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Safie launches remote customer service solution “RURA (SF)”

Safie Co., Ltd.
Safie launches remote customer service solution “RURA (SF)”
In collaboration with our investor Time Leap, we create value that allows smooth customer service and operation of multiple locations with a small number of people.
Safey Co., Ltd. (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President and CEO Ryuhei Sadoshima, hereinafter referred to as “Safey”), which has the No. 1 share in cloud recording services (*1), has invested in our company’s CVC, Safey Ventures Co., Ltd. A remote service that links the remote customer service service “RURA” provided by Time Leap Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo: Representative Director Ryosuke Mochizuki, hereinafter “Time Leap”) and the cloud recording service “Safie”. We have started providing the customer service solution “RURA (SF)” (*2). By utilizing RURA (SF), it will be possible to improve customer satisfaction, improve the efficiency of store operations, and realize new ways of working in the customer service industry.
[Image 1:×468.jpg] (*1) Share based on the number of registered cameras by engine (54.1%), based on the “Network Camera Cloud Recording Service Market Survey (2023)” researched by Techno System Research.
(*2) Patent application filed jointly with Safie and Time Leap ■About the background of providing solutions
Safie is promoting on-site DX in all industries using video data, and has contributed to saving labor and improving operations at stores, especially in the retail and restaurant industries, where there is a chronic shortage of human resources. In July 2023, we will invest in Time Leap through Safie Ventures Co., Ltd., Safie’s CVC, and will leverage the knowledge of store formats that both companies have cultivated to contribute to streamlining store operations and reducing costs. I did. This time, by linking the cloud recording service “Safie” and the remote customer service service “RURA”, we are pursuing the unique value of “video x remote customer service”, and further improving the customer service quality by reducing store labor and improving the quality of customer service. We will continue working to resolve issues.
■About the solution overview
With the remote customer service solution “RURA (SF),” video data from the cloud recording service “Safie” installed in the store can be displayed in a list on the customer service screen of “RURA,” and you can check the camera video you want to focus on with one click. It becomes possible. This allows operators to recognize customers who are outside the field of view of the standard RURA camera, and provide remote customer service that fully takes into account the bird’s-eye view of the store situation. By being able to check the store from multiple viewpoints, it is possible to grasp the surrounding situation, such as customers lining up behind, for example, which helps prevent lost customer service opportunities due to not noticing customers who are out of view.
In addition, while serving customers at RURA, you can rewind and watch the recorded video of Safie installed in the store on the same screen, so you can see what the customer was doing and what you are doing. You can serve customers while checking to see if they are having trouble. By being able to check the customer’s condition from multiple perspectives before serving them, it is possible to provide optimal hospitality and improve customer satisfaction.
[Image 2:×505.png ]
▼Service page URL
For more information, please contact us below.
■Joint demonstration details with Run System Co., Ltd.
Run System Co., Ltd. (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture: President and CEO Daisuke Hidaka, hereinafter referred to as “Run System”) is responding to the diversifying needs of customers at the cafe complex “Jiyu Kukan” that it manages, while also dealing with the labor shortage. As a solution to this problem, we have been promoting labor saving at our stores for over 10 years. In order to save labor at store reception, we simultaneously used “RURA,” which allows customers to serve customers remotely, and “Safie,” a cloud camera that allows store staff to remotely check the status of
customers.Three employees now handle reception duties at 30 stores nationwide. We have been successful in responding. This time, we have used RURA (SF) empirically and have achieved the following results. ■Comment from Kazuma Sasaki, Acting Manager, Directly Operated Store Management Division, Directly Operated Store Management Department, Run System Co., Ltd.
In the past, remote customer service was a little frustrating because I had to check the RURA customer service screen and the Safie camera image on separate displays, so I decided to participate in this demonstration experiment. Ta. RURA (SF), which allows you to view images from multiple viewpoints on the same screen, enables smoother and more attentive customer service, and we are keenly aware of its high level of convenience. In addition, by linking the in-store Safie video to the RURA screen, it is now possible to see customers as they enter the store, contributing to further improvements in the quality of remote customer service. In the future, we hope that the camera video data of Safie and customer service provided by RURA will be closely linked, such as by linking detection information on new and existing customers to the RURA screen.
[Image 3:×479.png ]
■What is the remote customer service “RURA”?
[Image 4:×1824.jpg] This is a service that allows you to service customers at your store from a remote location via the Internet. You can choose whether the staff will interact with customers face-to-face or through an avatar, which will be displayed on the screen. A major advantage is that we can serve customers at multiple locations with a small number of people, and in some cases, three people are handling reception at approximately 30 stores. By performing part of customer service from a remote location such as home, it is possible to not only prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, but also to improve the efficiency of store operations and realize new ways of working in the customer service industry.
・Details of “RURA”:
[Image 5:×906.png ]
■What is cloud recording service “Safie”?
Safie is the No. 1 cloud recording service that allows you to check footage anytime and anywhere just by connecting your camera to the internet.
Based on our vision of “Creating the future from images,” we aim to create a future where people can use images to make decisions, and to create a video platform that can be easily used by everyone, from companies to individuals.
We have a business concept of “DXing the ‘sites’ of all industries using video data,” and are taking the initiative in promoting DX of all types of sites such as retail, civil engineering/construction, manufacturing, and medical care.
Safie complies with the following guidelines regarding data
governance, and also engages in awareness-raising activities in cooperation with stakeholders. In addition, we are reviewing our guidelines and practical operating standards while receiving advice on privacy protection and other matters from outside experts.・Initiatives related to data governance ・Data Charter (published on April 1, 2022) [Company profile of Time Leap Co., Ltd.]
Location: 3F Iron Building, 1-9-1 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Established June 3, 2019
Capital 540,908,000 yen (including capital reserve)
Business content: Development and provision of remote customer service “RURA” Corporate site U R L
Creating the future from images
[Company profile of Safie Co., Ltd.]
Address: Sumitomo Fudosan Osaki Garden Tower, 1-1-1 Nishi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Established October 2014
Representative Ryuhei Sadoshima
Business details: Operation of cloud recording and video management platform “Safie”
Service site U R L
Corporate site U R L
Recruitment page
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