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Home » Muni Co., Ltd. Yutaka Matsuo, professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School, has been appointed as a technical advisor to Mni Co., Ltd.

Muni Co., Ltd. Yutaka Matsuo, professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School, has been appointed as a technical advisor to Mni Co., Ltd.

[Muni Co., Ltd.] Yutaka Matsuo, professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School, has been appointed as a technical advisor to Mni Co., Ltd.

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Press release: June 5, 2024
Yutaka Matsuo, professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School, appointed as technical advisor to Mni Co., Ltd.
*Muni Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce that the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Technology Management and Strategy, Artifact Engineering Research Center, Professor/Chairman of the AI ​​Strategy Council
We would like to inform you that Mr. Yutaka Matsuo has been appointed as a technical advisor. *
■* Overview *
Mr. Yutaka Matsuo has recently been appointed as a technical advisor for Muni Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Yuta Shimono, hereinafter referred to as “Muni”). Yutaka Matsuo specializes in artificial intelligence, deep learning, web mining, and big data analysis. He has been engaged in research for many years as a leading expert in the field. In addition, from 2017, he became the chairman of the Japan Deep Learning Church, a general incorporated association that was established with the aim of improving Japan’s industrial competitiveness through technology centered on deep learning, promoting the industrial use of deep learning, and developing human resources. We are focusing on activities necessary for the healthy development of the artificial intelligence industry, such as making recommendations to public institutions and industry. Additionally, we are promoting collaboration between academia and industry.

With the recent appointment of Mr. Yutaka Matsuo as a technical advisor, Muni will continue to provide advice on research and development and business development in the AI ​​field in industry, and will further advance support for the development and introduction of generative AI mainly in the manufacturing industry. I’m coming.

■* Comment from Yutaka Matsuo *
Emni is a startup specializing in the use of generative AI in the manufacturing industry.
Representative Mr. Shimono has three years of experience at Matsuo Research Institute, where he was deeply involved in social
implementation of AI for the manufacturing industry, and his extensive knowledge and track record are a major strength.
In addition, we have members who have project experience at famous IT mega-ventures, including co-founder Mr. Goto, forming a team full of technical ability and creativity.
Based on our mission of “Making the working environment happy with AI and bringing excitement to the world,” we strongly hope that Emni will bring innovation to the manufacturing industry and lead the industry of the future.

■ * Profile of Mr. Yutaka Matsuo *
Graduated from the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo in 1997. 2002 Completed doctoral course at the same graduate school. Ph.D. (Engineering). After serving as a researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and a visiting researcher at Stanford University, he has been an associate professor at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Engineering since 2007. Professor since 2019. His areas of expertise are artificial intelligence, deep learning, and web mining. He has received various awards from the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence: Paper Award (2002), 20th Anniversary Project Award (2006), Field Innovation Award (2011), and Distinguished Service Award (2013). 2020-2022, Director of the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence and the Information Processing Society of Japan. Chairman of the Japan Deep Learning Association since 2017. Outside director of SoftBank Group since 2019. New Capitalism Realization Conference from 2021
Expert members. Chairperson of the AI ​​Strategy Council from 2023.

■ * About Mni Co., Ltd. *
Emni Co., Ltd. is working on the development and implementation support of “custom-made AI” customized for each company, mainly in the manufacturing industry, based on the mission of “Making the working environment happy with AI and bringing excitement to the world”. Masu. Members who were engaged in AI research at Kyoto University Graduate School and members who were involved in AI social implementation at the Matsuo Research Institute, which shares the vision with the Matsuo-Iwasawa Laboratory of the Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering, will provide the optimal AI for your company. .
Company name Muni Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Yuta Shimono
Address: 3rd floor, Sobunkan Building, 6-25-14 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Corporate site
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