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Home » Utakata Co., Ltd. Researching the media that Generation Z uses to search for properties when moving! Why do so many people use the real estate site “SUUMO”?

Utakata Co., Ltd. Researching the media that Generation Z uses to search for properties when moving! Why do so many people use the real estate site “SUUMO”?

Utakata Co., Ltd.
Researching the media that Gen Z uses to search for properties when moving! Why do so many people use the real estate site “SUUMO”? ……
Utakata Co., Ltd. (, which operates short video SNS and casts influencers, conducted a survey on 157 men and women of Generation Z (born between 1996 and 2012) titled “When moving. We would like to inform you that we have conducted a survey regarding the media most used in selecting properties.
Survey overview
Survey period: April 15, 2024 to April 29, 2024
Survey method: Internet survey
Number of respondents: 157 people
*When quoting the results of this survey or images, please be sure to include the site URL ( as the source. (nofollow attribute not possible)
93% of Generation Z use real estate apps as a medium to search for properties when moving! The app with the highest usage rate is “SUUMO” When asked, “What media do you use most when choosing a property when moving?”, 63.7% said “sites with property information such as SUUMO”, and 29.3% said “talk directly to real estate agents”. , “YouTube” was the answer of 3.18%, and “TikTok” was the answer of 2.55%.
[Image 1:×768.png ]
1st place: Site with property information such as SUUMO
・In the end, it’s easy to find out who specializes in mochi at a mochi shop. ・I think it has an overwhelming amount of information compared to SNS. ・When looking for a property for a single person, a dedicated site is definitely better.
・Because there are many discount campaigns etc., it is a good deal. ・I think the room layout is the easiest to understand.
2nd place: Talk directly to real estate
・There are likely to be fishing advertisements on SNS. I want to trust professionals.
・By talking directly, you can see the other person’s face and feel safe, and you can learn the latest property information.
-There are some things you won’t know unless you actually see the property. ・By talking directly, you can obtain information that is not available on the internet.
・In the end, the quickest way is to talk to a real estate agent, and if you’re interested, you can immediately see the property.
3rd place: YouTube
・I watch it on YouTube because I can actually see what kind of service it is. ・This is because you can learn about the experiences of people who have actually moved.
・You can get specific information about rent negotiations and things to be careful about.
・Look at the room tour, etc., and imagine the conditions for moving. 4th place: TikTok
・There is a lot of trending information, so I am always aware of it. ・I think it’s easy, easy to understand, and friendly.
・The videos are short and easy to understand, and there are lots of comments. ・Because the characteristics of the property are summarized in an easy-to-understand manner.
Reasons why many people use the real estate site “SUUMO”
In response to the question, 63.7% said “Sites with property information such as SUUMO are posted,” when asked “Please tell me why you use them,” 25% answered “There is a wealth of property information.” 18% said “I can trust the information provided”, 17% said “I can search using my own desired conditions”, 11% said “I can easily use it in my spare time”, 10% said “I can check information quickly”, “Other” accounted for 19%.
[Image 2:×768.png ]
1. You can search using your desired conditions
・It’s easy to search by applying detailed conditions.
– You can narrow down your search based on various conditions and there is a wealth of information, making property selection efficient and practical.
・Because you often narrow down your search based on conditions from a large number of properties. There are many properties displayed and you can compare and consider them.
・It is easy to narrow down the properties that meet your desired conditions because there are a wide variety of posted images. ・You can set detailed search conditions and easily view property information. It’s also nice that it updates in real time.
2. The information posted is reliable.
・This is because you often see it in TV commercials and you can easily contact real estate agents.
・Property apps are more reliable.
・Because it is difficult to obtain reliable information on SNS. ・I feel that information provided by real estate agents is the most reliable. ・It is more reliable to consult with a knowledgeable expert. 3.Easy to use in your spare time
-Specializes in property information, and since it’s online, it’s easy to look up.
・This is because there is a lot of housing information posted, and you can search for it in your spare time.
・I think it’s easy to search and compare, so it’s easy to find out. ・You can search by yourself whenever and wherever you want.
-You can view various properties online at the same time.
4. Lots of property information available
・There are many properties listed, and you will find it easy to search according to your conditions.
・Because it contains the latest information. Because it provides more detailed information than other media.
・Because you can get the most property information and can communicate with real estate companies.
・It has a lot of properties listed and is easy to search and understand. 5. Information can be checked quickly
-Contains a lot of property information. Because it’s easy to find. ・It’s easy to read because it has a lot of information, including photos and maps.
・Various information is organized so it is easy to read.
– When it comes to real estate companies, SUUMO is the one to use, and the app is pretty easy to navigate.
・When I go to a real estate agency, I get persistent responses, so I refer to real estate websites first.
・You can use it to get a feel for the atmosphere, rather than just listening directly to the conversation.
・Property information sites are convenient because you can apply directly. ・Because there are many discount campaigns etc., it is a good deal. [Summary] Generation Z seeks the convenience of being able to easily research online, and at the same time searches for properties based on highly reliable information.
This survey revealed that Generation Z often searches for properties using real estate sites such as SUUMO that have property information posted. However, it is also true that there are users who search for properties on TikTok, although they are a minority. The reality is that many of Generation Z tend to place importance on “Taipa”, so if the accuracy of information is ensured, there is a strong possibility that TikTok, which can be easily viewed in free time, will emerge as the main tool for searching for properties. Probably.
*When quoting the results of this survey or images, please be sure to include the site URL ( as the source. (nofollow attribute not possible)
■About Utakata Co., Ltd.
Our company is a marketing company specializing in short video SNS, with the participation of elite people active in various marketing fields. We take a well-balanced approach from both quantitative and qualitative aspects.
We suppress trends that appear and disappear in an instant, like bubbles, and provide marketing support that is always in tune with the times. If you are a company that is having trouble managing short video SNS or casting influencers, please contact us.
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