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Home » Shogakukan Co., Ltd. A special feature in the latest issue of “Sarai,” a cultural and educational magazine for adults who want to know the real thing — from Hokusai, Jakuchu, Mt. Fuji to the Tale of Genji! “Japan loved by foreigners”

Shogakukan Co., Ltd. A special feature in the latest issue of “Sarai,” a cultural and educational magazine for adults who want to know the real thing — from Hokusai, Jakuchu, Mt. Fuji to the Tale of Genji! “Japan loved by foreigners”

Shogakukan Co., Ltd.
The latest issue of Sarai, a cultural and educational magazine for adults who want to know the real thing, features an all-out feature — from Hokusai, Jakuchu, Mt. Fuji to The Tale of Genji! “Japan loved by foreigners”
The July issue of “Sarai” will be released by Shogakukan on Friday, June 7th. ……
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“Sarai” July 2024 issue
Released on June 7, 2024
Special price 1100 yen (tax included)
“Sarai” official website…
Driven by the unprecedented depreciation of the yen, the number of foreigners visiting Japan in a single month exceeds 3 million (as of May 2024). For foreigners, the appeal of Japan is not only its low prices, but also its traditional culture, beautiful scenery, and hospitality. In the July issue of Sarai, which will be released on June 7th, we will feature “Japan loved by foreigners” on Westerners who were the first to discover Japan’s charms and communicated it to the world.
In addition, 15 masterpiece episodes from the popular work “Sunset on Third Street” currently serialized in the youth manga magazine “Big Comic Original”, which celebrated its 50th anniversary, are included in a 224-page supplement!
Special Feature/Japan loved by foreigners
Part 1
Collectors of Japanese art have amassed numerous masterpieces, from Ito Jakuchu, who is now the most popular figure in Japanese art, to Frank Lloyd Wright, who had been paying attention to Edo period paintings, to Steve Jobs. Introducing paintings that are sure to be national treasures in Japan!
Part 2
During the Meiji period, in order to welcome Westerners, inns were transformed into hotels, and resort areas such as Karuizawa, Nikko, Mt. Fuji, and Kusatsu Onsen became the foundation of modern tourism. We will cover the history and scenery of Japan’s resort areas that were developed and loved by Westerners.
Part 3
Ponting and Alcock, who were influenced by Hokusai and photographed Mt. Fuji, wrote their books, and Bigot conveyed Japanese life to the world through caricatures and paintings. How was Japan introduced to the world?
Part 4
Japanese literature has been around for over 1,000 years, with The Tale of Genji at the forefront. This book follows the spread of Japanese literature by Yakumo Koizumi (Lafcadio Hearn), who collected and reconstructed folklore and sent it to the world as ghost stories, and Donald Keene, who interacted with many writers and compiled a history of Japanese literature.
Ito Jakuchu “Tiger”
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(c)Los Angeles County Museum of Art, gift of Etsuko and Joe Price Collection Joe D. Price, an American collector of Edo paintings, made a major contribution to the reappraisal of Jakuchu.
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&s3=13640-26640-266111111D3a885E9D89D89AD89AD F7D2AAC-1000X1500.jpg] Photo provided by: Toshiyuki Otsuka/S&T Photo
Steve Jobs announces the iPhone in June 2007. It is said that Jobs was attracted to the delicate expressions of Japanese art and utilized it in the development of innovative products.
[Image 4:×1332.jpg] Photo: AP/Afro
Nikko Kanaya Hotel from the Taisho era. The second generation, Shinichi Kanaya, introduced automobiles for use in transporting guests and sightseeing.
[Image 5:×1000.jpg] Fuji is said to have been photographed by photographer Harvard George Ponting in 1903, based on Katsushika Hokusai’s ukiyo-e prints. By taking this photo when waves were forming on the surface of Lake Shoji, we were able to express the appearance of two Mt. Fujis.
[Image 6:×950.jpg] “Japanese Roofer’s Lunch at the Military Academy in Tokyo” by Georges Bigot, known for his caricatures. Bigot, who considered himself a “French-born Edokko,” used the “miyoshi” character in his name.
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Donald Keene spread Japanese literature from classical to modern times to the world.
[Image 8:×1000.jpg] Photo: Donald Keene Memorial Foundation
Special feature/Learning the names of clouds
Clouds arising from weather changes and meteorological phenomena. Japan has four seasons and a variety of topography, so you can see a variety of clouds. There are many names for clouds that are unique to Japan, and we will introduce these names along with photos.
Thunderclouds. When an electrical discharge phenomenon occurs in clouds, “lightning” can be seen and “thunder” can be heard. Discharge that occurs only within clouds is called “cloud discharge.”
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A cloud. Low clouds floating in the middle layer around 2000m above ground. They often appear early in the morning after the temperature has dropped during the night and disappear when the sun comes out and the temperature rises.
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Multiple clouds. Kasa clouds form when moist winds cross Mt. Fuji. It is very rare to have five layers.
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Sarai Interview/Akiyoshi Matsumoto
“Don’t look back at the past, just look ahead and live”
Akiyoshi Matsumoto continues to carve Buddhist statues as a successor of the Kei school, which descends from Unkei and Kaikei. He has made thousands of Buddha statues and is currently working on his 20th Great Buddha statue. It is said that it will take several more years to complete the giant Buddha statue, which is 10 meters high and 8 meters wide. What is necessary to live only looking ahead even as you get older?
Mr. Matsumoto quickly carves a piece on the Jizo that his disciple was carving. “Here, just by inserting the blade, the Buddha will smile.”
[Image 12:×1000.jpg] Separate appendix
[Image 13:×707.jpg] Big Comic Original is a youth magazine celebrating its 50th
anniversary. In this magazine, manga columnist Fusanosuke Natsume explains the progress. A 224-page supplement with 15 classic episodes set in summer from the popular series “Sunset on Third Street”! More details about this release: