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Home » Kyoei Ad International Co., Ltd. LED advertisements that catch the eye day and night decorate the scenery of Shinjuku

Kyoei Ad International Co., Ltd. LED advertisements that catch the eye day and night decorate the scenery of Shinjuku

[Kyoei Ad International Co., Ltd.] LED advertisements that catch the eye day and night decorate the scenery of Shinjuku

*View in browser* *Kyoei Ad International Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 5, 2024
LED advertisements that catch your eye day and night decorate the scenery of Shinjuku
*Supervised the installation of a large LED billboard tower on the upper west side of Shinjuku Kaleido Building*
Kyoei Ad International Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Katsumi Hirose), which develops area marketing businesses nationwide.
“Kyoe Ad” hereafter) is a company located in Shinjuku Kaleido Building, Otsuka Shokai Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Yuji Otsuka).
We supervised the installation of the LED billboard on the west side of the billboard for Otsuka Shokai (hereinafter referred to as “Otsuka Shokai”), and the construction was successfully completed on May 15th. Advertising tower installed at Shinjuku Kaleido Building located next to Shinjuku Oguard West Intersection
* Promote client’s stance on global warming prevention*
The Otsuka Shokai billboards installed on the east and south sides of the roof of the Shinjuku Kaleido Building in 2010 are an advertising measure that expresses the company’s efforts to support environmental solutions, and all of their light sources use LEDs. It became a hot topic as one of the largest advertising towers in Japan at the time. Now, in order to further promote the company’s efforts to help prevent global warming by reducing CO2 through the use of LEDs, the old advertisement on the west side has been reborn as an LED billboard. It was become a thing.
Advertisement design by Otsuka Shokai
Blue Co., Ltd. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo) was in charge of the advertising department, design, and construction, while KyoAid, in its capacity as installation supervisor, supervised the design and negotiated with the building owner to ensure a smooth process.

*Using LEDs saves power and improves visibility*
In addition to the conventional high visibility of the east and south sides of the building, the billboard tower completed on the west side is 11m in height x 33.12m in width (364.32 square meters) and uses 676 fluorescent LED lights and a module type. The total power consumption is approximately 23,170kw, which reduces power consumption by approximately 63% (calculated by Blue Co., Ltd.) compared to using regular fluorescent lights. Visibility when advancing to guard has been greatly improved.

High visibility both during the day and at night
*Please contact us about outdoor advertising*
The installation of this large LED billboard made the client’s efforts more widely known.
KyoAid has utilized its knowledge of area marketing accumulated over 75 years to deliver useful information for daily life through local outdoor advertisements and public transportation advertisements. Various proposals can be made depending on the case. Please feel free to contact us.

-Contact information-
For inquiries regarding this project, please feel free to contact us below. The person in charge will respond individually.