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Home » Webinar held on the theme of “Sustainability” that IT systems should know

Webinar held on the theme of “Sustainability” that IT systems should know

Majicemi Co., Ltd.
Webinar held on the theme of “Sustainability” that IT systems should know ……
Magisemi Co., Ltd. will be holding a webinar on the theme of “Sustainability” that information systems should know.
[Image:×720.jpg] (Click here for details and application) ■The flow of
sustainable management and sustainability/ESG information disclosure that information systems departments want to understand In recent years, short-term “Corporate sustainability,” which refers to the medium- to long-term growth of a company, including not only its financial impact but also its impact on society, is attracting increasing attention. Sustainability is often evaluated primarily in the field of “ESG,” which refers to the environment, society, and governance, and many stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and business partners, are demanding that companies disclose information regarding their sustainability. became. In Japan, companies with fiscal year ending March 2023 are required to disclose sustainability information in their securities reports. In addition, many companies are aiming to realize “sustainable management” in order to contribute to social responsibility (CSR), the realization of a sustainable society, and strengthen their own competitiveness. It goes without saying that the information systems department, which is responsible for the development and operation of IT systems, plays an important role in promoting sustainable management and disclosing sustainability/ESG information. Therefore, information systems personnel must understand these trends before carrying out their company’s system development and operation work. ■There are several issues in building a support system for ESG information management operations.In contrast to sustainability, which aims to create a sustainable society from a broader perspective, ESG is a framework for evaluating a company’s risks and opportunities from an investor’s perspective. It is also a work. ESG information is extremely diverse, including environmental data such as CO2 emissions throughout the supply chain and data related to human capital. In order to disclose such ESG information, companies must build and adopt systems that collect the necessary data from various related systems, analyze and visualize it, and support the creation of materials required by various reporting standards. is needed. Information system managers must also consider coordination and integration of related systems, securing specialized knowledge and resources, and management costs. ■“Countermeasures against cyberattacks” such as ransomware have become essential to realizing sustainable management.In addition, in order to realize sustainable management, it is also necessary to strengthen governance and deal with risks that impede a company’s business continuity. Currently, “cyber attack countermeasures” are positioned as the most important management issue. If you fall victim to a ransomware attack or phishing attack, there is a high possibility that serious problems will occur, such as business suspension, leakage of confidential information, financial damage, and loss of trust from customers and business partners. Cyber ​​attacks are persistently carried out on a daily basis, and appropriate countermeasures are required regardless of industry or company size. ■The future of security measures based on the relationship between sustainability and security This seminar will be held for people in charge of information systems departments, sustainability departments responsible for ESG information management, IR, corporate planning, etc. We will explain current social trends regarding sustainability and introduce specific services that can streamline ESG information collection,
visualization, and disclosure operations. Furthermore, he explained the relationship between sustainability and security and proposed a ransomware countermeasure solution, “Targeted Business Email Training Service,” which is essential for realizing sustainable management. We will explain the security measures that will be required in the future. If you are thinking, “How can I build a system that supports sustainable management?”, “I want to streamline the collection and management of ESG information,” or “I want to strengthen my
countermeasures against cyberattacks such as ransomware attacks,” please contact us. Please join us. (Click here for details and application)
■Organizer: T-net Japan Co., Ltd. ■Co-organizer: estoma Co., Ltd. ■Cooperation: Open Source Utilization Research Institute Co., Ltd. Majisemi Co., Ltd. The company Majisemi will continue to hold webinars that are “useful to participants.” ★For applications for other webinars and videos and materials from past seminars, please see below★ ★If you would like to host a webinar, please watch this video★ https: // More details about this release: