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Held a webinar with the theme “How to create a webinar project that will win business deals”

Majicemi Co., Ltd.
Held a webinar on the theme of “How to create a webinar project that will win business deals”
Magisemi Co., Ltd. will be holding a webinar on the theme of “How to create a webinar plan that will win business deals.”
[Image:×630.jpg] (Click here for details and to apply) ■Seminar Overview What criteria do you use to advance your company’s marketing measures?・It is the shortest measure when calculated backwards from the purpose ・Easy to acquire target leads ・Cost-effective, etc.
As mentioned above, there are various ways of thinking. However, isn’t “cost-effectiveness” something that cannot be separated? Therefore, at this summit, we will share the latest marketing methods and success stories, and introduce 10 cost-effective marketing measures. This summit is especially recommended for those in charge of management, marketing, and sales who are thinking about “how to use limited budgets” every day, so please apply! ■Recruitment target: People who fall under any of the following conditions・People who are looking for cost-effective marketing measures・Sales personnel who are not generating enough leads and not having enough business
negotiations・People who are looking for marketing strategies that are cost-effective For those in charge of marketing who would not be able to secure a marketing budget without this. ■Capacity: 1000 people■ Venue/Method Zoom *The URL will be sent to you via email just before the event. *Please check your email settings to ensure that emails from “” and “” are not marked as spam. ■Program・10:00-10:10 | Opening
・10:10-10:35 | BtoB attribution analysis to accurately determine cost-effectiveness Ryota Kakiuchi One Marketing Co., Ltd.Due to the characteristics of BtoB purchasing, it is rare for the measures to acquire a lead for the first time to directly lead to a purchase, and there are various This will lead to purchase through the touch points of various measures. In other words, unless you analyze from the perspective of “which measures had an impact on the project,” you will not be able to discover the true effects of the measures. In this webinar, we will explain the concept of attribution analysis in BtoB and explain how to accurately measure cost effectiveness.・10:35-11:00 | How to create a BtoB SEO/site strategy that produces results Teppei Shioguchi, EXIDEA Co., Ltd. Even in the manufacturing industry, there is a need to develop customers by acquiring new leads instead of the traditional route sales centered on existing customers. It has become. Among these, the most important channel is acquiring leads from the web. We provide SEO consulting mainly to manufacturing customers and have helped them maximize their CV by 300% compared to last year. SEO for the manufacturing industry requires different issues and SEO measures than general SEO measures. We will explain the key points and the priority order of measures.・11:00-11:25 | What is the “type” and “structure” of a BtoB site that produces results? Basic Co., Ltd. Yuhei Hayashi Even though I am distributing advertisements and sending regular e-mail newsletters, I am not seeing any improvement in results. I think there are many BtoB companies who are worried about this. In fact, unless you improve the performance of your landing page (LP) or website, you will not be able to acquire leads. “ferret One”, which has provided BtoB marketing support for over 1,000 companies, will introduce you to the key points to keep in mind in order to create a “website that produces results”!・11:30-11:55 | The relationship between BtoB content marketing and lead quality Hitoshi IDEATECH Co., Ltd. ・High quality of content and quality of leads ・Example of content to acquire enterprise leads ・How to think about content Should you?・Introducing content utilization measures that can be applied in various situations・11:55-12:20 | Don’t stop at acquiring leads! What is the winning pattern of white paper marketing that maximizes the number of business deals? Shakou Ota Shoaki Co., Ltd.White paper marketing is important in acquiring leads in BtoB marketing, but many marketers may be worried about getting leads but not converting them into business negotiations. In order to generate business negotiations from a white paper, “planning”, “customer attraction (marketing methods)”, and “inside sales” all need to work together well, and there is a winning pattern. We will tell you about the challenges and the Shakou method that can be seen because we have specialized in BtoB and marketing and sales!・12:20-12:45 | [For companies who are having trouble getting business deals] How to create a webinar project that will win business deals! Yuichi Terada, Majicemi Co., Ltd. “Webinars” are often heard these days in BtoB marketing measures. The measures have a wide range of uses, and are increasingly used for lead acquisition and lead nurturing. On the other hand, some companies are facing the problem that as a result of their measures, the acquisition efficiency of business negotiations is lower than that of other measures, resulting in the measures being stopped. Therefore, in this seminar, Majicemi, a webinar support company, will thoroughly explain how to create a “seminar plan that can efficiently win business negotiations”.・12:45-13:10 | 18 appointments made with one reuse strategy / 3 classic strategies for achieving results with webinars Yuya Nekupro Motegi Co., Ltd. Webinars are 1-to-N sales without a sense of sales. . What kind of initiatives are needed to increase ROI? I would like to share with you three key measures. This time, we will also explain the results of using the webinar distribution system “Nekpro”. Isn’t ZOOM better? That’s what you’re thinking. Please watch it once.・13:15-13:40 | Customer leads are the key to “new development”! What are the ways to improve the flow from obtaining leads to obtaining business deals? Lux Co., Ltd. Hiroshi Takashima Many small and medium-sized enterprises may have “new business development” as a challenge. In order to develop new business, it is extremely important to improve the customer flow from acquiring leads to acquiring business deals. In this lecture, we will introduce efficient ways to improve customer channels that even small and medium-sized businesses can immediately start “new business development.”・13:40-14:05 | Kensaku Ando WACUL Co., Ltd., an e-mail magazine that produces results without trying hard The biggest feature of e-mail marketing is its high ROI. In order to not lose that characteristic, it is important to know where to work hard in email marketing and where to not work hard. Kensaku Ando, ​​an email marketing evangelist, will talk about email newsletters that lead to results.・14:05-14:30 | Realize data-driven sales activities! The necessity of “corporate information enrichment” and “data cleansing” Takuya Akutsu Rockets Co., Ltd.In sales activities, one of the key elements to success is “creating business deals.” However, recently, issues have emerged such as “CRM lead data is duplicated” and “company information only contains the company name and URL, making analysis impossible.” To address these challenges, data management is essential as the foundation for achieving a high-quality customer experience. In this seminar, we will focus on the data management necessary to realize data-driven sales activities, and explain how to organize prospective customer attribute data, activity data, and company data.・14:30-14:35 | Ending (Click here for details and application) ■Sponsored by Majisemi Co., Ltd. ■Cooperated with Rockets Co., Ltd.
Basic Co., Ltd.
Lux Co., Ltd.
EXIDEA Co., Ltd.
WACUL Co., Ltd.
Nekupro Co., Ltd.
One Marketing Co., Ltd.
Shakou Co., Ltd.
IDEATECH Co., Ltd. Open Source Utilization Research Institute Co., Ltd. Magisemi Co., Ltd. Magisemi will continue to hold webinars that are “useful to participants.” ★For other webinar applications and videos and materials from past seminars, please check below★ ★If you would like to hold a webinar, please watch this video★ https: //
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