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Home » Royal Hotel Formulated “Royal Hotel Co., Ltd. Human Rights Policy/Procurement Policy”

Royal Hotel Formulated “Royal Hotel Co., Ltd. Human Rights Policy/Procurement Policy”

royal hotel
Established “Royal Hotel Co., Ltd. Human Rights Policy/Procurement Policy” ~ Further strengthening efforts to respect human rights based on purpose ~ ……
Royal Hotel Co., Ltd. (Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka, President and Representative Director, Fumikazu Ueda) has established a human rights policy and procurement policy (hereinafter referred to as this policy) in order to further strengthen its efforts to respect human rights. did.
Background of human rights policy formulation
This policy is based on the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council, the “Core Labor Standards” set by the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the “International Bill of Human Rights.” It was formulated after confirming the gender.
Our company’s purpose, “Let’s fill people, the region, Japan, and the world with warm hearts.” It embodies our determination to create a world filled with. The source of our value as a company that provides a variety of hospitality is our people, and our business is supported by many people, including not only our employees, but also business partners and people in the supply chain. We believe that it is an important responsibility of our company to respect the human rights and protect the health and safety of people working in our company and in our supply chain. In order to act with an awareness of respecting human rights in all aspects of our business activities and realize our purpose, we have formulated this policy to reiterate our commitment to respecting fundamental human rights to society and strengthen our efforts. Did.
We have also formulated a procurement policy in order to comply with laws and social norms, conduct fair trade activities, and strive for responsible procurement that takes human rights and the environment into consideration.
Based on these two policies, we will implement initiatives to respect human rights throughout the Rihga Royal Hotel Group and improve corporate value with the cooperation of all stakeholders involved in our company, including our executives, employees, and supply chains. We will continue to take on the challenge of realizing a sustainable society.
Royal Hotel Human Rights Policy Items
1. Commitment to respect human rights
2. Scope of application of the policy
3. Emphasis on diversity and prohibition of discrimination
4. Prohibition of Harassment
5. Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
6. Maintaining employee safety and health
7. Freedom of association/right to collective bargaining
8. Education
9. Relief/correction
10. Dialogue and consultation
11. Information disclosure
Royal Hotel Procurement Policy Items
1. Compliance with laws and social norms and fair and impartial transactions 2. Ensuring safety and quality
3. Respect for human rights
4. Respect for the environment
5. Building relationships of trust with suppliers
Click here for the full text of Royal Hotel Human Rights Policy and Procurement Policy About Royal Hotel
[Image:×1300.jpg] The Royal Hotel’s history began in 1935 with the Shin-Osaka Hotel (predecessor of the Rihga Royal Hotel (Osaka)), which was born from the Osaka political and business community’s desire to create a modern hotel for distinguished guests in Osaka. Ta. In 1990, we established the Rihga Royal Hotel Group and expanded our hotel business both domestically and internationally. Since then, we have welcomed guests from both Japan and abroad, including state guests, and have operated the hotel with a focus on excitement and satisfaction. In 2025, we will celebrate our 90th anniversary.
Reference materials:
News release: Royal Hotel creates its first purpose More details about this release: