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Mentor For Awareness survey of female managers Negative impressions of becoming a manager tend to change to positive experiences after taking the position

[Mentor For] [Awareness survey of female managers] Negative
impressions of becoming a manager tend to change to positive experiences after taking the position

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Press release: June 6, 2024
[Awareness survey of female managers] The negative image of becoming a manager tends to change to a positive experience after taking the position
*The key to maintaining motivation is the presence of a “mentor”* * Corporate DE&I (Diversity, Equity &
Mentor Co., Ltd., which provides external mentor training, matching, and internal mentor system support with the aim of promoting women’s empowerment
For (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Masako Ikehara, hereinafter referred to as Mentor For) is a female mentor with experience in management positions.
We conducted a survey regarding managerial experience for “Official Mentors.” “Mentor
90% of “Official Mentors” are women, and the majority have experience in managerial positions, including large companies, ventures, and government agencies. *
As a result of the survey, many negative impressions and concerns were raised before becoming a manager, such as “long working hours” and “men are better suited.” However, when they actually become managers, it has become clear that their experiences tend to turn into positive ones, such as being “interesting” and “expanding their network of connections”. *

On the other hand, half of all respondents answered that “maintaining motivation sometimes became difficult” after becoming a manager. As a way out of this situation, research has shown that “relationship with others” = “presence of a mentor” is the key*

* ◆Research background: Amidst a lack of role models for female leaders, we investigated the managerial experience of official mentors who are “one step ahead” *
At a time when male-centered attitudes and work styles remain deeply rooted in many Japanese companies, and there is a lack of female leadership role models, we provide information for women who have newly assumed managerial positions and are facing various
difficulties. I thought it might be possible. Therefore, we decided to hire a Mentor with management experience.
We conducted a survey of For’s official mentors to find out about changes in their state of mind before and after becoming a manager, the rewards of a managerial position, and the hardships faced by female managers and how to overcome them. This time, we have summarized the results based on the responses of 38 people who have experience at the level of section manager or above in a company. * ◆Summary of survey results *
*1. There is a gap between the image of a manager and the reality* * 1. Negative images and concerns account for the majority of responses before becoming a manager. However, in reality, positive feelings accounted for approximately 70% of all responses*

When asked about the image they had of a managerial position before becoming a manager, 53.6% of all respondents cited negative images or concerns, such as “long working hours” and “men are better suited.” It was the majority. However, when asked about “what I feel when I actually become a manager,” this percentage decreased to 27.6% of the total. In contrast, the percentage of respondents who said they felt positive, such as being “interesting” and “expanding my network”, changed from 46.4% to 72.4% before and after becoming a manager, an increase of 26%.
Before becoming a manager for the first time, 53.6% of people had a negative image of a “manager” position.
When you actually become a manager, 72.4% of the people feel positive. * 2. The gap between the image of managers and their reality was especially large when it came to whether it was difficult or possible to balance work with private life *

Before becoming a manager, 10.6% of respondents said that it was difficult to balance work with private life, but in reality, only 1.6% of respondents said it was difficult. On the other hand, the percentage of respondents who said it was possible to balance their personal and private life increased from 0.7% to 8.3% before and after becoming managers.
* -Respondents’ comments about the image and reality of management positions-* * (Excerpt)*

・I hesitated before becoming a manager because I thought that managers at the time worked long hours and found it difficult to balance family life, and that there were few managers who seemed to enjoy working, so I didn’t find it attractive. It’s from. On the other hand, managers have discretion, so it is up to them to change the way they work and their style.

・To be honest, I didn’t find it particularly difficult. However, I have seen many women in managerial positions, and I feel that they are suffering because they are stuck in the image of what they think is the ideal managerial position. Because of that image, I think they have various career concerns and struggle to balance family and work. *2. About the image and reality of management positions*
* 1. Half of all respondents answered that it was sometimes difficult to maintain motivation after becoming a manager. *

After becoming a manager, were there times when it became difficult to maintain motivation? Half of them answered “yes” to this question. I found that while becoming a manager has more positive experiences than I imagined before taking the position, there is a high possibility that there will come a time when it becomes difficult to maintain motivation.
* -Why it has become difficult to maintain motivation-*
* (Excerpt)*

・When the organization’s results were not improving, I felt
overwhelmed by the pressure of numbers.
・I felt lonely because I had no one to talk to or feel like a comrade. As a female manager, I was very visible, so I felt more pressure than necessary.
・When I went to my boss for advice because I was stuck trying to figure it out on my own, but instead of getting any advice, I was told to figure it out on my own because I was in a managerial position. *
2. When it becomes difficult to maintain motivation, the key is to have a “mentor” (relationship with others), such as getting advice or finding someone to act as a role model or part model*

When I read the written responses regarding “the difficulties I faced and how I overcame them” when becoming a manager, I found that I was able to receive advice when I was worried, find a role model/part model, have someone to talk to, etc. I found that “relationship with others” is the key to maintaining motivation and moving forward. It has become clear that a “mentor” who accompanies women in managerial positions is the key to their success.
* -Difficulties faced by women in becoming managers and how they overcame them-* * (Excerpt)*

