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Home » Park 24 Group Sustainability Action Times Parking Rail, where you can park and ride, and Times Car Station, where you can car share, opening information in June

Park 24 Group Sustainability Action Times Parking Rail, where you can park and ride, and Times Car Station, where you can car share, opening information in June

Park 24 Co., Ltd.
[Sustainability Action] Times Parking Rail, which allows park and ride, and Times Car Station, which allows car sharing, opening information in June
Park 24 Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President: Koichi Nishikawa) is a company that operates Times Parking and Times Car, which enables transportation methods such as “Park & ​​Ride” and “Rail & Car Sharing” that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We would like to inform you of the station’s opening schedule in June 2024.
Park24 Group is working to solve various issues in society through its business activities based on the group philosophy of “achieving comfort that meets the needs of the times and is ahead of the times.” In the parking lot services and car sharing services we provide to create a stress-free travel environment, we are promoting the construction of systems and services to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars as a means of transportation. .
In the parking lot service, we are developing a parking lot that allows you to drive to the nearest station from your home, park your car in a parking lot near the station, and then take a train or other public transportation to your destination. We are doing
In car sharing services, we are proactively opening stations where you can use “rail and car sharing,” where you take public transportation such as a train to the nearest station to your destination, and then, after getting off the train, move on to a car sharing car from a station near the station. doing.
Both methods of transportation are expected to reduce the distance traveled by cars and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using both cars and public transportation.
There are 23 parking lots that are open or scheduled to open in June that allow “Park & ​​Ride,” and 158 stations that allow “Rail & Car Share.”
The opening schedule of the parking lot and car share station will be announced on the 5th business day of each month.

The Park24 Group will continue to create services that pursue “comfort” to make society more affluent and attractive, and will work towards the realization of a sustainable society.
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■Scheduled to open in June
*Opening schedule may change without notice
[Parking lot where park & ​​ride is possible] Times parking lot search:
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[Station where rail & car sharing is possible] Times Car:
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