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Home » Cumulatively over 30,000 copies Salespeople should chat rather than explain. “What do the world’s top leaders talk about when they chat?” 9th reprint has been decided!

Cumulatively over 30,000 copies Salespeople should chat rather than explain. “What do the world’s top leaders talk about when they chat?” 9th reprint has been decided!

Cross Media Group Co., Ltd.
[Cumulatively over 30,000 copies] Salespeople should chat rather than explain. “What do the world’s top leaders talk about when they chat?” 9th reprint has been decided!
Cross Media Publishing Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President: Koichiro Kobayakawa), which publishes mainly business books and practical books, will publish the book “The World’s Top Classes Are “Chat”” on June 6, 2024. We have decided to release the 9th reprint of “What Are You Talking About?”. This book is written by the author, who was the head of human resources development at Google, and explains methods for “opening things up,” “filling in gaps,” and “enlivening things,” which Japanese people are not good at, while comparing them with those in other countries.
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Do Japanese chats tend to start with “talking about the weather”? The author of this book is Peter Felix Grzybach, who has experience working in organizational reform and leadership management as the head of human resources development at Google. Many business people in Japan begin their small talk with common phrases such as “It’s hot today,” and then compare Japanese small talk with foreign small talk. This book is recommended for both those who are not good at small talk and those who want to achieve results at work, as it explains not only simple small talk skills but also practical approaches that can be used in business. is.
Ranked #1 bestseller in multiple categories on Amazon. There are over 1200 reviews, with an average rating of 4.0 out of 5. This book, which received a lot of praise, is selling well, and we have decided to reprint the 9th edition, and the total number of copies sold in paper and electronic copies has exceeded 30,000. Here are some comments from readers:
“I was able to find a sense of purpose in small talk that I thought had nothing to do with work.”
“I was able to acquire small talk skills in an easy-to-understand manner.” “The text is not difficult and easy to read.”
What do the world’s top class people look for in “chat”?
Japanese businesspeople think of small talk as something to “relieve the tension in the moment,” but what business people around the world are looking for in small talk is “liberal arts.” Businesspeople around the world consider chatting as a place to learn and a time to exchange knowledge and information to enrich each other’s lives, so there is a gap between chatting and chatting in Japan.
For example, if an author tells someone that he is from Poland, overseas people will say, “When you think of Poland, it’s like this,” or “It’s had a history like this.” But in Japan, it’s completely different. The conversation begins with, “What language is Polish? Is there even a Polish word?” and they are shocked by the other person’s lack of knowledge of history and geography.
It takes a considerable amount of time to acquire liberal arts skills, but acquiring the ability to ask questions can be accomplished in a surprisingly short amount of time. It is also important to prepare “universal questions” that apply to everyone, and if you feel that your knowledge is not up to scratch, you can also improve your questioning skills and play catch with others. The author emphasizes that there is only one.
In addition, the book introduces easy-to-understand and practical methods based on the author’s experience, which will be immediately useful to many business people. The author, who has worked with many top business people at well-known global companies, can write about “the differences in thinking between the world and Japan.” By knowing this, you will be able to improve not only your small talk skills but also the quality of your work.
Author introduction
Piotr Feliks Grzywacz
Serial entrepreneur, investor, management consultant, and author. Representative Director of Pronoia Group Co., Ltd., Director of TimeLeap Co., Ltd., Outside Director of GA Technologies Co., Ltd. After working at Morgan Stanley, he worked at Google in human resource development, organizational reform, and leadership management. In 2015, he became independent and established Pronoia Group, a company that creates the future. Co-founded HR technology company Motify in 2016 and exited in 2020. In 2019, co-founded TimeLeap, an
entrepreneurship education business. He has written the bestseller “NEW ELITE,” as well as “Paradigm Shift: Let’s discuss the essential questions that will create a new world,” and “The World’s Best Coach.” Originally from Poland.
Book information
“What do the world’s top leaders talk about in their chats?”
[Image 2:×2589.jpg] Author: Pyotr Felix Grzybach
List price: 1,738 yen (1,580 yen + tax)
Format: 46 format / 240 pages
ISBN: 978-4-295-40810-9
Publisher: Cross Media Publishing Co., Ltd. (Cross Media Group Co., Ltd.) Release date: March 31, 2023
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