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Home » Claire Co., Ltd. More than 3,000 people take the exam every year! Accurate predictions for the 2024 Social Insurance and Labor Consultant exam! Start accepting applications for “Yamata Mock Test” Free for all

Claire Co., Ltd. More than 3,000 people take the exam every year! Accurate predictions for the 2024 Social Insurance and Labor Consultant exam! Start accepting applications for “Yamata Mock Test” Free for all

Clair Co., Ltd.
[More than 3,000 people take the exam every year! ] Accurate predictions for the 2024 Social Insurance and Labor Consultant exam! Start accepting applications for “Yamata Mock Test” [Free for all] An annual project presented by Clairard’s two most charismatic instructors to all social insurance and labor consultant examinees. ……
Clair Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Yoichi Takeuchi), a web correspondence school with 55 years of experience in teaching qualification exams, will be holding a mock exam this year in anticipation of the 2024 official exam for social insurance and labor consultant, which is a difficult qualification. We will implement it.
[Image 1:×631.jpg] Thorough analysis of frequently appearing items in the exam over the past 10 years to accurately predict the exam
“Yamata Mock Test” is a mock test for the actual exam produced by “Instructor Shogo Kitamura” and “Instructor Masami Saito,” who are the most charismatic instructors in the social and labor consultant examination world. There is no charge for using the service, including explanation videos and a download service for grade sheets. Many people use this event every year as an annual event to support all social and labor consultant examinees.
Application benefits
◆Yama guess mock test questions ◆Grade table ◆Answer explanation (PDF version) ◆Answer explanation video, etc.
Test taker testimonials 1
Clairard has various benefits and plans for students, but I was surprised that the Yamatae mock exam was free even though it included explanations. In addition, explanation point videos and top 10 legal revisions are widely available to test takers for free. In addition to the Yamata mock exams, the Clairard mock exams do not have any unusual questions, and the detailed explanations are very useful for reviewing. Recommended for self-study students and students from other schools. (Mr. T.M. who passed)
Student testimonials 2
There are many people who take mock exams from cram schools out of anxiety, but to be honest, they probably have their hands full with past questions and practice questions, so I think Clairard’s practice exams are sufficient. I have taken mock exams for many schools in the past, but it was inefficient as it took a lot of time just to review them. (Mr. S.M. who passed)
How to apply and the process to take the exam
Please check the website below. Lecturer introduction
[Image 2:×383.jpg] He is also active on TV and magazines as a pension doctor!
Shogo Kitamura Lecturer In 1991, he established Brain, a general office where people with national legal qualifications gather. It is attracting attention as a comprehensive one-stop service office. In recent years, he has appeared on television as a “pension doctor” in various specialized and general magazines, and as a labor relations consultant who takes a sharp approach to issues such as social insurance systems such as pensions and health insurance, managerial positions in name only, and unpaid overtime. Active in magazines.
[Image 3:×383.jpg] One of the best answer practice experts in the social and labor consultant examination world!
Masami Saito Lecturer
His sharp answer explanations that accurately capture the hearts of test takers and get to the point have earned him tremendous trust and support from many test takers every year. In particular, we have the know-how to identify the important items that will be asked on the exam and the cut-off items that will not be asked on the exam, based on our extensive experience in teaching exams and exam/practical knowledge. A talented instructor who has received rave reviews for being able to develop the ability to pass the exam in a “zero” and “reliable” manner, and for being able to “pass the exam on the first try in a short period of time.”
About social insurance labor consultant
Social Insurance and Labor Consultant is a national qualification that only those who pass the exam can take up the job. The labor that exists between companies and workers
You can play an active role as a professional who solves social insurance issues. The challenges faced by the companies and workers that support the Japanese economy are never ending, including the long working hours problem, the unpaid overtime problem, and in recent years, the harassment problem and the pervasiveness of job-based employment. It is attracting attention as a qualification that offers a variety of options, such as starting your own business as a social and labor consultant or advancing your career as an in-house social and labor consultant.
What is Clair Co., Ltd.
We are a web communication school with 55 years of experience teaching qualification exams, and have produced many successful applicants over the years who have passed difficult national qualifications such as social insurance labor consultant, certified public accountant, judicial scrivener, and administrative scrivener. In order to achieve “rational and intensive study” that makes effective use of limited time, we believe that “providing good instructors who are familiar with various exams, good teaching materials, and an appropriate curriculum” is a major prerequisite. We have established an innovative passing theory that was not found in conventional schools, the “Insane Passing Method,” and a web learning tool called “CROSS STUDY,” which incorporates cognitive psychology.
-Qualifications/Courses-・Certified accountant・Judicial
scrivener・Administrative scrivener・Tax accountant・Social insurance labor consultant・Small business consultant・Real estate transaction specialist・Civil servant・Bookkeeping test・FP (financial planner)・IT passport・Payroll calculation practice ability test
-Company Profile-Location: Hayashi Building, 1-1-17 Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Business details: Employment exam/qualification exam guidance business/Corporate human resources training education business Employment support/qualification acquisition support education business for universities, junior colleges,
etc.Representative: Yoichi Takeuchi Capital: 70 million yen
Established: April 27, 1998 Website:
[Image 4:×223.gif]

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