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Home » 10% of Japanese think that “men who stay at home and raise children are not manly” – lowest among 31 countries surveyed, down 5% in 5 years –

10% of Japanese think that “men who stay at home and raise children are not manly” – lowest among 31 countries surveyed, down 5% in 5 years –

Ipsos Inc.
10% of Japanese think that “men who stay at home and raise children are not manly” – lowest among 31 countries surveyed, down 5% in 5 years –
Ipsos Inc. (Japan office location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Shunichi Uchida), one of the world’s largest public opinion research companies, conducted a survey of 24,269 people from 31 countries around the world, including Japan, about their views on women’s leadership. It was conducted. As a result, when asked about the idea that “men who stay at home and raise children are not manly,” only 10% of Japanese people answered “agree”, the lowest of the 31 countries surveyed, compared to the 2019 survey. We found that it has decreased by 5 points over 5 years.
[Image 1:×2980.jpg] (Graph 1.)
【 Investigation result 】
The number of Japanese people who answered “I agree” with the question “Men who stay at home and raise children are unmanly” has decreased by 5 points over the past five years, to 10%, the lowest of the 31 countries surveyed (Graph 1).
It has been found that the number of Japanese people who think that men who stay at home and raise children are “unmanly” is on the decline. This percentage was also the lowest among the 31 countries surveyed, and the same result was found among male-only respondents (12%). It can be seen that the values ​​towards “men who stay at home and raise children” are changing.
Approximately half of Japanese respondents, 57%, said, “Unless men also take action to protect women’s rights, women in my country will not be able to be equal to men.” 10 points up compared to 47% in 2019 (Graph 2.)
We found that more than half of Japanese people believe that men should also take action to achieve equality between men and women. You can see that there is an increasing trend compared to 2019, five years ago.
[Image 2:×3065.jpg] (Graph 2.)
24% of Japanese answered “Agree” to the question “Our country has taken more than adequate measures to give women the same rights as men,” the lowest among 31 countries (Graph 3).
On the other hand, 24% of Japanese believe that the government’s measures to give women the same rights as men are sufficient, an increase of 5 points from five years ago, but still the lowest among the countries surveyed. The result was 31st place, the lowest number.
[Image 3:×2925.jpg] (Graph 3.)
Regarding the results of this survey, Shunichi Uchida, President and Representative Director of Ipsos Corporation, said the following. “This survey revealed that Japanese people’s awareness and values ​​regarding gender are changing towards “equality.” However, despite the change in public awareness, the government’s efforts The Global Gender Gap Report, published every year by the World Economic Forum (WEF), continues to give Japan a disgraceful rating. I think it’s safe to say that the state of changing consciousness means that the foundation for change has been laid.At such times, if sufficient measures are taken by the government, this change will continue. We expect this to accelerate. We will continue to conduct this survey. We will keep you informed of any changes we see.”
[Investigation background]
Ipsos regularly conducts surveys to understand trends in changes in the world’s views on women’s leadership, observing various aspects such as awareness of gender equality and participation in business and politics.
[Survey overview]
・Research method: Online survey using Ipsos Global Advisor research platform, IndiaBus platform
・Survey target: 24,269 people from 31 countries around the world 18+ in India, 18-74 in Canada, Republic of Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa, Turkey, United States, 20-74 in Thailand, 21-74 in Indonesia and Singapore, 16-74 in other countries. adult of ・Implementation date: December 22, 2023 (Friday) to January 5, 2024 (Friday) ・Research agency: Ipsos
[2024 Ipsos Survey: Global Thoughts on Women’s Leadership (Japanese)] [Global site (English)] [Press room]
[About Ipsos]
Ipsos is the world’s largest polling company, with operations in 90 markets and more than 18,000 employees. Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos has been listed on Euronext Paris since July 1, 1999. The company is part of the SBF120 and Mid-60 indices and is eligible for deferred settlement services (SRD). ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP
[Company Profile] Company Name: Ipsos Co., Ltd. Location: Tokyo Office 4-3-13 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 Hulic Kamiyacho Building Representative: Representative Director Shunichi Uchida Business Contents: Public opinion polls and various market research All services related to research planning, field surveys, aggregation, analysis, and reporting HP:
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