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Home » Shinchosha Co., Ltd. “Mental Brain” ranked second in the best-selling new book for the first half of 2024 and is being read by many parents and children!

Shinchosha Co., Ltd. “Mental Brain” ranked second in the best-selling new book for the first half of 2024 and is being read by many parents and children!

Shinchosha Co., Ltd.
“Mental Brain” ranks second in the new book bestseller list for the first half of 2024 and is being read by many parents and children! ……
The bestseller rankings for “new book nonfiction” for the first half of this year have been announced one after another by major publishing agencies. Swedish psychiatrist Anders Hansen took third and second place in the “2024 Bestsellers for the First Half of 2024″ rankings announced by Tohan on May 28th and Nippon Publishing Sales (Nippan) on May 31st, respectively. His “Mental Brain” (translated by Yoko Hisayama, Shincho Shinsho). This is the latest work by the author of the “Smartphone Brain” series, which has sold over 1.1 million copies in total, and when it was released in mid-January, it reached 100,000 copies within 3 months of its release, and its momentum is still going strong.
[Image 1:×1703.jpg] “Mental Brain” by Anders Hansen
The book has been featured in reviews by anatomist Takeshi Yoro, journalist Akira Ikegami, writer Rei Tachibana, New York lawyer Mayu , and Yukio Yanagisawa, professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo and former principal of Kaisei Junior and Senior High School. Mr. Hansen’s appearances on “AERA with Kids” (Asahi Shimbun Publishing) and “Learning with Kazureza” (Nippon Television Network) seem to have been a boost, but the content of this book is said to be a great example of the crisis faced by modern people. The fact that it is closely related to consciousness is probably a major reason why it became a bestseller.
Currently, the number of people complaining of anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. is increasing all over the world, and it is said that “modern people’s mental health is the worst in history”, but this book focuses on the “mental health of young people” from the perspective of brain science. I’m guessing.
Globally, one in seven teenagers has been diagnosed with a mental illness (according to UNICEF), and in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that mental health problems among teenagers are a national problem. crisis.” In Japan, the number of elementary, junior high and high school students who committed suicide in 2022 will be the highest ever (according to a survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology). Some research has shown that people are complaining of “depressive symptoms.”
The editor in charge of this book says: “As with “Smartphone Brain,” we receive many feedback from readers who say that parents and children read it together. “Even though I bought it for my child, I ended up reading it first,” and even an adult could understand it. Many readers said they were glad they read it. Comments such as “I felt saved” and “I felt better knowing this” were also impressive. I would like to quote Anders Hansen’s words for Japanese readers. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

[Image 2: &s3=47877-1512-F5440A1768A7B1E675 51cc1e4-1365X2048.jpg]
Anders Hansen photo by Stefan Tell
One in four of us will experience mental illness, such as depression or severe anxiety, at some point in our lives. The 25% trend applies to both Japanese and Swedes, and even more so anywhere in the world. So why do so many people have to suffer?
Ever since I became a psychiatrist, I have been thinking about this mystery. That’s also the reason I became a psychiatrist in the first place.
Additionally, it is said that the mental health of teenagers worldwide is now “worse than ever.” In Sweden, the number of teenagers seeking medical treatment for insomnia has increased tenfold over the past 20 years.
Even in Japan, my books, including “Smartphone Brain”, have been read by a surprisingly large number of people. This is probably because the theme is universal. How to deal with smartphones and mental health is an issue that people all over the world struggle with every day. I sincerely hope that this book will have a positive effect in Japan and that many young people will learn about their own brains, and that people who read the book will exercise more, value their sleep, and spend less time on their smartphones. I would be happy if you would like to do it. It’s not just for your grades, it’s something you can do to stay mentally and physically healthy.
“Knowing is the antidote,” Hansen said.
This book is used in schools in Sweden, and together with his “Strongest Brain” and “Easy Manual for Escape the Smartphone Brain”, it has been read by a total of 200,000 middle and high school students in 4,000 schools (80% of the number of schools in Sweden). That’s what I said. However, for the Japanese people, who are said to have the most anxiety genes in the world. The effectiveness of this book, which is a “mental manual” that explains how to deal with depression and anxiety, may not be limited to young people and children.
[About the author]
Anders Hansen
Born in Sweden in 1974. Psychiatrist. After obtaining a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Stockholm University of Commerce, he entered the prestigious Karolinska Medical University, known for being selected for the Nobel Prize. Currently, he writes while working at Sofiahemmet Hospital in Stockholm, where the Royal Family is the honorary director, and continues to be active in the media, serving as a navigator on famous TV programs. “First-Class Brain” sold 600,000 copies in Sweden, a country with a population of 10 million people, and “Smartphone Brain” went on to become a worldwide bestseller. His books in Japan, including “Strongest Brain” and “Stress Brain,” have sold over 1 million copies.
Mats Wanblad Born in 1964 in Stockholm, Sweden. Children’s writer. [About the translator]
Yoko Kuyama
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1975. translator. Essayist. Graduated from the Department of English Literature, Faculty of Letters, Kobe Jogakuin University. After working in the Commercial Department of the Swedish Embassy, ​​he currently lives in Sweden.
[Book data]
“Mental Brain”
[Release date] January 17, 2024
[Bookbinding] Shinsho format
[List price] 1100 yen (tax included)
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