・The way I see my surroundings has changed, and I was confused about how to change it. *
After consulting with my same-sex superior and getting advice, I decided on the axis of my way of thinking and no longer hesitated. *

・I didn’t have confidence because I didn’t know whether I was allowed to be a manager or why I was chosen, but at that time*
Her boss (an American woman) told her, “You were chosen because of your ability, so be confident,” and she was able to confidently guide her subordinates. *
・Same surname, same environment (balanced childcare, etc.)*
I think it would be good to find role models and part models. If you can find someone you can feel free to talk to (your
boss/coworker/opposite gender included), I think it can sometimes make things easier just by talking to them. *
* ◆Finally *
When we asked for messages and advice for women who are or have become managers for the first time, we received many messages of support. * -A message from a senior to a woman who is or has become a manager for the first time-*
* (Excerpt)*

・Although there may be various restrictions, I think being in a managerial position is a great opportunity because you have more discretion to do what you want to do the way you want to do it, and you can support people’s growth.

・If you are unsure about something, do not worry about it alone, please consult with your superior or senior manager. There are probably more people who can help than you think.

・I believe that there is no job where you can express your true self as much as you do in a managerial position. Enjoy being a manager in your own way, at your own pace, and focusing on the organization, subordinates, and business. We sincerely cheer.

・Remember your “superior” when you were a subordinate. Bosses you can respect aren’t just “supermen” or “people who are good at their jobs.” Please think about what is required of your department and aim for a “management position” that suits you!
Other messages received in the survey can be viewed below.

* ◆Comment from Masako Ikehara, CEO of Mentor For Co., Ltd.* We often hear that many women hesitate to take on the challenge of becoming managers, but this survey revealed that once they do become a manager, there are many opportunities to find it rewarding. This is something I have heard from many female managers, but I think it means a lot to be able to share it in a release like this. Of course, only 38 people answered, but I believe that the real voices of these precious women will encourage even more women in the next generation. Furthermore, it is not easy for minority women to continue to come forward in a world dominated by men. That’s why I want you to rely on people who have gone one step ahead in your life, called “mentors.” And by getting a mentor, you will be able to overcome any obstacles. * ◆About Mentor For’s business*
According to the 2023 Basic Employment Equality Survey released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the percentage of women in managerial positions is 8.0% for department managers and 11.6% for section managers.
The government has set a goal of increasing the proportion of female executives to at least 30% as early as possible in the 2020s, but Japan has the lowest level among the 38 member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Japan has made significant progress in the advancement of women. The reality is that we are lagging behind.

At Mentor For, our mission is to turn organizational DE&I into a corporate management strategy, starting with the development of female managers.
We develop in-house female role model human resources as “external mentors” and provide an external mentoring program (*1) to female managers and leadership candidates working at companies. External mentors are Mentor
Only professionals who have graduated from the “Business and Career Mentor Academy” operated by For, have mentoring skills, knowledge of women’s empowerment and DE&I, and have passed a screening are employed.
A total of approximately 7,000 hours of mentoring sessions have been provided, supporting female managers at companies and the development of female managers.
(*1) External mentoring program: Normally, mentoring is conducted online for 60 minutes once a month, divided into 6 to 10 sessions.

A September 2023 survey (*2) by For found that through mentoring, people can reflect on their own career and strengths, which leads to increased motivation and confidence in their work, as well as an increased desire to contribute to the workplace and subordinates. We know that it leads to positive change.

As the industrial structure undergoes major changes such as population decline and the promotion of remote work due to digitalization, promoting diversity, including the active participation of women, is essential for Japan to continue its economic growth. Mentor
At For, we not only directly contribute to the development of female managers through mentoring, but also reach out to male managers and executives to understand the importance of external mentors, which in turn leads to the development of internal mentors and the operation of the system. We provide one-stop support for management training and creating a culture for DE&I. In addition, based on the know-how gained through service provision, we will actively disseminate information and make recommendations for promoting DE&I in organizations. ◆Summary of this survey
Questionnaire survey for Mentor For official mentors who meet the following criteria:
・Person who has managerial experience as a section manager or a position equivalent to a section manager or higher
・Those who were involved in the development of subordinates while in a management position
・Those who have been in a management position for more than 1 year Title: Questionnaire regarding managerial experience
Survey period: May 1, 2024 (Wednesday) to May 8, 2024 (Wednesday) Survey method: WEB survey
Number of samples: 38
Research entity: Mentor For Co., Ltd.
・Approximately 90% of respondents were female (89.5%)
・More than 80% work for companies with 101 or more employees (86.8%) ・Approximately 70% (71.1%) of those who had experience in the last position of “Management/Officer/General Manager/General Manager” or above, and approximately 60% (57.9%) of those who trained 11 or more people.

You can see the attributes of respondents below.
◆Mentor For Co., Ltd.
Established: September 2014
Representative: Masako Ikehara
Address: 503 Okubo Building, 37-11 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0042 Business details:
Mentor training, external mentor matching, support for building an internal mentor system
Organizational DE&I promotion consulting, training and lectures HP:
*About details about this release*

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