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Home » What are the secrets to longevity told by a doctor and a Zen monk? A must-read new book in the era of 100-year lifespans, “A way of life that refines your mind and body” is now available

What are the secrets to longevity told by a doctor and a Zen monk? A must-read new book in the era of 100-year lifespans, “A way of life that refines your mind and body” is now available

Interbooks Co., Ltd.
[What are the secrets to longevity told by a doctor and a Zen monk?] A must-read new book in the era of 100-year lifespans, “A way of life that refines your mind and body” is now available
Interbooks Co., Ltd. will release a new book, “A way of life that improves your mind and body: “Good breathing supports a 100-year life” on June 6th (Thursday).
[Image 1:×2580.jpg] There was a regimen practiced by both doctors and Zen monks. Find your own regimen while enjoying the fight against aging. A gem of a conversation between an 88-year-old practicing doctor and a high-ranking Zen monk.
Breathing techniques were the source of my energy.
Put your feelings into it when you breathe out, it just feels good Let’s spit out the filth from our bodies
I can speak because I am a master of Zen.
[Image 2:×320.jpg ]
Nanrei Yokota Head of Rinzai Sect Engakuji sect, president of Hanazono University
Born in Wakayama Prefecture in 1964. He became a monk while attending university, and upon graduation, he began training at the Kenninji monastery in Kyoto. In 1999, he became the head priest of Engakuji Temple. In 2010, he was appointed as director. In 2017, he became president of Hanazono University. In 2023, he became the director of the Zen Culture Research Institute. His books include “Heart Sutra for First-time People” (Shunjusha), “Learning from Mumon Seki” (Chichi Publishing), “To Live a Life That Will Never Be Again” (co-author, PHP Institute), and “Irohani Hoheto”. (Interbooks) and many others.
A regimen that an 88-year-old active doctor can tell you about
[Image 3:×320.jpg] Ryoichi Obitsu, Physician, Honorary Director of Obitsu Sankei Hospital Born in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture in 1936. Graduated from the University of Tokyo School of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine. After serving as chief surgeon at Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital, in 1982 he established Obitsu Sankei Hospital in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture. Honorary Chairman of the Japan Holistic Medical
Association and Chairman of the Board of the Japanese Homeopathic Medical Association. His books include “On the Frontline of Cancer Treatment at Obitsu Sankei Hospital: All About Treatments that Are Kind to the Body and Mind” (Kosei Publishing), “Smile Manga: The Power of Living with Excitement of an 88-Year-Old Doctor” (co-author, Shufunotomosha), He has co-authored many books, including “Why Meal Eating Is Good for Your Body: Change This Part of Your Diet!” (co-authored, Mikasa Shobo).
Introducing “How to do breathing exercises” with easy-to-understand illustrations of exercises
[Image 4:×2413.jpg] From the table of contents
Chapter 1 Tips for staying healthy forever: Regimen from doctors and Zen monks Breathing techniques are the source of energy/Putting your feelings into your breath is good for your health/Exhaling the impurities in your body
Chapter 2 Holistic medicine that supports cancer treatment
Everyone has a “view of life and death” / When you get cancer, you start thinking about life / An encounter with “medical care that is close to life”
Chapter 3 Aiming for a dignified way of life – Each person’s view of life and death
I get surprised when death suddenly approaches someone close to me or myself. Bibliographic information
Book title: “A way of life that improves your mind and body: “Good breathing” supports a 100-year life”
Author: Ryoichi Obizu, Nanrei Yokota
Specifications: 160 pages, paperback
List price: 1,650 yen (1,500 yen + tax)
ISBN: 978-4-924914-88-9
Publisher: Interbooks Co., Ltd. More details about this release: