Survey results*
* Daily usage time * * 22.6% *
* Perform filtering service/settings* * 22.2%*
* Be careful about billing services* * 27.0%*
* Set house rules such as deciding where to use the room* * 13.5%* *Teach about call charges* *13.9%*
*Others* *0.9%*
When asked what to be careful about when giving a smartphone to a child, the most common answer was “I want to be careful about billing services.”

Next, many respondents said they would like to be careful about “daily usage time” and “filtering services and settings.”

*You can read the article created based on the survey results from the link below.
“8 Recommended Cheap SIMs & 4 Smartphones for Elementary and Junior High School Children”

■About “Mobareco”
This is a comprehensive media site in the communication genre that provides information on how to use the smartphones and gadgets you use every day more comfortably.

Mobareko covers a wide range of information on various communications and gadgets, including the latest smartphone release information, how to set it up, how to sign a SIM contract, and comparisons of cheap SIM speeds and charges.
* ■Company information*
ALL CONNECT Mobile Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Shozo Senbon
Head Office Hama Rikyu The Tower 4F, 1-3-1 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo Established December 17, 2015
Representative Director and President Kota Iwai
Head Office Hama Rikyu The Tower 4F, 1-3-1 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo Established: 15-1-2 Tsugano-cho, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture URL ** *About details about this release*

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