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Home » Wills Co., Ltd. Starzen Co., Ltd. introduced the “Premium Benefits Club” to strengthen DX of shareholder management and utilize shareholder database for marketing of own products

Wills Co., Ltd. Starzen Co., Ltd. introduced the “Premium Benefits Club” to strengthen DX of shareholder management and utilize shareholder database for marketing of own products

Wills Co., Ltd.
Starzen Co., Ltd. introduced “Premium Benefits Club” to strengthen DX of shareholder management and utilize shareholder database for marketing of own products
Wills Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Mitsuo Sugimoto; hereinafter referred to as “Wills”), an IR support company that connects investors and listed companies, offers point-based shareholder benefits and shareholder information digitization services. Starzen Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazuhiko Yokota, hereinafter referred to as “Starzen”) will introduce the integrated digital shareholder management platform “Premium Benefits Club” to expand its shareholder benefits system. From 2024 onwards, this will apply to shareholders as of the end of March 2024 who own 200 or more shares listed or recorded in the Starzen shareholder register as of the end of March every year.
[Image 1:×121.jpg] About the purpose of introducing the Premium Benefits Club
Since its founding in 2004, Wills has been providing shareholder management services centered on the institutional investor marketing platform “IR-navi” and the digital shareholder management platform “Premium Benefits Club,” which combines point-based shareholder benefits and shareholder information electronic services. This company is expanding its platform business and promoting DX in the shareholder management field, supporting listed companies to increase their corporate value from the aspects of IR and SR.
Starzen would like to express its gratitude to its shareholders for their continued support, and has held various discussions to deepen the understanding of Starzen’s business activities among as many people as possible. Under these circumstances, we have decided to introduce the Starzen Premium Benefits Club, a digital shareholder management platform that can promote the DX of shareholder management. In the future, by actively utilizing the shareholder database obtained through the Starzen Premium Benefits Club, we are planning to establish a means of contact and communication with shareholders, which will have the expected effect of utilizing it in marketing. At the same time, by connecting in both directions, we will increase opportunities for dialogue with shareholders and further strengthen the DX of shareholder management. Another objective is to save resources and improve convenience for shareholders by digitizing the application for benefits, which was previously done by postcard.
[Image 2:×561.jpg] The special website is scheduled to launch on July 1, 2024.

◆About Starzen Co., Ltd.
As a total food supplier, the Starzen Group relies on a strong supply chain that enables stable supply from upstream to downstream as the source of its competitiveness. Based on diverse capital (inputs) and a business model (group business) that consistently delivers safe and secure meat to meet customer needs, we create new sales opportunities and product proposals through a wide variety of meat and processed foods. We will continue to do so (output). We will continue to pursue sustainable improvements in corporate value by contributing to the development of food culture and local economies both domestically and internationally, while providing stable shareholder returns and meeting the expectations of our stakeholders (outcome).
For details of the project, please refer to the following website. (
◆About Wills Co., Ltd.
Wills Inc. (English name: WILLs Inc.) provides a marketing platform for 600 listed companies in Japan, targeting domestic and foreign institutional investors and individual investors. Our core service, Premium Benefits Club (, connects with the financial market through the shareholder benefits common coin (WILLsCoin) and electronic voting platform (WILLsVote) that utilize blockchain technology. We aim to promote dialogue between listed companies and maximize the corporate value of our client companies. For details of the project, please refer to the following website. (
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