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Lucor launches work-family balance support training program to support the realization of DE&I

Lucor launches work-family balance support training program to support the realization of DE&I

*View in browser* *Lucor Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 10, 2024
Lucor launches work-family balance support training program to support the realization of DE&I
*Realizing essential problem solutions born from the voices of both companies and the mom community*
* “Lucor Co., Ltd.” (Headquarters: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Sawako Matsunaga (hereinafter referred to as “Lucor”) has started offering a work-life balance support training program for corporations that supports the realization of diversity, equity, and inclusion (*1). *
This training is a program to solve problems from both organizational and individual aspects. Lucor operates a community for more than 1,000 mothers, and also operates an online assistant business where more than 80% of its members are women raising children.From the
perspective of Lucor, we aim to solve essential issues to continue producing results. We will conduct related training. This training provides learning tailored to the diverse people and positions within the organization, leading everyone to a state where they can work with enthusiasm.

*Training program details*:

*1: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: A combination of “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion.”

* ■Challenges for women’s empowerment and background behind the launch of the new training program*
Given that Japan has the lowest proportion of female managers among 15 major countries, the Cabinet Office’s Gender Equality Bureau has set a goal of increasing the proportion of female executives to 30% or more by 2030. However, as of July 2023, the ratio of female executives in companies listed on the prime market remains at 13.4%, an increase of only 2% from the previous year. At this rate, it is expected that it will take more than 10 years to achieve this goal.
According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (*2), 30% of women quit their jobs due to childbirth, and the number of working women is decreasing.Although this has improved from 60% in the 1980s, issues still remain. I am.
Therefore, in order to accelerate the active participation of women, it is necessary not only to take conventional measures such as “promoting a comfortable working environment,” but also to understand the diversifying “values ​​of balancing work and family,” and to develop individual It is necessary to implement initiatives tailored to the company.
It is not easy to update traditional values, but Lucor, which has been working to solve social issues faced by women through a community for mothers and personal support for workers through online assistance services, is a company that delivers women’s real voices. We believe that we can do this, so we have renewed our training program to include content that takes diversity, equity, and inclusion into consideration.
Through this training project, we aim to contribute to society through mutual understanding, rather than just developing systems and enjoying rights.

(*2) Reference: May 30, 2023, published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, “Study group on support for balancing work and childcare/nursing care in the future (8th session)”
*Overview of corporate training programs*
Typical training programs are divided into three types. We will also release new programs from time to time. Additionally, the content of each program can be flexibly customized to suit the company’s challenges.

◆Model program
– Training for managers: Training that teaches how to create an organization that takes advantage of the characteristics of
subordinates and how to lead using the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
– Training for general employees: A course that teaches how to balance work and family and how to be successful at the company – Team training: A course to better understand the value of team efforts and teach you how to lead to results.
We have specified points that should be addressed for each subject and have prepared a system that does not end with just “taking the course.”

* ◆Features common to each program*
– Easy to attend (also supports short training sessions and archive viewing) – Flexible customization to suit your company’s situation
– Professional instructors
◆Click here for training details

◆Click here for inquiries from corporate training personnel
*Instructor introduction*
* ◆Sawako Matsunaga (photo right)*
Graduated from International Christian University and gained experience in industries with a high proportion of women, such as apparel and human resources. In her previous job, she provided advice to hundreds of women as a career advisor specializing in women. Became independent in April 2017, and works as a freelance consultant for corporate recruitment, hosts career-related events and seminars, and lectures at companies.
In July 2019, Lucor Co., Ltd. was established at the end of the month. It embodies Lucor’s vision of “creating a society where each person can shine in their own way and where everyone can take on challenges without giving up.”

* ◆Shoko Endo (photo left)*
While attending university, she became interested in the theme of “high-performance work” while interning at a restaurant consulting company, and after graduating from university, she joined a human resources consulting company. Over the past 11 years, he has gained experience in HR consulting work on a wide range of themes, including HR system design, assessment, and human resource development support. After that, she became independent as an infant sleep consultant based on her own experiences and concerns regarding childbirth and childcare. To date, he has been active in a variety of fields, including giving advice on sleep to over 3,000 parents and children, giving seminars to companies and organizations, and giving lectures, writing, and supervising. In addition to sleep, the company also supports women who have become mothers in their life and career balance.
* Thoughts of Representative Director Sawako Matsunaga *
I’ve always been the type of person who likes work, but I had severe morning sickness during pregnancy, which put a dent in my important work. Furthermore, as a mother of two children who balances family and work, I have noticed that although there is certainly a system in place to promote the active participation of women, it is difficult to achieve the results desired by individuals and companies (for example, increasing the number of women in managerial positions). There were many cases in which I had doubts as to whether this was leading to improvement in the number of years of continuous employment, etc.). However, this does not necessarily mean that companies are
unilaterally failing to do so; I believe that one of the reasons is that the values ​​of working women are becoming more diverse as times change rapidly. That’s why I feel it’s important to first understand their values ​​and come up with ideas that suit each individual, rather than implementing uniform measures. In this sense, we have renewed Lucor’s training business with the hope that it will be the first step in changing consciousness.
The “diversity, equity, and inclusion” that we were conscious of when renewing our training business is a new concept that is in line with today’s society, adding the idea of ​​“fairness and equity” to the existing concept of “diversity and inclusion.”

Through the development of our corporate training business, Lucor will continue to contribute to a society in which each individual can live a life that shines as an individual, from both corporate and individual perspectives.

* Company Profile*
Company name: Lucor Co., Ltd.
Established: July 2019
Address: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Sawako Matsunaga
Business content: Training business, online assistant/recruitment support business, childcare support business
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