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Home » Logistics consulting firm Funai Souken Logi Yoshitaka Kawachitani, executive officer of logistics consulting firm Funai Souken Logi, gave a lecture on an endowed course at Kobe University’s Faculty of Business Administration.

Logistics consulting firm Funai Souken Logi Yoshitaka Kawachitani, executive officer of logistics consulting firm Funai Souken Logi, gave a lecture on an endowed course at Kobe University’s Faculty of Business Administration.

[Logistics consulting firm Funai Souken Logi] Yoshitaka Kawachitani, executive officer of logistics consulting firm Funai Souken Logi, gave a lecture on an endowed course at Kobe University’s Faculty of Business Administration.

*View in browser* *Funai Souken Logistics, a logistics consulting company*
Press release: June 7, 2024
Yoshitaka Kawachitani, executive officer of logistics consulting firm Funai Souken Logi Co., Ltd., spoke at an endowed lecture at Kobe University’s Faculty of Business Administration.
One of the largest logistics consulting firms in Japan Funai Souken Logi Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka, hereinafter referred to as “Funai Souken Logi”) Executive Officer, Head of Consulting Division On May 29, 2024 (Thursday), Yoshitaka Kawachitani spoke at the Kobe University Faculty of Business Administration’s endowed course on “Medium-sized and SME Management Theory.”
Lecture content/* Speaker* Introduction
The Funai Research Institute Group will be offering an endowed course at Kobe University’s Faculty of Business Administration from April 2024 to July 2024 on the theme of “Growth Strategies and Performance Improvement for Medium-sized and Small Businesses.”
In this lecture, a current consultant from Funai Research Institute will explain how to create a company that enables sustainable growth while responding to severe environmental changes and expected social issues in Japan.

In the lecture on May 29th, Funai Souken Logi Co., Ltd. Executive Officer, Consulting Headquarters General Manager
Yoshitaka Kawachitani took the stage and explained growth strategies and methodologies for improving business performance based on challenges faced by the logistics industry and success stories under the theme of “Examples of improving business performance in small and medium-sized logistics companies.”

* ■Speaker introduction*
Funai Souken Logi Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer, General Manager, Consulting Division
Yoshitaka Kawachitani
Joined Funai Research Institute Group in 2006. Since joining the company, he has been providing performance improvement consulting mainly in the transportation and logistics industry.
We mainly provide consulting for transportation and logistics companies on themes such as marketing strategy planning, freight negotiation support, digitalization and operational efficiency, and strengthening driver recruitment.
He presides over the Logistics Provider Management Research Group (approximately 300 members), a logistics company management research group.
* ■Lecture summary*
Start date: Thursday, May 29, 2024
Location: Kobe University
Faculty: Faculty of Business Administration

What is Funai Research Institute Group?
The Funai Research Institute Group focuses on the management of medium-sized and small-to-medium-sized enterprises, mainly through management consulting business.
We are a comprehensive management consulting group that provides comprehensive support.
The entire group is working together to create more sustainable growth companies in the world.
Funai Souken Group Tokyo Head Office “Sustaena Growth Square TOKYO” Funai Souken Logistics is currently accepting entries for the recruitment event for 26 graduates!
On June 29, 2024, the Funai Soken Group Joint Open Company will be held at the Funai Soken Group’s Tokyo Headquarters “Sustena Growth Square TOKYO”.
We are currently accepting entries. Please take a look at the details. Click here for details Now accepting entries!

* Company introduction*
About Funai Souken Logistics
One of Japan’s largest comprehensive logistics consulting companies that provides consistent support in the distribution and logistics field, from the formulation of strategies and tactics to their implementation. Based on our extensive experience in supporting both shipper companies and logistics companies, we provide practical consulting that solves customer issues at an essential level. We provide one-stop “logistics solutions” needed by our customers based on four axes: consulting, community, network, and database
specializing in logistics.

Company Profile
Company name: Funai Soken Logi Co., Ltd.
Osaka Head Office: Funai Souken Osaka Head Office Building, 4-4-10 Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka 541-0041
Tokyo Head Office: 2-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028
Tokyo Midtown Yaesu Yaesu Central Tower 35th floor
Representative: Naoyuki Hashimoto, Representative Director and President    Established: May 10, 2000
Capital: 98 million yen
TEL: 0120-659-456
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