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Home » Caritas 25th graduate, job offer rate as of June 1st is 85.2%

Caritas 25th graduate, job offer rate as of June 1st is 85.2%

-Breaking news-25 graduates, job offer rate as of June 1st is 85.2% ~ Caritas Job Hunting Student Monitor 2025 Survey (June 2024) ……
Caritas Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Masaaki Niidome) is targeting fourth-year university students who are scheduled to graduate in March 2025 (including second-year master’s degree students in science majors) as of June 1st. We investigated the job hunting situation in Japan.
(Survey period: June 1-6, 2024, number of responses: 1,160)
*Please see the investigation report (preliminary version) for details of the investigation. *The detailed detailed report is scheduled to be published in late June.
1. Status of job offers (*) as of June 1   ○The job offer rate is 85.2%. 3.9 points higher than the same period last year (81.3%) ○64.2% of the total had completed their job hunting. 35.8% of those continuing with a job offer or no job offer
[Image 1:×306.jpg] 2. Reasons for undecided students with job offers: ○The most common reason was “My favorite company is still in the process of
selection.” The number of people who said “I have multiple job offers and it is hard to decide which one is better” has increased from the previous year.
[Image 2:×267.jpg] 3. Outlook for students who have not yet received a job offer          I am expecting to get a job offer soon” increased slightly from last year (11.4% → 13.4%)
[Image 3:×222.jpg] Click here for the breaking news report: *Informal offers include unofficial offers. Survey Overview Survey target: 4th year university students scheduled to graduate in March 2025 (including 2nd year master’s degree students for science majors) Number of respondents: 1,160 (315 male liberal arts majors, 405 female liberal arts majors, 290 male science majors) 150 female science majors) Survey method: Internet survey method Survey period: June 1-6, 2024 Sampling: Caritas Job Hunting Student Monitor 2025 Survey implementation: Caritas Co., Ltd./Caritas Research
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