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Home » Launch of the “Pleco Forest Project” aiming to reduce CO2; donate a portion of shrimp profits to regenerate mangrove forests

Launch of the “Pleco Forest Project” aiming to reduce CO2; donate a portion of shrimp profits to regenerate mangrove forests

Preco Foods Co., Ltd.
Launch of the “Pleco Forest Project” aiming to reduce CO2; donate a portion of shrimp profits to regenerate mangrove forests
200 trees planted in Indonesia, awarded by North Kalimantan Mangrove Foundation ……
Preco Foods Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo,
Representative: Yukio Takanami *1), a general food wholesaler, aims to prevent global warming and reduce CO2 emissions in order to realize its corporate philosophy of being a company that creates joy in food and smiles. We have started the “Pleco Forest Project” with the aim of reducing waste. We will work to contribute to the SDGs through mangrove tree planting activities that revitalize greenery.
[Image 1:×2194.jpg] Launch of “Pleco Forest Project” aiming to prevent global warming and reduce CO2 emissions
Contents of “Pleco Forest Project”
[Image 2:×265.jpg] Our representative planting trees at Pleco Forest (third from the left in the photo)
Indonesia, where we carry out mangrove planting activities, is a shrimp producing area. The deterioration of shrimp ponds created by clearing forests and cultivating them for intensive shrimp farming has long been a problem.
As part of our activities to contribute to the SDGs, we have launched the “Forest of Life Project (R)” (*2 ). We will continue to support mangrove planting activities by donating a portion of the shrimp sales.
[Image 3:×265.jpg] Our representative receiving an award from a local foundation (left photo) In February 2024, we planted 200 mangrove trees locally and received an award from the North Kalimantan Mangrove Foundation.
By continuing this project and continuing to create lush “Pleco Forests”, we will contribute to the SDGs by reducing CO2 emissions and aim for a sustainable food future and a rich global environment. *2 What is “Forest of Life Project (R)”?
This project was launched by Nichirei Fresh Co., Ltd. with the aim of being considerate to the global environment and procuring sustainable materials. We support tree planting activities by donating a portion of our profits to the Mangrove Fund.
[Image 4:×265.jpg] Kalimantan Island, Indonesia, a shrimp farming area
About our company Pleco Group
“A company that creates the joy of food and smiles”
As a “fresh ingredients specialist,” our company, Pleco Group, delivers food with a high level of “safety,” “quality,” and “freshness” with a smile. In addition, in the field of cleanliness, which affects the impression of a restaurant, we provide services that are unique to our company, which has extensive knowledge of
restaurants. We aim to become a good partner for the development of restaurants, go beyond the traditional concept of food wholesaler, and develop a business that contributes to a rich food culture.
[Image 5:×2600.jpg] Head office office
Company name: Preco Foods Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director and President Yukio Takanami (*1 Taka means Hashigodaka)
Established: 1955
Number of employees: 1223 (Group total/as of May 1, 2024)
Sales: 27.2 billion (year ending March 2024)
Head Office: 1-2-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Art Village Osaki Central Tower 9th floor
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