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“Integrated Report 2023” published

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Co., Ltd.
“Integrated Report 2023” published
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Karin Dragan) today published the “Integrated Report 2023” on our website.
[Image:×2758.jpg] Our aim is to widely communicate financial and non-financial information to all our stakeholders, and we strive to provide products that customers can drink safely and with peace of mind, as well as to promote medium- to long-term value creation. We issue an integrated report that comprehensively summarizes our philosophy, strategies for achieving sustainable growth, and initiatives aimed at realizing CSV (Creating Shared Value).
This year, which is the second year of publication as an integrated report, we will introduce details of our value creation story, our medium-term management plan “Vision 2028” that emphasizes
profitability and capital efficiency for sustainable profit growth, and our company’s value creation story. We posted messages from management and outside directors, as well as roundtable discussions with members of cross-departmental projects.
Our company engages in its daily business activities based on the mission of “delivering happy moments to everyone and creating value.” The environment surrounding the Japanese beverage industry is undergoing major changes, and the speed of change is accelerating. In order to become a company that continues to grow into the future while responding nimbly to changes in the environment, we will strive to grow our business and co-create value with society through our unique value creation process. .
[Summary of Integrated Report 2023] Publication date: June 5, 2024 Target period: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (including some report items for 2024. The aggregation period for each data is (January to the end of December 2023) Publication URL: Japanese version English version /annual.php
-Main features-
・Posting our value creation story and its details
Based on the capital and strengths we have built with our
stakeholders, we create value through our unique value chain and strategies, and publish our value creation story as a vision for sustainable growth. Details of our initiatives are listed in terms of capital and strengths), business model (value chain that leverages the synergies of the Coca-Cola system), and outputs and outcomes (value provided to stakeholders).
・Posted “Vision 2028,” a five-year medium-term management plan that emphasizes profitability and capital efficiency for sustainable profit growth
By making the most of the business foundations we have built through past reform initiatives and the many lessons we have learned in a rapidly changing market environment, we will realize profitable growth and create a cost structure that is resilient to change. Introducing Vision 2028, the medium-term management plan that we are working to build.
・Voices from members involved in our company, including messages from our management team and outside directors, roundtable discussions with cross-departmental project members, etc.
In addition to a message from the president and representative director of “powerfully accumulating profits,” we also post messages from each responsible person regarding strategies, initiatives, future directions, etc. of each department. We also include messages from outside directors from a governance perspective and roundtable discussions with employees who participated in cross-departmental projects.
Main contents:
●Value creation story
-Value creation process
-As a member of the global Coca-Cola system
-Materiality, CSV Goals
[Toward realizing the value creation story]
●Growth strategy to improve corporate value
-CFO message
-Medium-term management plan “Vision 2028”
-Sales strategy focused on profitability
-Supply chain strategy that promotes efficiency
-Procurement strategy that leverages the strengths of the Coca-Cola system -Optimization of back office and IT functions
– [Special feature] Employee roundtable discussion: A
cross-departmental project to revamp the S&OP process
●Foundation that supports corporate value
-Sustainability Strategy
-HR strategy
-Risk management strategy
-Corporate governance strategy
-Director structure
-Message from outside director
*The information contained in the news release is current as of the date of announcement. Please note that the information may differ from the latest information.
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