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Home » HGPI Survey Report Medical DX Party Interview Survey Report “Parties living in the era of medical DX” (J une 10, 2024)

HGPI Survey Report Medical DX Party Interview Survey Report “Parties living in the era of medical DX” (J une 10, 2024)

[Survey Report] Medical DX Party Interview Survey Report “Parties living in the era of medical DX” (June 10, 2024)
In order to view medical DX from the perspective of the people concerned and consider a healthcare system that truly benefits the people, we conducted an interview survey with the people concerned and summarized the results.
This survey focuses on the issues, troubles, and anxieties that people with disabilities have on a daily basis, and based on that, reveals their expectations and concerns about medical DX, encourages countermeasures, and enriches the lives of people with disabilities. This report aims to become We hope that those involved in medical DX will read this research report and gain a concrete image of the purpose of medical DX promotion.
The Japan Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) (Secretariat: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kiyoshi Kurokawa) has published a report on interviews with those involved in medical DX, titled “Individuals living in the era of medical DX”. We have announced the following.
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Recent efforts to promote medical DX in Japan are clearly stated in the government’s robust policy for 2022, and in October of the same year, the Medical DX Promotion Headquarters was established based on the recommendations of the “Medical DX Reiwa Vision 2030.” is centered around the establishment of After that, related ministries and agencies, including the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Digital Agency, collaborated to develop a roadmap for promoting medical DX, including the creation of a “national medical information platform,” standardization of electronic medical records, and revision of medical fees. Efforts are underway. On the other hand, although medical DX is an important means for medical consumers and medical providers to maintain and provide health in a productive and transparent manner, it is not the goal itself. The original goal is to build a sustainable healthcare system that is supported and trusted by the people, and medical DX has a structure that supports this.
In order to ensure that the mere advancement of digitalization and DX in healthcare is not a goal in itself, the Japan Health Policy Institute has held an expert panel meeting with experts in an attempt to understand issues related to healthcare DX from the perspective of the public. We have set three goals to achieve our vision.
[Vision that medical DX should aim for]
“We aim for medical DX that brings benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole through the advancement of social utilization of personal data.”
[Three goals to achieve the vision]
Goal 1: Promote people-based self-determination regarding health issues Goal 2: Build a sustainable health care system that benefits and satisfies each citizen and patient.
Goal 3: Realize a data utilization system that ensures the promotion of innovation and appropriate responses to discrimination, etc. Reference:
On the other hand, medical DX is intended to enrich the people’s healthcare-related experience and must be promoted toward the future that the people expect. In this research report, we have organized medical DX for the people called patients and those who are directly affected by the changes caused by medical DX. By extracting and organizing the expectations and concerns about medical DX based on the current problems faced by those involved, we are clarifying the specific “future with medical DX” envisioned by those involved. -Summary of the current situation of the parties involved and expectations for medical DX-
Immediately after contracting a disease or experiencing changes in their family members, they found it difficult to understand themselves and make self-determination, and felt that they needed the knowledge and ability to make self-selections regarding treatment and lifestyle. In addition, regardless of the treatment or cure of a disease, the basis for thinking about things is “life,” and medical experiences that lead to connections with life-based medical care, smooth communication, and efficient use of time. This transformation has been shown to be important in the coming era. We had high hopes that medical DX would resolve these issues and difficulties.
-Summary of concerns about medical DX held by those involved- Those concerned were concerned that they or their families might be disadvantaged as information becomes digitalized and shared. In addition, while there is a strong image that medical DX is led by the government, there is also a strong impression of past DX-related failures, and there are concerns about the government’s involvement in data management due to digitalization. In addition, it was said that not being able to see the benefits of DX is making people reluctant to participate in medical DX.
-Towards the utilization of this research report-
For those who are promoting medical DX, this survey report conveys the real current situation of medical DX as seen by patients and those involved. In the future, when promoting medical DX, I hope that medical DX will be promoted while being fully aware of the current situation, expectations, and concerns of those involved, and having dialogue with patients and other parties involved.
In order to reach this summary, the interview participants provided the following narratives.
■Aortic dissection/cerebral infarction victim (Mr. B | 60s, male | resident in Tokyo)
“I think medical treatment is a very broad topic.Receiving treatment at a hospital is medical care, and providing treatment in daily life is medical care.Life and medicine are far apart. I think they are closely related. After the hospital treatment is over, you will be living at home. I think there has to be continuity between them. So, don’t separate them too much. It’s unthinkable. I think that as digitalization progresses, that gap will become even more seamless. ■ Chronic kidney disease patient (Mr. G, 50s, female, resident in Fukuoka Prefecture)
