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Home » EN Japan Survey on “wage increase situation” among small and medium-sized enterprises. Wage increase implementation rate: 66% for full-time employees and 51% for part-time employees. The number one concern regarding BEAR is “increasing difficulty

EN Japan Survey on “wage increase situation” among small and medium-sized enterprises. Wage increase implementation rate: 66% for full-time employees and 51% for part-time employees. The number one concern regarding BEAR is “increasing difficulty

en japan
Survey on the “wage increase situation” of small and medium-sized enterprises: Wage increase implementation rate: 66% for full-time employees and 51% for part-time employees. The number one concern regarding BEAR is “increasing difficulty in recruiting due to wage increases at other companies in the same industry.”
-“engage” company survey-
“engage” is the recruitment support service with the largest number of users in Japan, operated by En Japan Co., Ltd. (Head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Koji Suzuki)
( logout/), we conducted a survey on “wage increases” targeting companies with 299 or fewer employees, and received responses from 291 companies. We will report the results below.
[Image 1:×762.png ]
Survey results summary
★ Wage increase implementation rate for small and medium-sized enterprises after April 2023: 66% for full-time employees and 51% for part-time employees.
★ Volume zone for the amount of wage increase: “5,000 to 9,999 yen” for full-time employees, and “70 yen or more” for part-time workers. ★ Improving motivation is the number one reason for increasing the base, regardless of employment type. The number one concern is “increasing difficulty in recruiting due to wage increases at other companies in the same industry.”
Survey results details
1: Wage increase implementation rate for small and medium-sized enterprises from April 2023 onwards: 66% for full-time employees and 51% for part-time employees. (Figures 1-2)
When asked, “Has your company raised wages since April 2023?”, 66% of companies had increased wages for full-time employees, and 51% had increased wages for part-time employees.
[Figure 1] Has your company raised the wages of “full-time employees” since April 2023?
[Image 2:×196.png ]
[Figure 2] Has your company raised wages for “part-time workers” since April 2023?
[Image 3:×193.png ]
2: Volume zone for the amount of wage increase: “5,000 yen to 9,999 yen” for full-time employees, “70 yen or more” for part-time workers. (Figures 3-4)
When companies that responded that they had increased the wages of full-time employees were asked about the amount of increase in their monthly wages, the most common response was “5,000 to 9,999 yen” (37%). When asked about the rate of increase in hourly wages from companies that responded that they had increased wages for part-time workers, the most common response was “more than 70 yen” (35%). [Figure 3] We will interview companies that have increased wages for “regular employees.” Please tell me the increase in monthly salary.
[Image 4:×200.png ]
[Figure 4] We will interview companies that have increased wages for “part-time workers.” Please tell me the increase in hourly wage.
[Image 5:×202.png ]
3: “Increased motivation” is the number one reason for increasing the base, regardless of employment type. The number one concern is “increasing difficulty in recruiting due to wage increases at other companies in the same industry.” (Figures 5-7)
When we asked companies that responded that they had increased wages for full-time employees about the reasons for raising wages, the top responses were “improving employee motivation” (75%), “securing and hiring human resources” and “responding to rising prices.” (tie rate 39%).
Next, when we asked companies that responded that they had increased wages for part-time workers about their reasons for raising wages, the top responses were “improving employee motivation” (56%) and “securing and recruiting human resources” (41%). ) and “because it was below the minimum wage” (29%). It was found that both full-time and part-time employees had the same thing in common: “Improving employee motivation” and 2nd place were “Securing and recruiting human resources.”
Finally, we asked about their concerns and challenges regarding wage increases. The top responses were “Difficulty in hiring has increased due to wage increases at other companies in the same industry” (32%) and “Decreased motivation among employees who are not eligible for wage increases” (29%).
[Figure 5] We will interview companies that have increased wages for “regular employees.” Please tell us why you implemented this. (Multiple answers possible)
[Image 6:×232.png ]
[Figure 6] We will interview companies that have increased wages for “part-time workers.” Please tell us why you implemented this. (Multiple answers possible)
[Image 7:×232.png ]
[Figure 7] Please tell us about any concerns or issues you have regarding wage increases. (Multiple selections possible)
[Image 8:×178.png ]
Comments from those who answered “Other”
・Since there are many positive reports about wage increases at large companies, it seems that employees at small and medium-sized enterprises are also starting to feel that “wage increases are a given.” (Manufacturer/Kansai) – I’m worried about whether I should continue raising wages every year. (Real estate/Kanto) – There are concerns that profit margins will decline as wages are being increased while price pass-through is not progressing. (Other industries/Kanto) [Survey overview] ■Research method: Internet questionnaire ■Survey target: Companies using “engage” ( ■Number of valid responses: 291 companies ■Survey period :April 23rd to May 27th, 2024
Posting and hiring jobs starting from 0 yen. Japan’s No. 1 recruitment support tool “engage”
[Image 9:×301.png ]
Installed by over 600,000 companies nationwide. This is a new recruitment service that can be easily used from 0 yen, including unlimited job postings, creation of company recruitment pages, applicant management, and recruitment. It supports a variety of industries, sizes, job types, and employment types, and the job openings you create reach job seekers through various media, including Engage, a recruitment media with over 2.5 million members.
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En Japan Co., Ltd.
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