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Home » Hokkaido NPO Support Center Held on Friday, June 7th / Thinking about Hokkaido’s future NPO strategy! Now recr uiting participants for the presentation of “NPO DNA” and opinion exchange session

Hokkaido NPO Support Center Held on Friday, June 7th / Thinking about Hokkaido’s future NPO strategy! Now recr uiting participants for the presentation of “NPO DNA” and opinion exchange session

[Hokkaido NPO Support Center] Held on Friday, June 7th / Thinking about Hokkaido’s future NPO strategy! Now recruiting participants for the presentation of “NPO DNA” and opinion exchange session

*View in browser* *Hokkaido NPO Support Center*
Press release: June 4, 2024
Held on 6/7 (Friday)/Thinking about Hokkaido’s future NPO strategy! Now recruiting participants for the presentation of “NPO DNA” and opinion exchange session
*A workshop to think about Hokkaido’s future NPO strategy will be held at Civic Activity Plaza Hoshien (Sapporo City)*
Twenty-five years have passed since the Specified Nonprofit Activities Promotion Act (NPO Act) was enacted, and the environment surrounding NPOs has changed significantly. As of January 2023, there are 2,153 NPOs operating in Hokkaido, and the Hokkaido NPO Support Group receives many NPO-related consultations every day. The content is wide-ranging, and there are many issues that cannot be solved by a single organization.
Given this situation, the group members held repeated discussions and decided that “we will need to have a dialogue with NPOs across Hokkaido and learn more about what is needed for interim support for NPOs in the future.” Let’s create a “Hokkaido NPO Strategy” to create the future of Hokkaido’s NPOs! ” and the project has started. Since 2022, we have been holding dialogues with people involved in NPOs in Hokkaido about “what NPOs need today” and “Possibilities for NPOs in the future.”
Held in June 2022 | Kickoff meeting
Launch of Hokkaido NPO Strategy Creation Project
NPO Hokkaido NPO Support Center
In February 2022, we launched the “Hokkaido NPO Strategy Creation Project.” As we continued our activities, we felt the need to reconsider the nature of NPOs, their role in society, and how the nature of various non-profit activities would change.
Therefore, with an eye on the future of society, we reconsidered our own activities and launched the Hokkaido NPO Strategy Creation Project in order to strategically collaborate and develop.
We have held repeated discussions not only with NPOs, but also with a variety of people, including government and private companies. Through this project, we believe that building a foundation for citizens to engage in social contribution activities and bringing together the power of diverse citizens is the key to future NPO activities.
Held on October 28, 2023|N Fes
Held on October 28, 2023|N Fes
Held on October 28, 2023|N Fes
Held on October 28, 2023|N Fest staff group photo
* “NPO DNA” *

After a series of dialogues and discussions that have been held in Hokkaido, we have released a draft of the “DNA of NPOs” that summarizes the discussions to date. We have included perspectives such as those of us who will be working as an NPO from now on, what we are aiming for, and what we would like to focus on in our activities. “NPO DNA”
You can read the draft version of “NPO DNA” here.
We would like to provide a place for people involved in NPOs in Hokkaido to share information, and this is the first time we will be holding a workshop.

At the opinion exchange meeting, we discussed what the “DNA of an NPO” is. After talking about this, we would like to take some time to talk about what we can and would like to do based on that.

Because I’ve been involved with NPOs for so long, and because I’ve only just started working with them, I’ve always wondered what NPOs are. I’m sure there are some of you who feel this way, some of you who have secretly wanted to talk about NPOs in the future, and some of you who have a variety of feelings. Would you like to take this
opportunity to have a conversation with everyone gathered together? We look forward to your participation.
*Details of “NPO DNA” presentation and opinion exchange meeting* Date and time: Friday, June 7, 2024 15:00-16:20
Location: Citizen Activity Plaza Hoshien (Minami 8-jo Nishi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido) *In-person event only
Target audience: Anyone who is interested can participate.
*This event will be held after the general meeting of the Hokkaido NPO Support Center and NPO Promotion Hokkaido Conference.

* Overall time schedule (planned) for the day *
13:15-14:00 NPO Promotion Hokkaido Conference General Meeting 14:00-15:00 Hokkaido NPO Support Center General Meeting – Announcement of the mid-term support center plan! I will do ~
* ▼This information is available only during this time period 15:00 to 16:20 Presentation of “NPO DNA” and exchange of opinions*
16:30 – 18:00 NPO Promotion Council Joint Research Group Planning – Inviting Professor Yasuhiko Murakami of Osaka University –
Apply here
[Contact information]
NPO Hokkaido NPO Support Center
Tel: 011-200-0973
Event process so far
・Kickoff on June 10, 2022 @ Dialogue held at 6 locations across Hokkaido – June 6, 2023 Interim report “Thinking about citizen participation” implemented ・“Hokkaido NPO Festival 2023” will be held on October 28-29, 2023 ・May 7, 2024 “NPO DNA” draft opinion exchange meeting @Online

NPO Hokkaido NPO Support Center
This corporation provides support for mutual information exchange and collaboration among non-profit civic organizations (NPOs), support for groups and individuals who wish to create new specified non-profit organizations (NPO corporations), and specified non-profit
organizations. The purpose of this organization is to support the activities of non-profit organizations (NPOs) and to carry out projects that contribute to the dissemination, enlightenment, and development of civic activities.

*About details about this release*