“For example, if you could digitally record your daily test numbers by simply placing a sensor on your hand, you would have more and more judgment criteria (in your daily life), and if you were to do it now, you wouldn’t be able to do it for two months (until the next test). Or, on the contrary, I’m hoping that it will only last a day or two after I let my guard down.In that case, maybe I’ll feel some sort of fatigue that I can’t explain in words. If we do that, we might be able to explain something. It is very important to be able to decide today based on yesterday’s standards (standards for healthy behavior such as diet and exercise). I think.”
■Based on the results of this survey, our research fellow Takusen Fujita (Senior Researcher, Tokyo Foundation Policy Research
Institute/Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine, Keio University) commented as follows: doing.
[Image 2:×864.jpg] “From 2022, matters related to medical DX will be clearly included in the basic policy, and the Medical DX Promotion Headquarters will be established in the Cabinet. Medical DX initiatives will proceed based on the schedule drawn up by the headquarter in 2023. However, due to lack of communication with the public and lack of sufficient understanding, negative aspects such as mismatching of minor health insurance cards were widely reported, as stated by Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Takemi. He has stated that promoting the use of the common health insurance card is an important issue, and in order to ensure that the people can truly enjoy the benefits of medical DX, we will realize medical DX that further incorporates the public’s opinions in the basic policy of 2024. “Parties living in the era of medical DX” compiled by the Japan Health Policy Institute describes medical DX from the perspectives of various parties, and considers medical DX from the perspective of the public. very useful in doing so. In addition to having this document be viewed by those involved in policy planning during thorough policy discussions, since medical DX concerns all citizens, please refer to it from their respective perspectives. I hope that the health care system of Japan will become better. ”
■In addition, based on the results of this survey, this project expert panel member Naomi Sakurai (Representative Director and President of Cancer Solutions Inc./Director of the National Federation of Cancer Patient Organizations/Expert Committee Member of the Regulatory Reform Promotion Council) ) commented as follows:
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“When the Japanese government uses the term “medical DX,” it refers to the creation of a platform to share medical information and the so-called electronic health record that connects various health and medical data from medical institutions, public institutions, welfare facilities, etc. (EHR: Electric Health Record) is often referred to as maintenance. However, according to the Japan Health Policy Institute’s “Parties who are entering the DX era of medical care,” patients and other people concerned have access to personal health records (PHRs), which are personal health records that affect the lives and medical experiences of individuals. I realized that there is a main focus. I believe that this gap in understanding is the reason why medical DX is difficult to understand and not communicated to the public and those involved. The organization’s medical DX expert panel meeting, which I also attended, stated that the “vision for medical DX” was that “the advancement of social utilization of personal data will bring benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.” “Aiming for DX” is clearly stated. Active provision and utilization of PHR is essential for EHR development. It is important to be aware that medical DX will be completed by everyone working together. In addition, the government and government should use this report and other materials to find out how medical DX will make the lives of patients, patients, and citizens more comfortable, and directly or indirectly. I look forward to deepening the discussion and
disseminating information. I would like to actively share the voices of those involved in the regulatory reform conferences I participate in, and work toward the medical DX that everyone expects. ”

■Furthermore, Yusuke Tsugawa, director of this organization (associate professor at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Medicine (internal medicine) and School of Public Health (health policy) and member of the Regulatory Reform Promotion Council), also commented as follows: Masu.
[Image 4:×821.jpg] “In Japan, medical DX is covered a lot in the media, including the “Medical DX Reiwa Vision 2030” run by the Medical DX Promotion Headquarters. However, as a general public opinion, medical DX is summarized as “I don’t really understand it.” This time, “People who are living in the DX era of medical care” compiled by the Japan Health Policy Institute summarizes the problems that people from various backgrounds are having under the current Japanese health care system. It depicts the future that will change due to medical DX, as envisioned by . This can be said to point to the type of health care system that the people truly desire. In addition, the negative aspects such as security issues and possible disadvantages associated with DX are summarized, and the positive aspects that the public expects from medical DX and the challenges necessary to realize them are also presented. We hope that this material will be used at regulatory reform conferences and other meetings, and will help realize health and medical policies from the people’s perspective, so that the people can safely and securely welcome the prosperous future brought about by medical DX. . ”
Japan Health Policy Institute will continue its activities in medical policy to promote medical DX.
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