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Home » WhaTap labs Co., Ltd. IT monitoring technology company WhaTap Japan introduced real-time observability concepts and examples for the first time in Japan at a seminar attended on June 6th.

WhaTap labs Co., Ltd. IT monitoring technology company WhaTap Japan introduced real-time observability concepts and examples for the first time in Japan at a seminar attended on June 6th.

WhaTap labs Co., Ltd.
IT monitoring technology company WhaTap Japan introduced real-time observability concepts and examples for the first time in Japan at a seminar it attended on June 6th.
・ Observability is an essential element of distributed systems and hybrid cloud environments
– Collect, analyze, and visualize information in real time to solve problems faster
[Image:×743.jpg] WhaTap Japan, an IT monitoring technology company, introduced the concept and application examples of “real-time observability” provided by WhaTap for the first time in Japan at the SIOS Availability Forum 2024 seminar held online on June 6th.
WhaTap Japan provides an integrated monitoring service that monitors and analyzes failures and performance in IT operating environments such as servers, applications, databases, and Kubernetes, as SaaS (Software as a Service) and packaged versions. In particular, it offers “Real-time Observability,” which allows you to understand the entire IT operational environment at a glance in real time using an integrated platform.
At this seminar, WhaTap Japan introduced “Real-time Solution”, which can more quickly resolve IT operational problems that many companies in the process of DX (digital transformation) may face after introducing the cloud into their IT operational environment. Introduced the concept of “observability”. “Observability” refers to the ability to understand the status of IT services. Real-time observability is a method that allows you to check the problems faced by customers using IT services before they do, and to quickly understand the cause. Through real-time observability, customer inconveniences with services can be addressed in real time or preemptively. This seminar also introduced case studies of companies that have introduced real-time observability. WhaTap Japan will also be participating in the sponsor booth of AWS Summit Japan 2024, which will be held for two days from June 20th to 21st, 2024, to showcase real-time observability products.
Vice President of WhaTap Japan, Nai-xu Lee, said, “In today’s corporate environment, DX is not an option but a necessity, and in order to comfortably and stably maintain complex IT services in distributed systems, we need to understand everything from recognizing problems to understanding their causes.” “Real-time observability that can be performed in real time is also required,” he said, adding, “With WhaTap’s solution, in IT services that require real-time performance, we will support users to preemptively address problems before they encounter failures.” I feel proud to do it.”
Vice President Lee also said, “WhaTap has a product lineup that allows end-to-end full stack monitoring of browsers, servers, databases, containers, clouds, applications, and logs. “We provide an integrated dashboard that can be understood at a glance, and support IT operations to monitor the entire IT operation environment in an integrated manner.” “We provide all of our services as public SaaS, private SaaS, or on-premises according to customer needs so that monitoring services can be used in any IT operating environment, and we offer a variety of services for Japanese companies. It is possible to respond flexibly to various IT environments.”
WhaTap has global regions around the world, including Tokyo, Seoul, Bangkok, Singapore, Indonesia, Mumbai, Frankfurt, and California, allowing companies providing global services to choose the nearest data storage location from their IT operating environment. We support effective IT monitoring. Based on the innovation and technical capabilities in the IT monitoring field that we have accumulated over the years, we provide services to more than 1,200 customers in Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia.
WhaTap Labs is an IT monitoring specialist company founded in Seoul in July 2015, and has expanded into Japan and other Asian regions. WhaTap is the first company in Korea to offer an integrated monitoring service in the form of SaaS (Software as a Service) that monitors and analyzes the performance and failures of IT operational environments such as servers, applications, databases, and Kubernetes. WhaTap Japan, which was established in 2023, has been providing services to companies in Japan since the end of 2023.
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