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Home » AnyWhere, which engages in regional co-creation, receives the 1st National Sharing City Award “Special Award ” for “Tateshinathon NeXT”, a related population creation project in Tateshina Town, Nagano Prefecture

AnyWhere, which engages in regional co-creation, receives the 1st National Sharing City Award “Special Award ” for “Tateshinathon NeXT”, a related population creation project in Tateshina Town, Nagano Prefecture

AnyWhere Co., Ltd.
AnyWhere, which engages in regional co-creation, receives the 1st National Sharing City Award “Special Award” for “Tateshinathon NeXT”, a related population creation project in Tateshina Town, Nagano Prefecture
~ Visualize and capitalize on the people, things, and places of Tateshina Town ~ ……
AnyWhere Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Musashino City, Tokyo,
Representative Director and CEO: Haruhisa Saito, hereinafter referred to as AnyWhere), which supports the construction of work styles and working environments that are independent of location, is conducting a related population creation project “Tate Shina Thon” commissioned by Tateshina Town, Nagano Prefecture. We are pleased to announce that our company “NeXT” received the “Special Award” at the “1st National Sharing City Awards” sponsored by the Sharing Economy Association.
[Image 1:×2600.jpg] ■What is Tateshinathon NeXT?
Tateshina Town has undertaken many attractive initiatives to connect human resources within and outside the town, such as the student ideathon “Tateshina Thon,” in which students from all over the country spend 28 hours thinking about issues faced by businesses in the town. The project was completed as a project, and I felt that there was an issue in building a system that would continue to connect organically and continuously.
Therefore, from 2021, AnyWhere has been entrusted with the work to connect “people” with information on migration support, related population creation, regional issue resolution projects, and related places and people that have been carried out individually by towns. We will use the place platform TeamPlace to visualize and convert attractive information scattered in the region into a linear and visual form, as well as planning the establishment of online coworking and collaboration between businesses using the Metaverse. By implementing a local entrepreneur development program, we aim to create organic connections between Tateshina fans who seek diverse ways of involvement, and create an economic cycle and charm unique to Tateshina Town. We have been operating it.
▼About the efforts of Vertical Thon NeXT
Regional Entrepreneur Development Program: Related population creation event: ■What is TeamPlace?
A workplace platform that connects people. It visualizes the workplace space and the people involved, providing an opportunity to connect people and create new collaborations.
“TeamPlace Pass” that can be used at multiple workplaces within a region, “AnyWhere Pass” that is a subscription type that can be used at workplaces nationwide, and “TeamPlace.CRM” a customer
relationship management system that visualizes and converts
communication within facilities into assets. is operated.
Three features of TeamPlace, a workplace platform that connects people Search: Search for places you want to work and people you want to connect with, depending on your values ​​and needs.
Connect: Connect with workplaces and users you care about
Collaboration: This connection becomes a team for users, and becomes an opportunity for new collaborations to be born.
TeamPlace Pass:
TeamPlace CRM:
■What is the National Sharing City Award?
Sponsored by the Sharing Economy Association, this award recognizes public-private collaboration and initiatives carried out by local governments to achieve sustainable local issue resolution and local government management. A “sharing city” here refers to a movement that creates economic effects and revitalization of the entire city by sharing ideas for solving problems and all kinds of values ​​such as space, goods, skills, time, and experiences, as well as regional issues. It refers to the movement that is used to solve problems. ▼Click here for details on the 1st National Sharing City Award
■Comments from the Planning Division of Tateshina Town, Nagano Prefecture Tateshina Town, a small town with a population of approximately 7,000 people, has been implementing various initiatives to think about the future of the region by utilizing human resources inside and outside the town, including a student ideathon event called “Tate Shina Thon”. , I felt that there was an issue in continuing that connection. Tateshina Thon is a real student ideathon that is neither a festival nor a fake thing, and with each successive event, we have been able to attract extremely talented and energetic students. We are very happy that Tateshinathon NeXT, which aims to continue this connection and further develop the town, has received this award.
■Comment from Haruhisa Saito, CEO of AnyWhere Co., Ltd.
[Image 2:×439.jpg] “Tate Shina Thon NeXT” is a three-year project to create a related population with Tateshina Town.
As Tateshina Town has undertaken various initiatives, we have heard many people say, “I want a system to continue being involved with Tateshina” and “I want to contribute more to the community, but I don’t know the know-how.” We decided to work with Tateshina Town because we wanted to create an organic connection by providing services and connecting the values ​​that are scattered throughout Tateshina Town. Thank you very much for receiving this wonderful award.
■About AnyWhere Co., Ltd.
AnyWhere Co., Ltd. has a vision of “creating a society where anyone in the world can work and live a fulfilling life anywhere in the world,” and has launched “TeamPlace,” a workplace platform that connects people, and “TeamPlace Area Pass,” which allows you to use multiple workplaces in the region. ” is operated. We also provide regional co-creation projects, corporate new business support, system development, and space-related IT and system consulting businesses. ■AnyWhere Co., Ltd. Company Profile
Established: January 7, 2020
Representative: Representative Director Haruhisa Saito
Head office location: Musashino City, Tokyo
URL: (corporate site) (TeamPlace service site)
■Contact information for inquiries regarding this release, interview requests, etc.
Company name: AnyWhere Co., Ltd.
Business content: Management of the workplace platform “TeamPlace” that connects people, corporate consulting, space-related IT and system development
Person in charge: Hirohama
Email address:
Company URL:
■Contact information regarding this project
Person in charge: Shinohara, Kanno
Email address:
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