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Home » Torbizuon holds an event for FUNDINNO investors at its Tokyo satellite office

Torbizuon holds an event for FUNDINNO investors at its Tokyo satellite office

Torbizuon holds an event for FUNDINNO investors at its Tokyo satellite office DJI FlyCart30 unveiled at Shin Marunouchi Building “The M Cube” ……
Trubizon Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City,
Representative Director: Makoto Masumoto, hereinafter referred to as Trubizon), which provides the drone air route maintenance service “S:ROAD”, will open FUNDINNO at the Tokyo satellite office on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. We held a special event for investors. This event was held at the Shin-Marunouchi Building “The M Cube” and the actual DJI FlyCart30 was unveiled.
FUNDINNO special event for investors
Torvizuon raised a total of approximately 120 million yen on FUNDINNO in September 2021 and December 2023, and 625 investors sympathize with the business. Truvizuon’s mission is to develop “air
infrastructure,” and we are developing the service “S:ROAD” that provides drone flight routes. This service is supported by the “Sky Developer System,” an agency rooted in the region. Some of FUNDINNO’s investors are contributing to business expansion through this sky developer system. At this event, we introduced successful examples and held a networking session to further deepen collaboration with investors.
[Image 1:×2194.jpg] Commemorative photo shoot
Date: May 14, 2024 (Tuesday) 18:00-20:00
Venue: The M Cube Shin-Marunouchi Building 10F, 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Sponsor: Torbizuon Co., Ltd.
DPCA (Drone Photography Creators Association)
Regional Revitalization and Disaster Prevention Drone Utilization Promotion Association
Sekido Co., Ltd.
18:00 Opening 18:05 Keynote speech by CEO Mamoru Masumoto
18:30 Dialogue with sky developer (case study)
19:00 Networking starts 19:20 Sponsored presentation
20:00 Closing
[Image 2:×370.png ]
Sponsorship speech
About the DJI FlyCart30 exhibition
In order for investors to directly experience the cutting-edge drone technology provided by Truvizuon, we exhibited the DJI FlyCart30, and our expert staff explained its excellent performance and practicality. FlyCart30 is a drone with long-range flight capability and high payload capacity, opening up new possibilities in disaster response and logistics. The introduction of this drone is expected to increase demand for Torvizon’s air route maintenance infrastructure “S:ROAD” and open new horizons for drone logistics.
[Image 3:×2250.jpg] Message from Representative Masumoto
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the investors who participated in the FUNDINNO investor event. In particular, when I spoke with Skysetter Co., Ltd. in Kyoto, I was impressed by the project that brought together investors from Kyoto, Shiga, and Aichi to develop air routes. In addition, organizations such as the DPCA and RUSEA networks, which play a central role in domestic pilot training, and Sekido, which strongly supports the domestic deployment of the large logistics drone “FlyCart30”, which is rapidly in demand after the Noto earthquake. We deeply appreciate your cooperation.
Furthermore, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to FUNDINNO for supporting this event. We will continue to take on new challenges together with everyone.
[Image 4:×2196.jpg] Sky developer’s conversation with investors
What is “S:ROAD” produced by Torbizuon?
“S:Road” is a matching platform for drone operators and companies that coordinate regional air routes. By making full use of the patented technology “Sky Domain (R),” we have made it possible to create a database of airspace information and promote its utilization. Through S:Road, it will be possible to manage the risks of drone flights and expand the use of airspace while maintaining harmony with local communities. The new version for drone operators provides the ability to significantly reduce costs by utilizing the resources of local companies (sky developers) for the work required to obtain regional agreements and collaborate with local governments.
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