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Home » We have launched “Human Resources Resource Pro”, a service for ventures, small and medium-sized enterprises, and growing companies that supports human resources and recruitment operations.

We have launched “Human Resources Resource Pro”, a service for ventures, small and medium-sized enterprises, and growing companies that supports human resources and recruitment operations.

We have launched “Human Resources Resource Pro”, a service for ventures, small and medium-sized enterprises, and growing companies that supports human resources and recruitment operations.

*View in browser* *BridgeResourceStrategy Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 10, 2024
We have launched “Human Resources Resource Pro”, a service for ventures, small and medium-sized enterprises, and growing companies that supports human resources and recruitment operations.
*With the vision of “making high-level human resources accessible to companies at any stage,” we support companies’ human resources and recruitment operations*
HR Resource Pro Official Ambassador Ikumi Hitonari
BridgeResourceStrategy Co., Ltd. (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Hosokawa
Keiji (hereinafter referred to as BRS) is pleased to announce that we have officially launched “Human Resources Resource Pro” on June 1, 2020.

BRS is a group company of Bridge Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
(Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Ryoichi Miyazaki / Listed on TSE Growth).
[HR Resource Pro Official Website]
About HR Resource Pro
“Human Resources Resource Pro” carefully listens to companies about their HR and recruitment issues, and then organizes a dedicated team of professional personnel from our company to suit the different circumstances and issues of each company. This is a service that comprehensively supports human resources and recruitment operations that begin in .
“HR Resource Pro” service logo
Based on the experience, knowledge, and know-how that we have cultivated through consulting services related to human resources and recruitment that we have been conducting prior to the launch of this service, we have designed a new service so that it can be used by even more companies. The beta version has been well received by many companies, and we are now releasing it as an official service.

Background and purpose
With the decline in the working-age population in Japanese society and the accompanying difficulty in securing human resources, human resources and recruitment operations have become an important management issue.
Particularly in ventures, small and medium-sized companies, and growing companies, many complain that efficient personnel management is difficult because executives and representatives are also responsible for human resources, and there is a lack of human resources with specialized knowledge.

“Human Resources Resource Pro” was launched with the aim of enabling even growing companies to build a hybrid organization that can respond to pressing social issues.

Service overview
“Human Resources Resource Pro” is a comprehensive support service for human resources and recruitment operations for growing companies. You can entrust us with all tasks related to human resources and recruitment, including designing and building a sound human resources organizational system, improving engagement, securing human resources essential for business growth, and corporate branding.
Our consulting staff (managers) will carefully listen to the personnel and recruitment issues that differ from company to company and form the optimal team.
Our consultants and project managers will play a central role in identifying issues, quickly assigning professional personnel with specialized skills to each issue, and starting work.
We can quickly respond to sudden shortages of human resources and support company growth.

Features and benefits of “Human Resources Resource Pro”
1. Compatible with various human resources and recruitment practices by forming a professional team
All team members are professionals who belong to our company. Based on our extensive human resources experience and knowledge, we have specialized knowledge and skills for each industry, and are able to respond to practical work tailored to the characteristics of that industry. In addition, since issues are tackled as a team, it is possible to avoid “lack of skill or bias among personnel” that is common in dispatch-type HR services, and to consistently produce results with high performance.
2. We can also respond to emergency cases and can start work in as little as 2 business days.
It is possible to start work as early as 2 business days after signing the contract.
In cases where a representative or executive officer is unavoidably holding concurrent positions, where the workplace is in chaos due to the sudden resignation of the person in charge of human resources, or where there is a vicious cycle of poor employee retention rates and quick resignations, these types of personnel resource shortages and urgent issues arise. Also available.
You can smoothly proceed with human resources and recruitment operations without hindering business growth.
3. Always optimize work content, PDCA according to phase and issue The amount of human resources and recruitment work required will change depending on the growth phase of the company.
By constantly running the PDCA cycle (Plan, Execute, Check, Improve) and implement optimized human resources and recruitment strategies, we eliminate wasted costs and maximize results.

The group’s vision for organizational development
Role as an HR resource professional
As a member of the Bridge Consulting Group, BRS will support the growth of companies through “Human Resources Resource Pros” while sharing the group’s vision for organizational development.
Bridge Consulting Group has developed a “Pro-Sharing Business Model” that aims to solve corporate management issues by utilizing a database of professional human resources. Guided by this vision, BRS takes a similar approach in the human resources and recruitment field to address companies’ talent challenges.

As the first step, we will continue to support growing Japanese companies in resolving their human resources issues and increasing their competitiveness through Human Resource Pro.

Company Profile
* -BridgeResourceStrategy Co., Ltd.-*
Representative: Keiji Hosokawa (Representative Director)
Established: April 1, 2024
Address: 7th floor, Edomi Sakamori Building, 4-1-40 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo Official website:

* -Bridge Consulting Group Co., Ltd.-*
Representative: Ryoichi Miyazaki (Representative Director and CEO) Established: October 25, 2011
Address: 7th floor, Edomi Sakamori Building, 4-1-40 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo Stock listing market: TSE Growth Market
Official website:
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